It was a view that ten years he would have killed for now.
Now it almost seemed droll.
There was something about the old lights of Night City that he missed. This high up he didn't catch them anymore, even with his eyes they were difficult to see. With how much he paid for this fucking place he supposed that should have been true. Now he was bleeding all over it, shame that was. He would have to pay the cleaners double next week. They were good girls, never asked any questions or bothered him with any nonsense.
Honestly he wished that half his employees were half as reliable. Rolling his shoulder Amos let out a hiss as he pulled away from the injury in his side, flickering his gaze towards the bullet wound in his abdomen before throwing himself onto the couch. Fingers reaching towards bar located just behind him. A wince carrying through his side as he managed to grab the bottle of whisky on his side. "Christ what's keeping her."
He complained as he used his mouth to uncork the bottle.
The access he had granted her would carry her through the front door, and he'd called her...ah fuck, maybe time was moving a bit strange because of the blood loss.
It had been a long time since anyone had managed to get this close. He wasn't entirely sure who'd hired these guys, but they'd been professionals. Two steps to the left and he would have been a goner. It was lucky that he never slept in the same bedroom two nights in a row. They must have surveilled in but never long enough to watch his real routine. A small stroke of luck that had kept him alive this time around. Something to be grateful for.
Finally, just as he brought the bottle to his lips he heard the sound of a door opening. The elevator slid open, and the loud pang of his auto-turrets called out the fact that @Queenie had finally arrived. Target recognition software pinged her features, and then quickly allowed her access into the lounge where Amos lay half sprawled onto the couch. A hand clutched at his bloody side. In-between him and her lay three corpses. Two of them heavily augmented. The third seemed to be impaled on an ornate figure of a Knight.
"Mind your step." Amos urged. "The Auto-Turrets did most of that."
He assured her, not wanting to appear to be one of those augmented weirdos.

It was a view that ten years he would have killed for now.
Now it almost seemed droll.
There was something about the old lights of Night City that he missed. This high up he didn't catch them anymore, even with his eyes they were difficult to see. With how much he paid for this fucking place he supposed that should have been true. Now he was bleeding all over it, shame that was. He would have to pay the cleaners double next week. They were good girls, never asked any questions or bothered him with any nonsense.
Honestly he wished that half his employees were half as reliable. Rolling his shoulder Amos let out a hiss as he pulled away from the injury in his side, flickering his gaze towards the bullet wound in his abdomen before throwing himself onto the couch. Fingers reaching towards bar located just behind him. A wince carrying through his side as he managed to grab the bottle of whisky on his side. "Christ what's keeping her."
He complained as he used his mouth to uncork the bottle.
The access he had granted her would carry her through the front door, and he'd called her...ah fuck, maybe time was moving a bit strange because of the blood loss.
It had been a long time since anyone had managed to get this close. He wasn't entirely sure who'd hired these guys, but they'd been professionals. Two steps to the left and he would have been a goner. It was lucky that he never slept in the same bedroom two nights in a row. They must have surveilled in but never long enough to watch his real routine. A small stroke of luck that had kept him alive this time around. Something to be grateful for.
Finally, just as he brought the bottle to his lips he heard the sound of a door opening. The elevator slid open, and the loud pang of his auto-turrets called out the fact that @Queenie had finally arrived. Target recognition software pinged her features, and then quickly allowed her access into the lounge where Amos lay half sprawled onto the couch. A hand clutched at his bloody side. In-between him and her lay three corpses. Two of them heavily augmented. The third seemed to be impaled on an ornate figure of a Knight.
"Mind your step." Amos urged. "The Auto-Turrets did most of that."
He assured her, not wanting to appear to be one of those augmented weirdos.