PRIVATE I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine

Corporate Enforcer


Location: No Tell Motel, Kabuki, Watson
Time: 10:00am
@Red Bulloch


No one ever felt proud of themselves leaving the No Tell Motel, particularly when you rolled out of bed alone. 'She couldn't even stay the night?' Dmitri shook his head with halfhearted derision. He knew why of course - you had to respect the hustle, and he... already got what he paid for by the time he passed out. Still, it was the thought that counted.

He descended down the final flight of stairs and paused as he exited the building. He put on his sunglasses as he breathed in and let out a deep breath, only to precede pulling out a cigarette and placing it between his lips. He pulled out a torch lighter and let the blue flame lick the end of the tip, pulling on the filtered end as gouts of smoke billowed into his mouth. He took a long pull on it and removed the cigarette, holding it between his index and middle finger as they came to rest at his side. He held his breath for a moment, then slowly expelled the smoke into the air as he took in the sunlight gleaming upon the urban sprawl in front of him. He closed his eyes behind the tinted lenses of his glasses and tilted his head side-to-side, hearing a satisfying series of cracks as he worked out the knots that settled in from last night's exertions.

It was mornings like these that made him thankful for not having a typical 9-5, even though he lived in the corporate world. But he was paid to fix problems, and his superiors gave him the lee-way to be out and about to fix those problems-



His left hand almost reflexively reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose for a few moments as the phone ringed in his pocket. He exchanged places with the cigarette, freeing up his right hand to palm the device. He glanced at the caller ID, seeing that it wasn't someone who would likely start bitching at him immediately.

"F*ck off Jerry."

"Well good morning to you too. Got chlamydia yet?"

Dmitri shifted uncomfortably before starting to his Archer. "Probably not. What do you want?"

Before Jerry said anything, Dmitri could almost hear the grin plastered on his face. "It's not about what I want. It's about what you want. Remember that lead you wanted me to track down?"

Dmitri took another long pull from his cigarette, utilizing the seconds' long break to search his memory. It came to him as he exhaled: "...Red Bulloch? That belle taking over the old club in Watson - right. What did you find?"

Because Dmitri attracted assholes of at least equal level to himself, Jerry let him hang for a few seconds to savor the modicum of power he held in the situation. "Hurry up Jer, I gotta kiss your mother. She just brushed her teeth so now's my chance before it smells musty again."

"Screw you."

"Yeah, like I did your mother. Anyway, Red Bulloch?" Only friends could communicate so openly and honestly with each other.

"I'm sending you the address." Jerry relented finally - he was definitely the more professional of the two, so couldn't bring himself to go toe-to-toe with Dmitri, at least... for now. "The new name is 'The Parlour'. Old west saloon type of vibe. She's pulled most of her permits, but I've found a few discrepancies you can probably use to get to her. Specifically - her Sellers Permit. She's already filed for her liquor and business licenses, but must have forgotten the Sellers Permit. I also didn't find a Certificate of Occupancy on file either."

"Rookie..." Dmitri thought to himself. Naturally, not everyone who wanted to own a bar thought out all the hoops you had to jump through in the bureaucratic nightmare that was Night City. Sure, it was more or less a free city outside the jurisdiction of the greater NUSA, but it still had enough bylaws and ordinances to put any other municipality to shame - so much so that the legal departments for Arasaka and Militech were always tirelessly at work to ensure compliance. He took one last tug on his cigarette before flicking it into the gravel and opening the door to his car. "Anything else?"

"Yeah." Jerry replied over the sound of shuffling on his side of the line: "Her folks have history with Militech. Her mother was a corporate manager for us in Charlston."

"Good work Jer." Dmitri responded with above average sincerity. "I knew I could count on you."

"Mhm... you owe me." Jerry responded. "There's still that poker game tonight I keep saving you a spot for. You can make it up to me by letting me take your money."

"Maybe I will. Your mother stopped taking my money, so fair is fair."

"You know, she actually thinks you're a good 'young man'. She'd probably wash your mouth out with soap if she heard you, you asshole."

"Don't kink-shame me." No, he didn't know when to quit. The truth was, Jerry and Dmitri were the types of friends where behind all of the bluster, they knew they had each other's back. Dmitri would have to do a lot worse to really get under Jerry's skin, as evidenced by the knowing chuckle heard on Jerry's side of the line. "I'll see you tonight, provided I don't get sideways with anyone again."

