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Darkwire Technician

Angel's Workshop


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Location Name
: Angel's
Type: Workshop and automotive garage
Owner/Controller: Currently run by Adelaide Pérez-Moore as a one woman enterprise. "Technically" it is owned by a company called Ted's Motors, but it has been empty for a long time and noone has challenged Adelaide on her opening up the shop even though she has been effectively squatting there for just over two years. The previous proprietor died without leaving instructions so the property and business was absorbed into a portfolio company that probably doesn't even know it exists.
Region: The Glen, Heywood
Purpose/Functionality: a garage, technical workshop and home
Security Level: Moderate security appropriate for a business premises.
  • intruder alarms
  • cctv (poor quality)
  • barred windows
  • Discounts and rapport offered to local Mexican gang offers additional level of active security. This includes walk bys and gang members sometimes hanging around to keep and eye out.
Access Restrictions: Adelaide has the keys to the lock she replaced. Customers and friends can access with her approval.



: It is very typical of a night city mechanic's workshop. It's grimy, it's cluttered and there is just a hint of the smell of chootwo in the air most of the time. The three dark red metal shutters when down have the letters T, E and D's painted on them but the paint is flaked and several gang tags have been put over the top. Adelaide is not in a rush to paint over these as those gang tags remind people who her friends are and keep the troublemakers away.

Inside it is well lit from strip lights above. The first two car lifts work but Adelaide primarily uses the middle one so the left one often has wheeled tool chests parked on it. The far lift doesn't work and had most of the hydraulics ripped out before she found it. Someone at some point had converted that space to a small work out area with mats and pad wrapped around the old lift uprights. There are often a couple of cholos hanging out throwing fists while Adelaide works. She also does her physio and training in that area.

A quarter of the ground floor is taken up with a stock room full of old parts, the building utilities are in there, as are two very large low level industrial basins mostly for cleaning car parts and disposing of chemicals. Adelaide has installed a washer dryer in there, it was initially in her kitchen, but the vibrations would resonate on the mezzanine frame and become unbearably loud.

The other back quarter is her "tinkerer's cavern" with stools, workstations and all manner of mechanical components there that Adelaide is working on at the time. There are several computer stations in that area with mechanical software on them for diagnostics and the like. It tends to be in a state of organised chaos and the lower ceiling because of the mezzanine above does give it the sense of being a cave. Adelaide often hangs things from the mezzanine frame and as she is only five feet tall some might prove a hazard for taller visitors.

Up a metal staircase is the mezzanine floor, first with a very standard water closet with shower and toilet in cubicles, a metal urinal and two sinks.

Next is the old break room. It has a basic kitchen on one side and a pair of sofas in front of a television at the other. It is clear that Adelaide has taken some steps to try and make this feel more like a lounge and less like an office canteen but it still doesn't feel particularly cozy.

The last room is Adelaide's office/bedroom. It was once the office for the garage managers. At one end with windows looking down into the garage is a computer terminal where Adelaide does paperwork both personal and private. At the other end is a large sofa that spends nearly all of its time folded out in bed configuration. It is piled high with her blankets and duvets and has a great view propped up to watch movies and play videogames on the bedroom TV. This part is her most private space and she doesn't keep it for anyone else so if people do spontaneously arrive they are likely to find clothes, food wrappers and evidence of her drug use around the room.

Atmosphere: Downstairs it is an unassuming mechanics workshop with a fairly relaxed vibe for friendly people, sometimes getting a little loud if either tools or raucous mexicans are involved. Upstairs is the apartment omand private space of someone who is obviously just getting by on what can and doesn't prioritise luxuries.
Role in the World: It's a mechanical workshop, there are things to fix, it was meant to be.

Story Potential: it's a mechanical workshop. It's run by Adelaide but she will have certain trusted mechanics in that might borrow/pay for the use of a lift and some tools if they need to do some work.
Future Development: It might get updates and get a bit fancier but otherwise the only major change is if the owner (some nameless land portfolio trust) realises what she is up to.
Player Interaction: People don't know that Adelaide does darkwire contracts here and while she is friendly with and has the protection of local gangs, it's more an asset to the community that needs protecting rather than true affiliation so rival gangs would not immediately be hostile to her, nor her to them and there are gang etiquette rules in place while in the shop. These are mostly adhered too.
Map Update:
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