PRIVATE Grab and Tag

New member

Little China, Watson

"Simple job," Remi muttered.

He pressed himself back into his seat. He had parked up in a dark corner.

The job sounded single, but it was a touch outside of his usual scope. People brought vehicles to his autoshop or they engaged in minor scuffles for darkwire.

He was without his usual group. A bunch of low level enforcers from Darkwire that called themselves 32nd Mex. Today he had outside help.

"There," he whispered.

The armoured car didn't look out of place, but the fact that it stopped was. Two men in crisp black and white stepped out, accompanied by one with an oversized jacket.

"Standard affair," he muttered. There would be a compact machine gun in that jacket. Two corpos and their guard.

"That isn't."

The next figure out of the car was more mod than woman. A serious combat platform with a human brain.

"Merde. That is one nasty lookin Borg."

They were supposed to drive the car around the corner and quickly jack it with a tracker. The jon suddenly seemed less simple.

Location: Little China, Watson
Objective: steal car
Tags: @Remi

Angel sat next to Remi putting rounds into her Overture pistol and readying herself for the contact, it had been worded as a simple mission but she couldn't help but wonder. "Damn, that's some bad looking chica. Think we can take her? And the other two cabróns?" she pursed her lips and flipped her eyes into infrared imaging mode. She could see the heat of the bodies, the borg looking like a strange patchwork of hot flesh and cold steel, the engine of the armoured car was glowing but there was no exhaust plume so it wasn't running any more.

She made a ticking noise with her mouth. "Which one do you think has the keys on them?" she asked wondering. She flicked back to visual light and looked at Remi. "We need to put down the guy with the machine gun pronto and then I can take the borg... maybe... she might kill me." the young woman laughed.

"Or we could wait for them to fuck off and just waltz up to their car. What are you up to esse?" she whispered the last bit to herself as one of the guards walked over and started chatting to a joytoy on the street, were they waiting for someone something.

"Borg is outta my league. If she rips you in two I will be very sad as I sell your parts," Remi mused.

He slid something from underneath his seat. A green circuit board with some badly soldered wires and a programmed board. One of the chips was an RF transmitter.

"Let's go with wait for them to fuck off," he said.

His gaze followed hers. A few creds were exchanged and the last guard headed inside.

"You think he paid the joytoy to watch the car or something else eh?" Remi asked.

He placed the device on the dashboard. He had long arms, his entire body slightly too long and thin from his upbringing on the moon.

Location: Little China, Watson
Objective: steal car
Tags: @Remi

She laughed at her associate, "Nice to know you'd shed a tear when you flog my parts. Make sure you get a good price for my arms eh Esé.". She picked up the device and cast her eyes over it, it was a rough build but she'd seen worse.

She rolled her shoulders and shrugged, it made sense to pay a joytoy to watch the car, noone was going to question why ther were hanging around on a street corner doing nothing and it was low a low energy job they didn't have to lie down for.

She pondered there options, waiting for them to leave was certainly more appealing for this sort of job, she liked to fight but if she didnt have to it might reduce her medical costs this month. "You think we can get her eyes off the car long enough to plant that thing?

Have you ever been with a joytoy amigo?"
she asked Remi curiously. He knew her enough to know she was just being nosey. It had gone quiet outside, now seemed as good as time as ever to make their move.


"You askin' cos you wanna know or cos you want me to distract that one?" Remi asked.

He shrugged. His arms looked too long for his frame.

"Couple times. Creds gone for someone didn't seem like they wan'ed to be there?"

He glanced down the street. The corporate thug was done talking. The joy toy stayed where they were. There was a chance she would leave with them, but if that was the case he imagine she would wait in the back of the car.

"Going for a walk."

He stepped out of the car, walking down their side of the street. He crossed over and came back the other way. He slowed as he approached the car.

"Nice!" he declared. The joytoy lifted her chin and watched him carefully.

Remi continued down the street, crossed again and circled back to the car.

"Yeah, she's watching it," he told Angel. "We go for it anyway? Snatch her? Jam her implant?"