Corporate Enforcer
- Eddies
- 254,135
Full name:
Dmitri AntonovAlias:
Dmitri Kirilov (Unknown to almost everyone. Ask before presuming to know it.)Age:
Night CityHeight:
Average; strong and healthy but not visibly athleticCyberware:
Neural LinkKiroshi Optics (Adv)Subdermal Armor (Adv)EMP ShieldingFaceclaim/Actor:
Family Ranking:
Crime Lord (Grandfather - Not public knowledge)Parents:
Both are deceased - father died from sickness, mother was murderedChildhood Environment:
In a decaying, once upscale neighborhood (Watson) -
Suave, manipulative, analytical, charismatic, and deceptive - Dmitri has made a career out of being useful and building 'trust' with those who are useful to him.Person You Value Most:
Grandfather, Georgy AntonovWhat Do You Value Most?
PowerHow Do You Feel About Most People?
Neutral - Few people hold any real meaning to Dmitri save for his grandfather, and handful of others throughout the course of his life. That said, he wouldn't go so far as to say he views everyone as a 'tool' to serve his own end;. Individuals that hold that viewpoint would find themselves the source of his disdain. While his default manner is to treat others with a baseline level of respect, he generally holds an ambivalent view to most individuals at best; and an overly pragmatic and arbitrary view of others at worst (i.e - everyone has a value, i just need to know how it benefits me).Your Most Valued Possession
An antique gold pocket watchFriend:
Coworker - Jerry Moss - An unwitting accomplice who works with Dmitri in the field. -
S K I L L S & R O L E
Corpo - Corporate Enforcer for Militech
Resources (Special Skill) - Access to corporate funds, personnel and equipmentAwareness/Notice - Dmitri is always paying attention to even the smallest of detailsHuman Perception - Has an innate, almost uncanny ability to read peopleEducation - Dmitri's grandfather saw to it that his grandson received the best education available, refusing to restrict Dmitri to the simple life his father chose; which they both blame in part for his untimely death.Social - From sharing a cigarette with nameless patrons in Afterlife, to eating dinner with the corporate elite; Dmitri is by all appearances a social butterfly who is capable of winning over some of the hardest-to-get-along-with individuals.Persuasion - From his eastern-european charm, to the dignified and reasonable air he carries himself with; Dmitri is a very charismatic man. He can make even the most illicit and risky endeavors sound reasonable to all but the most resolute of individuals.Streetwise - While Dmitri excels at operating within the straight-laced society of the corporate world, he also possesses the know-how and skillset to maneuver in less-savory parts of Night City. He is more than capable of blending in, and finding people that don't want to be found.Personal Grooming - Due to his corporate career path, Dmitri has to pay attention to his personal grooming. He always has a fresh haircut, and is normally clean shaven.Handgun - As a denizen of the Night City underworld, one must always know how to handle themselves. Dmitri is a very good shot with a handgunBrawling - While living in an older, slightly run down, but still widely considered affluent part of Watson, Dmitri knows how to defend himself without a weapon. Although widely appearing to be a 'gentleman', he can get very ungentlemanly very quickly.
English (Fluent)Russian (Fluent)Japanese (Conversant) -
C Y B E R W A R E- Neural Link
- HL Loss: -1
- Kiroshi Optics (Advanced)
- HL Loss: -3
- Thermal Vision
- Night Vision
- Facial Recognition
- Optical Zoom
- Subdermal Armor (Advanced)
- HL Loss: -8
- Heavy-caliber weapon/explosive protection
- EMP Shielding
- HL Loss: -1
- Protects cyberware from electromagnetic pulses
- Neural Link
E M P A T H Y & H U M A N I T Y
Empathy: 7
Humanity: 70 - 13 = 57
G E A R & S T Y L E - Weapons
- 1x M-10AF Lexington Pistol-Military Issue (Modified for improved stopping power)
- Muzzle attachment
- Shoulder holster
- 6" sheathed blade, strapped around right calf
- 1x M-10AF Lexington Pistol-Military Issue (Modified for improved stopping power)
- Gadgets
- 1x Archer Hella EC-D i360
- 1x Datapad
- 1x Cell Phone
- Outfit
- A handful of mid-tier, tailored suits complete with accompanying shoes, ties, and shirts
- Wide-collared trench coat
- Sunglasses where appropriate
- Weapons
The Family
"We shouldn't fear change itself, but only who we might change into..." - Unknown
Night City has a nasty habit of turning the innocent into the complicit, ignorant, or as the vast majority - victims. There's always a constant stream of those seeking to make their own way in the free city. Most don't leave, probably because they never live long enough to realize that's the most rational decision. That was the case for the Antonov family, but their story isn't like most.
