Recent content by Viggo Jean Leopold

  1. Viggo Jean Leopold

  2. Viggo Jean Leopold

    ASSAULT Hate Night Firefight | OPEN TO ALL | Red Chrome Legion

    INSIDE AT NCPD PATROL An NCPD patrol advances through the streets, leaving the Westbrook district in the direction of the bridge that connects to Watson. Viggo, sitting in the passenger seat of the patrol car, puts on the bulletproof vest with the NCPD badge. His companion, in the pilot's...
  3. Viggo Jean Leopold

    CHARACTER Viggo Jean Leopold

    *Full Name : Viggo Jean Leopold *Age : 31 Years Old *Ethnicity : Caucasian *Birthplace : France , Burdeos *Appareance : . A man in a wrinkled black suit, with blond hair and a bad shave, with dark circles under his eyes covered by black sunglasses. . 6`2`` / 1,87 M . 72 Kg *Backstory ...