- Eddies
- 704,053
Location Watson
Time of day 1300hrs
Weather sunny with a wintery chill
Time of day 1300hrs
Weather sunny with a wintery chill
Today was an important day, for Tsubaki Medical, for her father and most importantly, the people of Watson.
So why were there protestors? Luna had not filled this role before, being the face of Daddy's company and opening a new facility on his behalf and despite her coaching, she didn't entirely know what to expect. As her limousine had swished into the Piazza that was surrounded on three sides by the new medical outreach centre, she had been surprised to see people with placards with Tsubaki emblazoned on them, and accompanied by rather unflattering slogans. Her minder had told her not to worry, and the numbers did seem few as far as she could see, but it was hard for the teen to not let it play on her mind as they pulled in and went into the small area behind the platform where she would give her speech.
The new medical outreach centre, spearheaded by Tsubaki, and joined by several of its partners would serve a very large number of people in the local area and had been built on an area of a mostly disused brown site. It would allow the companies represented to bring cutting-edge and potentially life-saving facilities right to the doorstep of some of the most needy people in Night City, and Luna would be the one to open. She shifted in her seat adjusting her red dress before stepping out of the limousine and onto the base of the platform. It was about 15 minutes until she would speak but the crowds she intended to address were growing quickly. She tried not to think of how many people would be out there. Other staff milled about and respectfully greeted her as she mostly focused on the datapad in front of her that contained her speech.
What Luna had no way of knowing was the growing unrest in the street, the majority of people were here to celebrate the coming of an important medical option to their neighbourhood, but a lot knew, or at least thought they knew what this meant. A predatory company hoping to turn their misfortune into a tidy profit, for the kind-hearted staff to treat the poor and needy, but their employers to saddle them with onerous financial debts from which they might never recover. She also had no way of knowing that "mostly disused" was just city speak for "we don't care". Several ad hoc drop-in centres and areas used by the homeless had been quietly de-located by the city before the area was sold to her father.
By the time Luna made her way to the platform, the Piazza was a hubbub of activity with many faces looking back up at the young woman. The Protestors were peaceful at the moment and had mostly been kept a little further back by the police so did not drastically interfere with the mostly happy faces that Luna was going to address.
"People of Watson" She began, with a soft voice amplified by the speakers, giving the impression of a prepared speaker rather than a natural one. "Thank you for coming out today. I am Luna Rothschild representing Carter Rothschild, CEO of Tsubaki Medical and it gives me great pride to be here.
Your community is one of the beating hearts of this beautiful city. You live and work in this neighbourhood and without that heart, the rest of the city is weaker. But like any heart, if it is not taken care of it will fail. My father and his associates envisaged this facility as the shot that is needed to ensure that the people here today can be healthy and not held back from their full potential simply by lack of suitable healthcare options."
Luna's script continues for a few minutes with her growing in confidence and her pretty warmth being lapped up by the more malleable members of the crowd, just as her father had planned.
OOC information
The company sub has information on how Tsubaki operates and how they are perceived Tsubaki Medical. They are not openly evil, and their staff are known to do great things even if the company itself might be the medical bogeyman, so going total bloodbath riot should be avoided.
At this exact moment, Luna is mid-speech and my next post will have her finish it or at least try to. There are other medical electives from various companies on the stage or milling about in conversation amongst the security. There are civilian well-wishers in the crowd and most of the people openly protesting have been pushed to the fringes by the police like with any protest of this type.
If anyone wants to confront the people on stage, the people who planned this are much less naïve than Luna so will have prepared a ring of steel to protect their rich charges. So feel free to enjoy doing what your character does but bear that fact in mind.