"Remember - pointy end bad. Later zipper-face."

The line clicked before Dmitri could say anything in reply. He knew he shouldn't have told him about Takeshi and the knife. He had to give it to Jer though, that was a good one. He had avoided the need for stitches, but that hadn't deprived Jerry from the ample ammunition he enjoyed in the meantime. Dmitri smirked as he shook his head and turned the engine over - he had a chick to extort.

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Tag: @Dmitri Antonov
Location: Red's Office in "The Parlour", Watson, NC
Time: 9:00pm

"Damnit.", I muttered to myself alone in what was now my office, "Damn it all." Night City sure was something. Lights, extreme glamour, extreme poverty, and extreme bureaucracy. "Fuck waterboarding. This is real torture.", though waterboarding was not too far removed from this experience I now faced. "Come to Night City, they said. It will be fun, they said! You could get rich, and famous, and powerful, they said! Yeah, after you sign ordinance after ordinance." All will be handled in time, yet this has made me start regretting getting this club. Well, that was a lie. The Fun was only beginning.

The music was loud downstairs. Thankfully it sounded like it was business as it should. We were easier to enter compared to other clubs in Watson. Many liked the opportunities provided. Those who stayed seem to like my management. At the least fun will begin soon. I could only imagine what my old boss must have done to keep this place.

I lost track of the dotted lines the city was having me sign for all these licenses. Eventually, it was dark outside, and one of the girls working downstairs knocked on the door.

"Madam, Bulloch?", she said clearly scared of interrupting me, "There's a guest from the city."
"A bum or a badge?"
"Badge, Madam."
"You may come in."
As the door opened, I lowered the screen of the desk. I was seated rather comfortably as the man walked in. He was far more rugged looking than the usual badge I have encountered. Clearly, this was a man who worked the streets rather than working the city. I could see the stitches on the side of his face. Definitely the harder badge. I would have to be smart regardless, yet here, this man required other talents. An office clerk is far easier to subdue than an enforcer.

From my comfortable posture on the padded chair I looked right into his eyes. The Kiroshi hardware did its job, while a seductive shimmer was produced in my irises. I wore a total poker face all the while, with my chest slightly prominent while leaning back in the chair.
"Good evening, sir. What brings you to my office?", I said with my voice inflections showing calm hospitality. A slight bit of allure could also be sensed in such a tone, yet this man was no office clerk who could easily fall to that. We will see how responds. Will I be a respected business owner, or a whore with a big purse?


Location: The Parlour, Watson
Time: 9:00pm
@Red Bulloch
There's a Joke in There Somewhere
Believe it or not, it took time to take advantage of people. While the paperwork was pretty light, the legwork was pretty demanding. Eventually, Dmitri finished his prep work and made his way to the Parlour. There was something about a bar styled after an old-west saloon that made a man's blood boil. Something about how those dresses looked both classy and trashy at the same time...

Despite the impulse to direct his attention slightly lower than the eyeline of each woman who worked there, Dmitri wasn't as much of a scumbag as people took him for. Hell, one even mistook him for a cop when he walked up. The mistake was to his benefit, so he didn't correct her as she led him to the back to meet with the new owner of this... establishment. The owner, this 'Red Bulloch' was pretty striking upon first glance, with a classic beauty that probably made her popular with the majority of men who laid eyes on her.

Dmitri gave her a disarming smirk that bordered on the line of sleazy and charming (which likely depended on how attractive she perceived him to be). He waited for them to be left alone before he pursed his lips and nodded slightly as he looked around:
"Nice place you got here. It looks like you're doing rather well for yourself." After a few moments, his gaze returned to meet that of the woman. Her eyes were appraising him about as much as his were her, which added a genuine touch to his grin. "The name's Dmitri. I don't know where that workin' girl got my being a badge from but, uh-" He placed one of his business cards on the desk for Red, which had the trademarked emblem of Militech embossed on it, along with his full name: "...I'm guessing you're not paying her for her 'observational skills'."

What was the nice way Southerner's said it? 'Bless her heart'? "Anyway-" He moved on. What he had just said wasn't meant to be an insult as much as an honest, passing observation intended to communicate a very specific point; a point that would pay off later, if their conversation went in the direction he hoped it would. "I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd swing by and pay my respects."

