LFG Echoes of the Past


New member
Hey everyone,

Here is a good time to join a simple adventure. You will be part of a simple story, to enjoy a little fun times with others. Here and there are some simple tasks as I guide you in this fun adventure. Nothing big, (maybe) we will not blow up Night City (This time).
This will be a simple old style RP, so a pack of players will be stuck with one Storyteller. So I prepared some things that I will tell you later.

I just made some key points for this journey, but everything else depends on the characters. Aaaaand this is just the beginning. About the characters, you can bring any character from any group, so the chaos is guaranteed! So pack up with gear what you think fit for an adventure across Niiight Ciiiity!

Starting location, I don't know of one place or multiple, I will see how many characters will join this fun ride, (maybe not bloodshed).
So prepare yourself for an Adventure and prepare your head too, because secrets can be hidden anywhere.

So if you like to join, just drop a little blood to the contract… eer… as I want to say just leave here a reply!

The storyteller and the admins do not take any responsibility for any walkouts or deaths.
Nefadar - ?
Xasha Callisto - Netrunner

Okay, soo I have two victims, maybe some more will come too.

Nefi know me as Storyteller, but I hope you will like it too Xasha.
Here comes a little extra "Bait", and maybe we can start in the near future, I just give a little time for others to decide whether they like to join or not.

Sunset Motel, Badlands.

Time: unknown

You slowly walk up on the stairs and look around. You are in the Badlands not too far from Night City. The Sunset Motel is not a big fancy place, and you have no clue why you are here, and not really control your movement just watching the things. Sometimes some little objects are a little glitching or just your eyes play with you.
As you go inside the place is just quiet…

A woman sits beside the bar and slowly drinks. It's clear, is she waiting for somebody, or something?
She looks like an average adult girl, nothing extra. Just a cute face, a little bit longer dark brown hair. Her clothes tell close to nothing, just simple shoes, jeans, a top, a jacket, and sunglasses. She looks mostly human, with very little chrome.
As the time passes, more and more men try to get her with low end speech. It is only a straight line to what they want, and only they can't see the clear fact: they have no chance, never was.
Slowly the sun goes down, and darkness falls to the Badlands, when a young man walks beside the woman, with a big smile on his face.
"I hope you didn't wait too long Sweetheart."
"I think, I will not live long enough, to you arrive just once in time."
replies the woman, and looks at the young men from behind her glasses.
He was a simple man too, nothing extravagant, just some leather boots, pants, a T-shirt and a leather jacket. Simple things and old, maybe an old style rocker or something like that.
"You changed nothing over the years, Sweetheart. But I think this is not a problem." He pulls out a cigar and lights it, before he sits down, and orders a beer. "But business first, and maybe after some fun."
"Just business, and nothing more… We walked on that path a long time ago and it led nowhere…"
She slowly lifted up her drink and looked at the men.
"We will see this, Darling. So… why are we here?" He slowly drinks his beer as watch the young women, who release a grins.
"The table is set, the figures in their places, and as you like…" She slowly stands up and walks out from the bar, and as she pulls down her sunglasses to the end of her nose, this little motion reveals her glowing blue eyes, and looks back over her shoulder to the man.
"I know, I know, We have a City to Burn." The man's eyes glow up in blue light too, and after the both of their eyes come back normal, shake their head and look around confused, who doesn't know what happened to them and where they are.

Slowly look around the place, and shake your head as everything starts glitching, and everything just goes dark and a message shows up.

"Follow the clues"

Suddenly you hear the alarm clock and find yourself in your bed. This was just a dream…

…or not?

Find and follow the tracks and maybe these lead you to the answers or something else.
Okay, I think I will start this adventure on this week

Balthazar Harris - NCPD - MaxTac
Xasha Callisto - Netrunner