5th World Netrunner
- Eddies
- 41,457

Active Location: City Center
Physical Location: on site
Objective: Assault on Araska tower
Tags: OPEN
Xasha leaned left as the corporate AV team she was leading banked left over the edge of Night City. A warning flickered on her HUD that she was being targeted by a drone and she was quickly able to jack into the defence turret and blast it and three of its buddies out of the sky sending them careening down into the streets of the slums below. Another of the AVs not far from her was less lucky and she saw it take a direct hit from the ground and burst into flames, there was no doubt that it was going down with all hands but they couldn't stop, this was the last push on the Araska tower and they had to succeed, failure was not an option. Callisto pulled iced cold liquid from her drink during the brief lull as the AV came to land before grabbing her gun and stomping out into the blasted landscape of the ruined concourse.
Staccato gunfire rang out and immediately one of her squadmates went down. She spared a second to reach down and try to patch him up but he was already gone. Red flickered as her HUD registered a glancing blow on her armour and she decided to move, taking the fallen man's C4 charges as she went. Left and right came the foes and Xasha put them down in turn before having to once again duck out of the way to avoid the ministrations of a prowling Arasaka AV that blew chunks out of the wall.
"Three... two... one..." she counted down before sprinting the short distance into the atrium of the building. "Xụ!" || "Shit!" she exclaimed as a heavy walker caught her off guard and opened fire, destroying the wall behind her and causing her HUD to show all kinds of error messages. She saw the walls and the ceiling tumble past her as she went down showering blood into the air from multiple hits. Her heartbeat sounded loaded and louder in her ears as the world went dark... until there was nothing but a thin green line on her projected HUD.
"Fuuuuuck!" Xasha said to herself pulling her headset off and grabbing for her cola. She looked across at a couple of spectators who had joined to see her performance and then broke out laughing as she could feel her heart returning to normal. "That's got to be new? What edition they running?" She asked the person in the chair next to her who was playing on their phone. "Battlefield 23: Corporate Wars.... erm... release version 2.6.3" the other person shrugged without looking away from their device.
"Yeah, definitely new, I'll get it next time."
"Uh huh... I'm not getting much connection here, I'm gonna go outside." The other person relied without much focus on the Thai woman before stepping out and leaving the player two chairs empty. Not that he had been much help before, Xasha would probably do better off without him sitting there checking his gambling accounts anyway. The woman leaned back and put some synth-choc into her mouth to give herself a little breather, she glanced around her a bit. The arcade was busy and between her contact-phobia and her need to find connections for business, she was always a little on edge in these places.
But gods these retro games were too much fun to miss.
OOC Looking for some who either wants to recruit her for work, wants to try and socialise with her or simply thinks they can help win the game.
The arcade has heard of netrunners so it is well protected against cheaters.