Normally, Dmitri was enough of an asshole to take a seat without being offered one, and even at times go as far as to kick his legs up on the desk. But he knew when to lean into being an asshole, and when it was best to clench. If he was trying to flex his muscle to make a point about 'how much of a bigger deal he was compared to her', that would have been a different situation entirely. But he didn't see himself as a bigger deal than her, for starters. Where others saw Red as a southern belle in WAY over her head, Dmitri saw an opportunity to figuratively 'get in bed' (and literally if she ever offered, let's be real) with her during her club's infancy. Clubs were epicenters of Night City's nightlife, which never really slept but rather, just ebbed and flowed. Low-level fixers would gravitate to places just like this to meet with mercs of various skill sets, which usually accompanied a flood of rumors and desperate opportunities that equated to eddies if someone knew how to play them right.

All of this was meant to explain why Dmitri, the same dude who woke up in a very well used bed at the No Tell Motel earlier this morning, decided not to disrespect this woman in her own office. Instead, he purposefully remained standing until she decided to extend whatever hospitality she decided to. He met her gaze, exhibiting a level of self control any man did well to learn once he was old enough to realize that women had eyes too, and could see where their eyes typically gravitated to. Rather than the... impressive view that lay a few inches lower, he focused on her altered-dark red eyes.
"I may not be a club owner, but I know it isn't easy to make it in a town like this. Everyone is out to take a piece of the pie one way or the other. From other clubs, street gangs... or those pesky bureaucracies and their mind-numbing permit applications and licenses..." His grin returned as his tone adopted a knowing air - enough to communicate his point without, again, being an asshole about it.

"I don't know how long you've been in the city, but it's a lot easier to make it here when you've got friends. We don't know each other, but maybe there's an opportunity there." The reality of the situation was, he wasn't holding anything over her that she didn't already know was an issue; he wasn't even the cause of it. The beautiful thing about the situation was that Night City was the cause all by itself. If she was perceptive enough, she'd see that he was really presenting himself as the simplest version of the solution. If she was very perceptive, she'd infer that there was a price. There always was.

Tag: @Dmitri Antonov
Location: Red's Office in The Parlour, Watson, NC
Time: 9:02pm

He was far more delicate than NCPD. Someone else pulled his strings. This was clear when he opened his mouth and sounded more refined than a street grunt. Possibly some ambitious solo, or maybe even a gangster thinking he could leverage me. Either way, he did some homework to sus me out for whatever he wanted. No one came to my office unless they wanted something. Hopefully this was a man looking to be put to work like all the others who came before me. A new bouncer could be nice. So few applicants for that were capable of speaking without sounding like barbarians.

While gruff, he knew his manners. One way or another, I would make use of this man. As he spoke, I made the porcelain leg a little visible through a cut in my dress' bottom. However, the pose was just as if I was resting a foot on an ottoman getting comfortable. I then put my more organic leg stretched out near it where the knee of one supported the other. All the while, I would sit in my chair with a chest still visible, and a professional stare at my guest. A stare that conveyed as if I just merely was listening and had no clue such a position I had in my seat would cause any thoughts.

"I pay people for what I need them for, that is a fact.", I said nodding slightly towards the end. "So if you ain't a badge, then what are you Mr. Dmitri? I assume you come for business rather than pleasure to my establishment." All just an illusion of getting to the point. All such conversation were a dance to my view. Each performed a move to impress or subdue the other. Each act, deliberate. Each gaze, intentional. If he chose not to dance like me, I would certainly be able to see the man he is. Each caliber of man has a usage. I am sure I will find Mr. Dmitri's shortly.

Then, as he paced in front of my desk, the sly dog off the street showed a lick of intent. Irony was a bitch, alright. I did not realize that news would be so popular of my take over. Surely a tiny headline of a side article between the centerfold and the back cover. The news often likes murders and gang wars more than clubs in Watson changing hands. Perhaps, my boss' tragic death made me a front page footnote though. It appears the leaches were slower than I thought to try to suck the blood from me.

"Really?", I asked with a vineer of naivete, "I mean, I have been spending much time signing such forms, but perhaps there's more a dashing man off the street could enlighten me of?" I knew exactly what Dmitri referred to. The snail speed of bureaucracy left holes that a leach could swim inside of even if effort was made to patch it. Dmitri tried to be clever, but he showed himself to be a leach. "Are you wanting to be my knight in leather jacketed armor, Mr. Dmitri?", I cooed with a veneer of innocence. He was not badge, so what could this man who swaggered himself into my office to help me? I'm sure he would say for a few dozen eddies minimum, he'll make all my woes disappear. However, a woman like me did not survive this long, as well as get such power, without recognizing the opportunity that this man presented anyway. However, the dance had to go on as it would before such things would be revealed.


