- Eddies
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Diary of a Lunarian Teen
The teenager sat at her pink-cased data pack on the edge of the balcony over her family garden. Her half-brother was in the pool with some woman and she was trying not to focus on their obnoxious flirtation as she typed into the pad. The sunshine was lovely and the gentle breeze blew her long blonde hair about as she sipped on a cocktail she had the kitchen prepare for her.
She cracked her fingers and began to type.

Dear Diary,
School has been the same as always, Mr Matteo says I need to focus more but his class is always so dull it's hard to keep focus, not when Elon keeps air dropping me all those pictures. I'm looking forward to this weekend, I'll tell you because you won't tell a soul, but I'm very nervous. Ruthie has secured us a couple of fake bios and we are going to the star lounge in the city. She says she's been their loads but that girl makes shit up all the time so who knows. Mom thinks we are going to a concert and I have had to hand over some of my allowance to the driver so he will spoof the limousine's tracker for us, it's picking me up at eight and then we are getting Ruthie. I guess I should just think whats the worst that can happen right? I get drunk and end up puking all over the upholstery.
Also as a note, this girl is called Hana, I give her two weeks, mom gives her a month. We both think he will blame the weirdsqueakk she makes when she laughs at one of his stupid jokes.
Ciao, Luna