Nearly a lifetime ago, the Antonov family didn't even exist. They were known by another name; one that carried far more weight and influence, and uttered with a mixture of respect and fear. The Kirilov family emigrated to California over a century ago, and with them brought other Russian and Eastern European immigrants looking to make a life for themselves outside of the CCP. As was the case with most large groups of immigrants, they were met with a large measure of discrimination, with most average Americans feeling content to ignore them altogether. As apathy arose, so did crime within the community. It was in the midst of such turmoil that the Kirilov family rose up amongst their countrymen to provide stability and safety where the government had failed them. So it was that the Kirilov Crime Family began.
While many within the community came to respect and appreciate the relative stability the Family brought to them, such altruism would be short lived. Over the following decades, the Kirilov Crime Family would dip their hands in increasingly more illicit activities; from gambling, extortion, racketeering, drugs, and black market arms sales. While most criminal enterprises thrive in the shadows, the end of the Kirilov Crime Family would come as they entered the lime-light; or more specifically, when a 'legitimate' member of their family ran for Mayor of the city to oppose the expanding influence of the megacorporations that now dominate it.
With the loss of the election, came the feared and unopposed expansion of both Arasaka and Militech. While the details surrounding who precisely was behind it is uncertain, what is known is that Militech began a concentrated and systematic dismantling of the family from top to bottom. Armed conflict erupted in the streets between the Family's street thugs and the paramilitary forces employed by the new city government, all while the notable leaders of the Family were secretly eliminated, or publicly arrested, put on trial, and spirited away to imprisonment in the deepest and darkest hole that could be found. It was widely thought, and even publicised that the family was eliminated, and that the 'local economy would thrive in place of the lawlessness that previously dominated it.' The locals would soon learn that such promises of a more optimistic future were hollow.
Over the years that would follow, new gangs would arise amidst the vacuum left behind; ones that were more amenable to whichever corporation needed the unofficial muscle. Rather than closing down, many Kirilov drug dens would fall under the control of the Tyger Claws, Valentinos, Moxes, or other gangs that had the wherewithal to move in and maintain operations under the nose of NCPD.
Night City would eventually 'heal' from the wounds it suffered during the fall of the Kirilov Family and remake itself into what it is today. While the vast majority would forget about the Kirilov Family, and the stranglehold they once held over large swathes of the city; they were not truly a relic of the past. Utilizing the last of his clout and influence, the last remaining scion of the Kirilov family would change the identities of those who remained; being his wife and children. The Antonov family would appear in Watson, appearing to be little more than Americanized descendants of Eastern European immigrants who made their way to Night City. Assuming the name of 'Georgy Antonov', the last scion of the Kirilov family would support those under his care by working as a low level fixer; providing him access to an above average income, and a level of protection from those who would otherwise investigate his identity closer.
Eventually, the Antonov family would grow as his children reached adulthood and started their own lives. Most would remain oblivious to the life they once had, save for the eldest of the children, who himself eschewed any sense of legacy or birthright. He would open his own shop in lower Watson, peddling inexpensive consumer goods to those who had the eddies to purchase them. His life would remain uneventful, until one fateful year wherein his wife was killed in an apparent rape and murder case. Although surviving the death of his wife for a time, he would eventually die from the effects of alcoholism and drug abuse, all while physically neglecting his only son; Dmitri Antonov.
Dmitri would fall under the care of his grandfather, who raised him like his own son and worked hard to give him the life his own father spurned in favor of the mundane. After receiving an above average education, and being conditioned by his secret familial legacy since he was old enough to learn the value of keeping secrets; Dmitri grew into the son Georgy never truly had - and into the heir to a legacy thought dead, but waiting to be reborn.
Upon reaching adulthood, Dmitri worked his way into an internship within the very corporation that prosecuted the destruction of his family's legacy - Militech itself. After distinguishing himself to the right people, Dmitri would rise to the occasion as clandestine hostilities arose between Arasaka and Militech, and become a low level Corporate Enforcer. Serving as the perfect blend between refinement and practical streetwise, Dmitri finds himself within his element as he regularly interacts with low-life gangsters and out of touch bureaucrats. While he outwardly works for the interests of his corporate sponsors, he has never forgotten what his family once was...
And could be again... with the right application of the tools at his disposal.
Template by Pluperfect
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