Location: The Parlour, Watson
Time: 9:00pm
@Red Bulloch
Down to Business
The chick was good; real good. Dmitri found himself beginning to underestimate her as he approached her, but as he observed her and her... 'feminine wiles', he was beginning to understand why she was where she was. Not only was she easy to look at, but she was an expert at drawing people in; evidenced by how Dmitri almost spoke up instantly as she proffered her 'knight in shining armor' question. As Dmitri neared his thirties, he found that he became far more thoughtful before speaking, and he had learned the value of using silence to his advantage.

"So if you ain't a badge, then what are you Mr. Dmitri? I assume you come for business rather than pleasure to my establishment."

"I work for Militech." He began after a momentary silence with the obvious fact first, which was made plain by the card he already handed her. "I... make problems go away, and sometimes create a few problems of my own." He punctuated his explanation with a grin; one that spoke volumes in place of his brief verbal response.

"Are you wanting to be my knight in leather jacketed armor, Mr. Dmitri?"

Dmitri's eyebrows arched slightly as he shook his head. "I'm a lot of things, sweetheart... but a knight ain't one of them." He met her gaze and kept eye contact with her as he decided to get down to the point. "This southern-belle act may disarm most guys you meet, but I ain't most guys. While I can... appreciate the qualities you have..." He shamelessly eyed her up and down as he said that before continuing on: "...Something tells me that's all an act to hide the real weapon you have upstairs." He nodded up to her head, with the implication being obvious. "You're a smart girl, stop treating me like a schlum who thinks with his dick."

The fact that he woke up at the No Tell Motel notwithstanding, he wasn't a total bull when it came to how he went about his business. Every man had needs, and maybe someday Red could help him with those needs. But that wasn't his purpose for today.

He then decided to take a seat. He waited a while to be polite, but it was rude of her to not offer so he went ahead and got comfortable.
"I'm gonna start with a few facts you probably already know, but I want to make sure we understand each other so - bear with me." He resisted the urge to get a cigarette, instead placed his hand over his mouth; his thumb resting behind his chin, and forefinger arched and placed between his lips as he gathered his thoughts. After a few moments, he spoke: "Clubs like these attract all manner of, shall we say - 'interesting individuals'. Mercenaries, fixers, gangsters - you name it. At first, they'll just come in as patrons to feel you out, see how you operate. Most clubs are connected to some street gang for protection, unless you're Afterlife in which case you can afford to be unconnected since every merc in the city will bash whatever two-bit gang tried to strongarm them. But something tells me... you aren't connected to anyone. Why else was your former boss taken down so easily?"

He left that question hanging in the air. Yes, he did his homework. He couldn't find out everything about the woman in front of him, but he knew enough to lend credence to his earlier statement that he wasn't your average guy trying to shake down some bar. "I think he learned a bit too late that you need friends if you're gonna survive in this town. Now let me be clear - you don't need me, and I don't need you. But you're gonna need someone if you're gonna be successful here. It's either gonna be me, someone like me, or someone worse. Like the RCL."

He tossed a tablet on her desk, which had a series of city forms pre-filled out and ready for her signature. "Those are the forms you're missing for all your permits for this place. Seller's Permit, Certificate of Occupancy, and a few others. Had you kept missing those, the city would shut this place down long before you'd have to worry about some street gang. Do yourself a favor and send those to yourself so you can review them, sign them, and get it taken care of. I could put a call into the local precinct and get them fast tracked for you..." His expression was even and unsmiling as he added: "...if we're friends."

He let her inspect the forms for a moment before he continued: "You're probably asking yourself; 'What is this going to cost me?' Well aside from your career as a successful business owner when the city shuts you down, as far as my costs are concerned it's actually quite low." He shifted a bit in his seat. "Let's start off as acquaintances, 'get to know each other' a bit. But as we get more comfortable with each other, I can help keep the corpos and NCPD off your back, in exchange for information and contacts. Then once we're friends, well..." He eyed her up and down again, then shrugged: "Who knows? I ain't no f*ckin knight, i'll say that again. But if anyone gives you problems, whether it's some low level thugs or a street gang - you let me know and I'll take care of them. I look out for my friends, and I know some people who would... discourage any foul play in your club."

