PRIVATE Do I Remind You of Someone You've Never Met?

heat finds a way to rise somehow
Pink highlights followed behind her as contrails, drawing a path to their young owner. Her blonde hair barely touched the short jacket she wore, just long enough to feel its elastic hem with every breath she took. Those came fast and irregular, sucking in air as she could, there was hardly time among all the other sights and scenery to absorb. The teen, barely still, had been down this street a thousand times before, and still there was more to see.

"Because I want to try this place, what's so wrong about that?" Daiya answered, blowing air through her lips at the question. It was silly to even ask, hadn't they known each other long enough for the reason to be obvious? She blew off the next response too, anyone who followed her for this long knew what they were getting into.

She glanced back at Ada, flicking her eye up and down with a look of approval. Of course she wouldn't have let either of them leave without giving their outfits her approval. It was one thing to spend time around Watson during the day, at night was a completely different story. Everyone looked at everyone, Daiya's clothes were a statement just as much as what she drank or where she went. They could have started the night at Silkscreen, but she did that almost every night so tonight she opted for Riot.

That was an hour ago. Crowds changed in an hour, and Daiya was starting to few fewer eyes on her. Watson might have dozens of clubs but really only a handful. This one had lights and a pulse, but most importantly it had lines! This was where everyone wanted to be tonight. It might as well have been pulling her on a string, with Daiya's whole body drawn here by something far stronger than her own swirling desires tonight.

Ever the changing district, the pink-haired teen knew Watson like the back of her hand —and she'd sketched that enough to know it by heart. Ordinary eyes didn't often pick up the signs for the Tyger Claws, but hers did. She didn't even need her optics to see it, implant or no the evidence was there in plain sight. The might seem like an enigmatic gang, but their routines were all there when someone wanted to notice. By the back door, the stacks of empty produce boxes signaled the random day of pickup for the real product inside. At the door, the sequence of lights over the club entrance. And in case she missed any of those, the giant tiger emblem stitched on the back of the bouncer's jacket.

It all stood out in her vision at once, as if Daiya was only just seeing it now. She blamed the three drinks pulsing with the music through her veins, enough to keep her mind sharp and her eyes a little blurry. That's what the implants were for, and right now her artificial eyes were seeing red. Daiya blinked, and it was still there. With a gasp, she reached out for the arm closest to her, clinging to the rock of friendship to steady herself to the knowledge that she had just led them deep into Tyger Claws territory.

Daiya tried hard to avoid them, as little as it was possible in Little China. They were everywhere and not, and most days she could have passed any ganger on the street without fear. That was days. At night, at a club under their thumb, the Tyger Claws would pour her over ice and serve her right up to the hungriest of Wakako's lieutenants tonight. "Shit, when did that happen? So...maybe we don't head here tonight."

Daiya blinked again, hard. When she opened her eyes, they were lying. Or maybe they were just a moment ago. The stack was gone, the light patterns were random, and the jacket's embroidery was just an abstract design after all. The edges of her lips pulled down, nearly to the pit in her stomach that still hadn't vanished. That wasn't right, even though nothing was wrong. "Scratch that. Uhh, remind me again, who owns this club?" Daiya held a finger up to her blonde temple, cocking her thumb at it once as her eyes rolled out of her head. "Static up here tonight."

A giggle came out with that remark, and it was all she could really do at this point. Daiya clearly needed another drink, if only the line would move faster now.


Location: outside the club
Objective: Night out with a friend
Tags: @Daiya

The night was still just getting started as far as her friend was leading her to believe, riot had been fun, the DJ was on fire and everyone seemed like they were having a good time, which is why Angel had been a little confused that they needed to move on. She could feel the drinks she had already had in her system though so she didn't fight too hard against moving the party onwards. As they joined the queue, she noted Daiya looking her up and down and she grinned, striking a pout over her shoulder before pulling out her pocket mirror and double-checking her makeup.

As she put the compact away she felt a cold chill and found herself reaching to cup her hands around her freezing cold arms rubbing her palms against them to try and warm up. She did that for a few seconds before doing a double take and stopping herself. Her arms didn't even have temperature receptors, which didn't make any sense, she was painfully familiar with phantom limbs but this was different.

She didn't have much time to ponder the situation before she felt the hand of her friend pressing around her upper arm. She looked over and raised an eyebrow. "You Ok?"

She looked around wondering what Daiya was so concerned about, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, not that she could see anyway. "False alarm?" she laughed, looking back, "No idea, this was your choice, I'm just along for the ride, but I don't see any obvious gangers, maybe the Japanese?" That gang did tend to be a bit more subtle in their approach, tygers and valentinos tended to stand out a mile away.

