
The Great Below

Akane Sokolski

  • G E N E R A L

    Full name:
    Akane Sokloski​
    Night City, Arasaka Estate​
    Lithe, athletic​

  • B A C K G R O U N D

    Family Ranking:
    Corporate Manager - Enforcer​
    Fathers is likely still alive, mother is less fortunate.​
    Childhood Environment:
    In a defended Corporate Zone in the City Center​

  • P E R S O N A L I T Y

    Highly intuitive and largely cold in interactions, having been taught from a young life that a life was only worth as much as what it brough to the table.​
    Person You Value Most:
    An absentee father, perpetually sought out.​
    What Do You Value Most?
    Vengeance and the continued success of the Taka (Arasaka) Faction.​
    How Do You Feel About Most People?
    People are Tools to be used and discarded after they achieved the appropriate goals.​
    Your Most Valued Possession
    A photograph of her mother, reminding her of what true failure looks like.​

  • S K I L L S & R O L E

    Corpo - Corporate Enforcer for Arasaka​

    Corporate Resources - Access to corporate funds, personnel and equipment.
    Intuition - With experience in interrogation, Akane has a strong sense of when someone is being truthful.
    Conversation and Coercion - Can generally talk her way out of most prickly situations with a mixture of respect and, where appropriate, corporate backed intimidation.
    Corpo funded education - While her father wasn't particularly present, he insisted on her education.
    Corporate Espionage and Netrunner - As a once-removed enforcer and guard for a member of the Arasaka family, Akane is well versed in weaving in and out of corporate environments and engaging in Arasaka sanctioned netrunning (moderate proficiency).
    Physical Capabilities - Trained from an early life by an un-augmented father, renowned in Japan for his fighting prowess despite his age, every failure was met with required augmentation. She has both the ware and training to pose a serious risk in a combat situation.
    Pistols - Specializes particularly in use of high caliber pistols.​

    English, Japanese, and Russian

  • C Y B E R W A R E
    • Neural Link
      • HL Loss: -1
    • Kiroshi Optics (Advanced)
      • HL Loss: -3
      • Thermal Vision
      • Night Vision
      • Facial Recognition
      • Optical Zoom
    • Subdermal Armor (Advanced)
      • HL Loss: -8
      • Heavy-caliber weapon/explosive protection.
    • Emotion Suppressor (Advanced)
      • HL Loss: -4
      • Dampens emotions to improve focus and reduce stress in high-pressure situations.
    • Cyber Legs (Advanced)
      • HL Loss: -6
      • Includes boosters for enhanced jumping, speed, or agility.
    • Skin Weave (Chameleon Coating)
      • HL Loss: -4
      • Provides light-bending camouflage for stealth operations.
    • Cortex Processor
      • HL Loss: -3
      • Boosts mental processing for faster problem-solving and hacking capabilities.

  • E M P A T H Y & H U M A N I T Y

    Empathy: 8
    Humanity: 80 - 25 = 55

  • G E A R & S T Y L E
    • Weapons
      • 1x Arasaka Tamayura-Military Issue
        • Muzzle attachment (XC-10 Cetus)
        • Thigh Holster
      • Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X
    • Outfit
      • Standard Corporate Fan-Fare with a preference for black or red ties
      • Long coat
      • Tactical wear when operation appropriate

  • H I S T O R Y

    To dream is to hope. And to hope is to fail.

    An Unfortunate Upbringing

    Akane is a product of misplaced honor, supplanted by wanton need and restraint held at bay for too long. Her life started as many do, in the gutters of Night City to a mother who could best be described as perpetually on hard times. As a working prostitute, she had caught the eye of a particularly elevated member of the Arasaka Hierarchy. A man of honor, of restraint and control, who couldn't resist a particular temptation on one of his trips to Night City. As an older member of the security force, he was considered beyond reproach as a loyal vassal to the Taka Faction and was generally stationed back in Japan.

    When Akane's mother showed up at the estate with a baby in her arms, the family security simply couldn't be bothered to evaluate the veracity of her story. And like all arguments that occur in the neon lights of a corporate run city, the discussion turned bloody. When the father came upon the dispatching, he saw a lifeless body clinging to a crying baby. At first reluctant to understand the reason for the visit, he quickly discovered the truth in those tearful eyes and the limp hand that tugged at her wrap.

    While he never officially claimed the child, he did his most to honor the young girl. At first. By adorning her with a family first name and retaining her mothers surname, Akane was raised in perpetual transit between Arasaka facilities. Some would say it took a village, particularly since her father never truly committed to fatherhood. Instead, his occasional visits that started out often become increasingly more sparse. And though there was affection in the beginning, that soon turned to distaste as she grew older and began to take on characteristics of her mother. Whether it was the anger of her existence or the anger of her mothers passing, it was difficult to discern. But that fatherly resentment turned towards her and precipitated in expectations of failure and the eventual consequence of that failure: More training, more cyberware, and distance.

    While she could never meet her fathers demands, it was clear that his expectations exceeded that of any Arasaka leadership above her. As soon as she was old enough to employ, she was enveloped in the Arasaka security program and her skills were repurposed for enforcement and espionage. It wasn't long before she was on security detail to ranking members of the family, serving as loyal guard for those who drove the company. And everything had gone so well until the events that followed the assassination of Saburo...

    Post Mikoshi

    Vengeance, righting the wrongs pressed upon the Arasaka family. She will do what is required to ensure the name recaptures the honor of its founding. And perhaps in doing so, she can once more make her father proud.

    To be continued...

  • A R T W O R K



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