It was then that he stopped talking. He wasn't the type to ask her 'what she thought about it'. He already knew the value of what he was offering her, all he had to do was wait as she mulled it over. Something told him he'd get an answer pretty quickly, one way or the other.

Tag: @Dmitri Antonov
Location: Red's Office at The Parlour, Watson, NC
Time: 9:05pm

Our dance continued, and I was definitely enjoying it. Truth be told, I may be the only one in this room that was enjoying themselves. That was until he said he worked for Militech. A lot of memories were there, but not unpleasant. However, if he's here for something, he likely has done more research than just what city ordinance I have yet to mail in. My smirk remained, but internally I had to keep as much composure as possible. He did not play that part of his hand yet. He may not even know my heritage. As I played it cool, "You must enjoy a bit of slumming then. Usually your kind go for the more renowned establishments."

"Well", I said as I repostured, but still maintained that look of sultriness, "Ain't you a smart one, Mr. Dmitri. However, you are mistaken. A gal's got more than just one weapon. How else would she survive a city like this?" I would return to a more comfortable posture. I then saw him continuing to size me up. He may say he was not controlled by such things, but he feels that drive like any other man. The initial display did not lull him into easiness, but he is by no means immune. That was a fact.

The leaning began. It was about damn time, to be truthful. He was no bum, for sure. He was smarter than a bum. I was about to believe in earnest he worked for Militech. He was clever to talk about security and protection. To be truthful, I knew of much of this. My boss thought he was protected. The issue is, he was protected from the outside. My internal machinations within his organization were what did him in. I postured myself as in showing I was paying attention. Yet, I leaned comfortably in my chair, and was collected as ever on my face. All he would know is that I was paying attention closely. This man certainly did his homework. How much he was willing to reveal his research will still have to be seen. However, I played my role. Even as the club owner, a woman like me knows better than to not let the man speak. In truth, he still is open enough for my tricks to have worked. Sure, he's not wrapped around my finger by his loins, but he is still telling me things. Who was I to stop him from doing so?

Then he tossed a tablet. I reached on the desk to pick it up. I may have leaned a bit extra forward to reach it giving him a fine view if he took it before going back to my comfortably attentive position. I would hold it up where I could read it but still see him. Indeed, it was a compilation of all the forms I was just slaving away over just a few moments ago. Yet, these are filled out and ready to be sent over to the city board. Yet, this would make things all too easy. This man had an angle. He could very well have given me legitimate forms, yet something in return for his "generous" service would be expected. Otherwise, I knew all too well how much Militech loved to use its Trojan Horses.

Finally, the price, or at least what was said to be the price. "Friendship", how quaint. Though, perhaps what he says about us needing each other might not be as he says. Sure, he's got backing from working in Militech, but it seems they likely aren't footing his bills all too well. It could just be his "work clothes", but he certainly was a bit scruffier than the usual corpo. It was then I could say all I thought of.

"You are very generous, Mr. Dmitri.", I would continue sitting comfortably, "Such a profound service all so you could be friends with little ol' me? It's cute, really." I then began to put on a bit of a smirk, but with a look of supposed interest. "Your fast track offer is very compelling. Yet, I know Militech very well. I know it is a company that loves to get involved. You have a problem if these files are scanned for any little gifts from your employers, Mr. Dmitri?" As my eyes would shimmer, I daintily held the tablet. I would put the tablet on the desk. "You talk of street gangs and protection, Mr. Dmitri, yet I only see one man.", I said gesturing to him. "Am I to believe you'll get your Militech friends to watch over this place? I didn't realize that was within their profit margins." With that last remark, a slight bit of doe eyes mixed with a face of curiosity. It would be all I need to coax out the "how?" to his "what?". "I can't deny, you are a fun character, Mr. Dmitri. I'm sure friendship with you would be very ... stimulating.", I said as I postured my chest a slight bit prominently, "Of course, you'd understand that I'd have some questions regarding how capable you are at scratching my back just as much as I would scratch yours. How am I to believe this arrangement is worth it?" Possibly the first truly blunt question I asked him this entire encounter. A nice punctuation to flowery talk. All the more to see how this man responds. How a man is in a conference room can predict how he is on the job. That was one thing I have learned by working my way up the ladder here in Night City.


Location: The Parlour, Watson
Time: 9:00pm
@Red Bulloch
Down to Business

It was both amusing and irritating at the same time to watch as she maneuvered over his monologue. Was she... enjoying this?

