- Eddies
- 704,053
First night out in the city
Wearing this
Location: Star Lounge - Westbrook
Objective: have fun
Tags: OPEN
Note: This is a nice club frequented by wealthy patrons and their staff. Not intended as a place for violence and they have a no-weapons policy.

Luna Rothschild had been nervous when she climbed out of the limo in the enclosed parking garage of the nightclub, she had been nervous while she queued and made small talk with Ruthie and a couple of other girls who seemed to know the place. She had been especially nervous when they carded her, hoping that Ruthie's fake bios would come through and they would be waved in. The bouncer, a large man with some serious chrome, scanned the card and looked the pair up and down, she felt like she had eighteen stamped on her forehead at that moment, but he let them in. The Star Lounge was stunning, deep blues and purples covered the walls, with recessed ivory uplights providing an elegant glow to their surroundings. The place was stuffed with the wealthy and well-heeled, she was certain she even spotted one of the members of her favourite pop group but that was probably wishful thinking.
They had been here a little while now and Luna was beginning to feel more comfortable as she danced with her friend. She had had a couple of drinks now but had made the decision not to get drunk so the moment her blood alcohol level got too high her own chrome would kick in and start neutralising it. The Lunarian had decided that the cocktails looked great here, so that was what she had been ordering. The first one, a powderpunk was a delicious pink concoction, but perhaps a little sweet for her tastes. The next round had been bought by a guy at the bar, it was a slightly unstable-looking blue number which she felt might take her head off. The pair had thanked the generous man and returned to the bar where the blue drink had lasted not nearly long enough. At least that had given them both a chance to dance with empty hands for a few songs but now she was thirsty again.
Luna looked up, about to drag her friend to the bar when she spotted her dancing with some guy in tattooed sleeves. Ruthie looked happy so she might as well leave it, the place seemed perfectly safe and everyone just seemed to be here for a nice time. It was a naive assumption from the long-haired blonde girl but in the absence of any other evidence why would she think differently?
The bar was relatively busy so Luna was forced to mimic some of the other short girls and lean up onto her tip toes in order to attract the attention of the barman, from her brief assessment of the bar priorities it went, pretty girls, average girls, alpha males, not so pretty girls then everyone else, she tried her best pretty smile trying to catch the eye of the barmen hoping she wasn't too far down the pecking order. She thought she might be next when a hand appeared and cut her place. "Oh sorry, I think I was next" she said politely to the interloper.

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