Ada raised a curious eyebrow at the static comment "Need a restart?" The cold feeling on her arms had dissipated now so she just chalked it up to her body misbehaving as always. She suppressed a giggle herself as one of the door staff patrolled the line. She was old enough to get in but her friend was just a little shy of twenty one so they couldn't be the giggling girls in the line. Angel put her arm around her friend's shoulder using her to boost herself onto her tip toes to see past a larger guy who was in front of them. "Come on, come on" she said before dropping back down. The line was moving at least and there were only a few more people in front of them.

"That guy who was giving you the eye on Riot is here too, did you tell him we were coming?" she asked curiously "I'm still good to crash at yours if you hook up right?" she quickly pulled a second compact out of her pocket to look at her mouth, slipping a tablet onto her tongue before giving her blonde date a "want one?" look.
Tonight had been her choice, and there was no denying it. Daiya couldn't have even tried, not even with her pulse racing beneath her skin. She had too much skin exposed tonight to pinch herself, as if that might work to wake her up for real. Another drink would do the trick, but that was a long line away, practically an eternity to the wild-eyed street princess who was looking for something, or someone, to ground her.

"There's more Chinese around here." Another little giggle came out as Daiya shook her head, glancing around the neighbhorhood. "It's not called Little Japan for a reason, Ada. But if you were thinking of the Tyger Claws..." Her tone suddenly shifted again with her mood, growing more somber. Between the music and the noise of the street, it came out almost inaudibly. "Yeah, for a second there I was, too."

She blew a breath of air out of pressed lips, uncertain how to explain that one. Daiya never lacked for words at the worst of times, which must have made this worse even than that. The shudder on her spine took a great deal of effort to suppress, which seemed proof enough of that. Anything involving the Tyger Claws made her skin crawl, and the erstwhile dancer would have given anything to be far and away from anything doing that.

"Might need more than a restart." The joke came to her darkly, and she gladly let Ada pull her back along into neon lights and the thrumming pulse of the music guarding the club from unwanted passersby. Daiya needed a better pulse than her own, letting her head move more freely again. The shudder might have let itself be known, or maybe her body had forgotten about it completely, she couldn't know which. It didn't matter now, the moment had passed and her friend had set a new crisis in front of her.

"God, really? I thought he took the hint!" Daiya's eyes tossed themselves into dizziness, her arms slowly pulling together in front of her. She could cross them in an instant, just in case the guy made another wrong move. He was probably a follower, the types that only loved her for the drama they were sure would erupt in her footsteps. Night City's discarded daughter had several netspace pages devoted to her, or so she had heard. All Daiya wanted was a fun night out...

"Let's cut in front, see if the Bouncer'll take pity on us." Ada couldn't really be dragged by her metal cyberarms, but Daiya took hold of one anyway, willing the organic parts of the woman to follow her. "And by us, I mean me. You're really fucking lucky nobody knows who you are!"

Location: outside the club
Objective: Night out with a friend
Tags: @Daiya

Adelaide gave Daiya and suspicious look, had she been clear enough with the guy to give him the slip or was a little part of her stringing him on just enough to maybe get a free drink? She didn't really care and didn't have time to think about it before she felt her arm yanked forward. She didn't resist her friend as she was pulled forward along the line past a row of disgruntled and offended-looking patrons who were less keen on these two women trying their luck.

She gave a quirked look at Daiya, was she complimenting her on the fact that she was a nobody. "The people that matter know me, and you'd be surprised how far a "...I don't have much longer and really wanted to try this before I die..." goes in the city game." she winked at daiya and forced a drop of ocular lubricant to run down her cheek. She still had her tear ducts and they still worked but it was fun being able to cry on demand from her chrome.

They came upon the bouncers, two big burly guys with way too much chrome, very typical of bouncers, but this was a good club so they had suits that were tailored around their bulky frames and actually they looked pretty hot. She whispered to her friend. "Guy on the left has an exposed cortical power feed, I'll take hi...." She didn't get to finish before they were too close and the lead bouncer eyed up the two girls who had apparently forgotten how to queue.

Daiya took the initiative, the con demanded that to work. "So, there's this guy following us...all the way from the last club! Can you believe it? Look, I know I'm popular but a girl's gotta have limits. You too, I bet, don't want a scene in front of your club, I bet. Think we can help each other out here?"

"Happens all the time. That don't mean I let just anyone in. You got something better to offer me than a headache?" Responded with a derisive tone.

Angel looked at her friend and then looked at the bouncer. "You've got some exposed chrome there, take me thirty seconds to tidy it up, wouldn't want some cabrón yanking your spark?" She pulled a screwdriver seemingly from nowhere, Daiya would know her arms contained several small tool compartments. The other bouncer looked at him with a light shrug implying she's got a point

"Alright, we can do that. You know I'm taking that screwdriver too?" She grinned innocently, realising she had essentially just outed herself carrying a shiv. The guy leaned down and there was a small but curious scene as the young woman provided her technical assistance, she was a little drunk, but she was often high when in her shop so what was a little inebriation between friends. "Done, easy." she said when finished and the pair were waved into the dismay of several onlookers.