"You are very generous, Mr. Dmitri.", I would continue sitting comfortably, "Such a profound service all so you could be friends with little ol' me? It's cute, really."

Dmitri didn't respond to that, but instead opted to remain silent as his stare adopted a predatory air. Behind the semi-polished veneer of a corporate hustler, Dmitri was akin to a tiger within the metaphorical jungle that was Night City. His mouth was smiling, and although his eyes still bore a level of humanity and genuine emotion - there was a distance there, belonging to someone who was far more dangerous than what met the eye.

"Your fast track offer is very compelling. Yet, I know Militech very well. I know it is a company that loves to get involved. You have a problem if these files are scanned for any little gifts from your employers, Mr. Dmitri?"

"Not at all." Dmitri responded flatly with a dismissive wave of his hand as he smoothed over the front of his coat and leaned back in his chair. "I downloaded those forms from the City's website and filled them out myself. I didn't let an executive, like your mother was, even know about them." His tone was even, indicating a bridled confidence that he saw fit to reveal in small measure before pulling it back again. He didn't fault her for being cautious, nor was he even really mad. But she had seen the charming side of him; so it was time for her to see the business part of him that was the other side of the same coin.

"You talk of street gangs and protection, Mr. Dmitri, yet I only see one man.", I said gesturing to him. "Am I to believe you'll get your Militech friends to watch over this place? I didn't realize that was within their profit margins." With that last remark, a slight bit of doe eyes mixed with a face of curiosity. It would be all I need to coax out the "how?" to his "what?". "I can't deny, you are a fun character, Mr. Dmitri. I'm sure friendship with you would be very ... stimulating.", I said as I postured my chest a slight bit prominently, "Of course, you'd understand that I'd have some questions regarding how capable you are at scratching my back just as much as I would scratch yours. How am I to believe this arrangement is worth it?"

NOW they were getting to the meat of it. His grin returned: "I can understand your confusion. Allow me to explain; I'm not your typical corporate stiff. Sure I may dress up a bit, speak well, and I know my way around a form or two. But I'm..." He paused, as if looking for the best way to proceed even though he knew precisely where to go from here: "...the kind of guy someone like your mother would have called when something needs to be handled a bit more... forcefully. The kind of guy who gets paid from funds with general purpose designations to handle 'unpleasant situations'." He flashed a knowing, almost conspiratorial smile before he carried on: "...the kind of guy that knows when to have other people do my dirty work, say... hypothetically planting evidence in someone's warehouse and calling the NCPD to do a raid; and when I need to handle it personally - the old fashioned way."

He let his words hang in the air for a few moments in silence, never breaking eye contact with the woman on the other side. Finally, he spoke again: "But I get it. It's easy to say all of this. That's why I'm suggesting we start off small. After all, we're just getting to know each other." He smiled again, cutting the tension in the air as if with a fileting knife. He rose up from the chair he claimed a few minutes prior, and gave her a nod. He gestured to the tablet:

"Think it over. Consider that as a gesture of good will. Hopefully...nothing else crops up." There was just something about the way he said it... as if, something would crop up unless he heard from her again. Something a lot harder to fix with simple paperwork. He pivoted slightly to the door, only to double back as he added: "Thank you for your time. I'll get out of your hair; unless you have anything else you'd like to discuss?"

Tag: @Dmitri Antonov
Location: Red's Office at The Parlour, Watson, NC
Time: 9:07pm

There it was. After all this talk, finally the face I wanted to see. A proper corpo, for certain. Who else could have such a drastic switch from relaxed and collected to utter ice? With all the experience of my youth, this man absolutely worked for Militech. Him bringing up my mother over my father was also interesting. Even more so, he used past tense? My parents were relatively prestigious in Charleston's bubble, yet I guess some conniving upstart got the better of them. Sadly, that doesn't effect me here and now. However, it does show that Mr. Dmitri was very thorough, or knew somebody who was. I would merely nod my head with understanding while maintaining the expression I had before. Surprisingly, it was easier to keep cool now that the cat was out of the bag rather than suspecting whether or not he knew.

Again, I would let the man speak. Such was best for my line of work, and my career thus far. As he flashed that smile, a more amused smirk grew on my lips while my eyes reflected pleasant satisfaction. Him talking about "getting rid of problems" was vague but everything else to this point signaled this was arranged to be more of a mutually beneficial deal. It was clear he wasn't here to fuck me and my business. Rather, this seemed to be more symbiotic of a plan the more he spoke. He certainly was skilled at weaving a linguistic tapestry. All too, possibly, perfect of an asset to have in my web of gossip and hearsay.

His gaze never broke, and neither did mine. It was clear we were different animals in the urban jungle, yet my species knew well to not appear weak in front of his. His intense stare and determined posture was met with my comforted appearance and pleased expression. While it was true that I did like what I was hearing, at the same time I wanted him to see more as if I looked as if I liked what I was hearing. I would let him question his perception of my appearance in such a way. Would I trust him, not for a long time at best. Would I believe in his abilities, absolutely. Regardless, I did not have to trust him in order to like him. Capable men were few and far between to a surprising degree. As much as it was disappointing, those who were less capable still had their usage for women of my species of urban animal.

"I very much am taking your offer to consideration, Mr. Dmitri.", that part was truthful, "A man of your talents is most useful for a woman in my line of work." I would retract my legs from the ottoman but have them crossed, with the cybernetic porcelain one on top and still visible through the cut in my dress' long skirt - it's ornate decorative patterns showing in the electric lamp light. "You want me to believe you can orchestrate this protection you speak of, correct?", I paused a moment to let the question sink in his mind. I wanted him to calculate. I wanted him to think out an answer. Such was the way of things with auditions. Then I would propose another question a little before he would reply to the first, "How small of a start, Mr. Dmitri? I have learned every man has his thing. I have ... resources here in the club you might fancy, darling." A bit more of a flirtatious expression was then worn on my face after that. Indeed, every man has his thing. I will find his. "I have an acquaintance that can check the documents you gave me. Since we are just getting to know each other, I'll give you this sheet back after the scan as a gesture of good will." A more sultry tone inhabited my voice now. With him looking to possibly leave the office, a small nudge of my wiles couldn't hurt. Perhaps he was a man who was my thing too? "Leaving already, Mr. Dmitri? Darling, we just met. I thought we were getting to know each other? If we are to be friends as you say, surely there is plenty for us to talk about." After saying that, the sultry tone from my voice was accompanied by an intentional and opportunistic look in my shimmering eyes and a playful smirk on my lips. An expression one would imagine a spider in the old fables wearing inviting a fly to her web. I would not kill him, no. However, I'd be a fool to not have him intertwined before he left.


Location: The Parlour, Watson
Time: 9:00pm
@Red Bulloch
Is That a Gun in Your Pocket...?

"I very much am taking your offer to consideration, Mr. Dmitri.", that part was truthful, "A man of your talents is most useful for a woman in my line of work." I would retract my legs from the ottoman but have them crossed, with the cybernetic porcelain one on top and still visible through the cut in my dress' long skirt - it's ornate decorative patterns showing in the electric lamp light. "You want me to believe you can orchestrate this protection you speak of, correct?"

Dmitri's grip loosened on the door knob of the office, of only for a moment. Was she... baiting him? His face broke slightly into a bemused expression. He was known to appreciate sarcasm and humor to a certain extent; but when it came to business, Dmitri said what he meant, and meant what he said. He took a moment to decide how he wanted to address that comment, yet she spoke again before he could respond:

"How small of a start, Mr. Dmitri? I have learned every man has his thing. I have ... resources here in the club you might fancy, darling." A bit more of a flirtatious expression was then worn on my face after that. Indeed, every man has his thing. I will find his.

She was baiting him; trying to draw him out to see what buttons she could push to wrap him around her finger. It wasn't the first time that a woman tried to do that to him, although most of the time he was already paying them 'for their time', and they simply wanted to maximize the amount of money they were making for the endeavor. This situation was similar in a few respects. He was proposing a partnership (in reality, he was planning on pinning her under his thumb in all fairness), and she seemed to be attempting to do the same to him. It was a cute attempt, but one that was not entirely unwelcome either.

There was value in letting someone believe they had influence over you when they really didn't - and something told Dmitri that Red could use a good 'pinning' herself. While she seemed to be an expert in her 'trade', a woman couldn't fully fake desire or need when they truly felt it. Dmitri was a bit of an expert on that subject, considering the eddies he sank down into that particular vice... He knew how most women acted when they were putting on a show.