"Well would you look at that… the nobody got us in." She pulled her friend closer by the arm as they walked by the cloakroom to deposit things. "Think of the headlines, Camila Pérez spotted entering nightclub with mystery blonde." She laughed but was interrupted again.

"Yo girl! the screwdriver!" Angel smirked, popped it back out of her belt and tossed it back to the large man.

thanks Jordan for the Diayalogue and the bouncer​
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Post Soundtrack: "One Night in Bangkok" by Vinylshakerz
(Click Me)

Ada's flair for the dramatic almost caused her pink-haired companion to giggle and break her composure early, ruining their contrived efforts for club admittance. The bubbles in her stomach made it feel lighter than any alcohol, scaring away the hints of headache that seeing her would-be stalker might have developed. He was a more conspicuous specter than the fading vision of Tyger Claws, one she could barely remember now. As she entered the whirlwind of the club atmosphere with the chrome-armed techie, Daiya laughed at their good fortune.

"Well would you look at that… the nobody got us in. Think of the headlines, Camila Pérez spotted entering nightclub with mystery blonde."

"Hey, if I gotta be known for being arm candy, might as well keep that mysterious allure," Batting her eyes at Ada, Daiya handed over her jacket and purse. The nip in the air was kept far away by the blast of music alone, much less the bodies packed into the small nightclub. This wasn't anything like Silkscreen, with its big floor and the perching headphones, personal space here was not even a suggestion.

The more this mysterious blonde could disappear into the crowd on a night like tonight, the more she loved it.

"Now Camila, I don't think arm candy pays for drinks..." Daiya suggested, pulling Ada's sleeve up to wrap her fingers around her friend's metallic forearm. The cool metal underneath her skin belied the power and danger contained within, her own eyes had seen more than screwdrivers emerge from the hidden compartments. Some arms had more power than others in Night City, Ada's surely had enough to buy a few rounds.

The pulse of the music here ran deeper and more infectious than it had outside, and Daiya could already feel it moving her. She had thought to guide Ada over to the bar, but her feet seemed to have other plans. They leaned toward the writhing press of bodies at the center of the room, with arms and hair raised toward the flashing neon spotlights that roamed the crowd. The teen raised her voice to be heard over the thrumming base, "Change of plans!"

She tried to speak quickly for the sake of the music. "I love this song!"

Daiya wanted nothing more than to quickly lose herself again. Alcohol could do that, but the dance floor was much better at it. Music was a drug better than most, and the only crash was from exhaustion at the end of the night. If she got lost enough, this song could have even promised a more exciting crash by plane instead. Even if her feet left the ground, whenever she came down, Daiya would still be in Night City.

In her heart though, at least for as long as the song played, Daiya was spending a magical night with a friend in Bangkok.

Location: outside the club
Objective: Night out with a friend
Tags: @Daiya

Adelaide laughed at Daiya's arm candy comments and her intentions to make her friend pay for the first round. "Well I better get my purse mi novia rosa!" That worked for her, but quickly it seemed that Miss Truman had other ideas and instead of the bar, they headed for the dance floor. It was so packed in here and the music filled in every space that wasn't occupied by a body. She had left her bag with the cloakroom and the white threads in her pink top now caused it to shine brightly in the ultraviolet lights overhead.

"Let's go then!" They were both small and slipped effortlessly into the crown and began to dance. Daiya and her had different core tastes in music but they both loved to party and this one was great for that. As far as she was aware, the guy who was interested in Daiya might have been let in, but it wasn't a problem, there were hundreds of people in here and any number of them might find the slim blonde attractive. Angel would protect her though and she scowled at the back of the head of an entirely innocent and unaware man with a cobra tattoo rising up from his tank top.

She danced side on to her friend, placing her left leg behind her and her hand on Daiya's right elbow. They were close but there wasn't really breathing space for much distance. Adelaide found herself jealous sometimes just how soft Daiya's arms felt in her artificial hands. She wouldn't dwell on it though, she would just enjoy her friend enjoying her own body. Her hand went up and rested at the base of Daiya's neck as she pushed her hips forward and her shoulders back to the music's intoxicating rhythm. She enjoyed silkscreen but listening to the music through headphones took away that feeling you got when the beat bounced off of your sternum and made your bones vibrate.

"I like it here." she said to the blonde as she leaned back in towards the ear of the blonde. Diaya might notice a small blue square on Ada's artificial eyes as she connected to the club's net to make a few song recommendations.