Maybe she was the best? Or maybe she wanted him as much as he was beginning to want her. She had mentioned something about returning the the tablet, but what cemented the intrusive thoughts in his mind came shortly thereafter:

"Leaving already, Mr. Dmitri? Darling, we just met. I thought we were getting to know each other? If we are to be friends as you say, surely there is plenty for us to talk about."

"Damn, she's good..." Dmitri thought to himself. Although he was adept at rising above most situations, the masculine instincts began to win over deep within him; down to the shift in blood flow from the organ that did his thinking, to one that did something else...

He released his grip on the door knob, and shoved his hands in his pocket as he took a few steps closer to her. He stared at her, tilting his head slightly to the side as he gave her a very different smirk.
"I'm a man with a wide variety of skills. But something tells me you aren't interested solely in the protection I can give you." He took a few more steps until he stood in front of her. His eyes locked with hers, as it seemed the moment stretched between them like a piece of flexible fabric with no end. He removed his hands from his pockets, and simultaneously wrapped his right hand around the back of her head as his lips met hers.

His fingers gripped her head softly, but with a strength of purpose behind a man who was not afraid to take what he wanted. His kiss was equally as purposeful, but had a tenderness to it that bespoke something very few suspected of him. Behind the cold and predatory exterior he showcased to the world, Dmitri was a man; a man who rarely had the opportunity to show the softer side of himself, even though this situation before them was more transactional than true romance.

Even still... it beat the hell out of his usual rendezvous at the No Tell Motel.

Their lips parted, and his eyes opened to once again meet hers as he backed away a few inches. Dmitri may have been a scumbag, but he never crossed the line of forcing himself on women - no matter how much he may have wanted them. She 'opened the door', and he walked through rather loudly. But he paused to see whether he overstepped and grossly misread the situation; a dance every man was familiar with, regardless of how much of a 'pro' they were with the fairer sex.

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Tag: @Dmitri Antonov
Location: Red's Office at The Parlour, Watson, NC
Time: 9:09pm

First, his grip loosened on the door. That was the first step to know if he was about to become entwined. By no means did I still trust him, and he likely knew that well. However, I knew well and good a similar arrangement likely was in his mind. It didn't matter too much, however. In fact, it worked very well. Sure, he may have come here trying to get me to serve him more. To be truthful, he was by far not the only one. However, he was the first to actually show a proper benefit to working with him. That was something I would be a fool not to make account for. It was for that, I could find use for him. As a corpo, I knew well and good he would likely pull some ace up his sleeve on me some time down the line. However, I would be very interested to see if he would still want to with how things might go between him and I. A woman in my position had many options to choose when it came to pacifying men.

It was so rich watching the conflict in his posture. I could tell by his pause of movement he was thinking about it. He was thinking very much about it. That was exactly what I wanted. Not only to see the fact he took time to think, but also watching men mentally squirm like that seemed so enjoyable. I guess it was only natural considering I spent so long making men comfortable to get where I am. The sight of them being uncomfortable seemed comical to me. However, I made absolute certain that I did not let it show. As my amusement filled my mind, I would just sit flirtatiously and comfortable as I already was. However, perhaps I may have subconsciously doubled down on my posture in such a sense.

He would then turn, and the usual heartbeat came. On one hand, he was decently attractive. There really was no denying that. However, this was more so the excited thrill I came to this city chasing. The unknown about to happen. Considering the nature of this city, he could do a multitude of things including just shooting me in the face. The rush of adrenaline made it all worth it. As he would slowly walk towards me and talk about how I may have not have just been interested in his skills, this excited heartbeat intensified. Nothing was more thrilling than a plan working. When things line up in your favor, who wouldn't be excited?

Then came the kiss. It was fast enough where I could not truly stopped it, but maybe it was just slow enough where if I really wanted to I could. However, I chose not to and let his hand go behind my head. I have performed this dance many times now. However, I would say this was possibly the most romantic adjacent it has ever played out before. As he pulled back, a wicked glare was in my eye. It likely was one he was very familiar with, and I was very used to giving. It signaled all he would need to have known. I would slowly rise from my chair, making sure my chest was a little more visible at each stage of such. "You skills seem to come with great benefits, Mr. Dmitri.", I purred in a sultry voice, "A well-to-do business woman like me would be foolish to ignore them." As the devilish grin and wicked stare faced him, I would pull him in for a other kiss, only with me pulling him from the front on his lapel. Needless to say, there were more ways to sign a contract in the late hours of the night.