push it real good
- Eddies
- 189

Name: Jocelyn Tashiro
Alias/Handle: "Joss" or "JT"
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-English
Birthplace: Night City
Appearance: Standing at a hair over 5'3" and weighing in at 115 lbs, Jocelyn presents an unassuming, almost diminutive frame. Slim, bordering on scrawny, she has the look of a girl who has missed a meal or two in the shuffle of life. She has a standard neural link and a set of low-level Kiroshi optics, and sports several piercings along her ears and one nose piercing. Joss has dark eyes and her hair is naturally black, though she has been known to experiment with her hair style and color, especially as part of a job that requires some kind of infiltrations. She has a trio of uneven scars between her eyebrows.
- Family Ranking: Gang family
- Parents: Both deceased
- Childhood Environment: In a decaying, one upscale neighborhood
- Shy and Secretive
- Sneaky and Deceptive
- Kramer, a fellow orphan who took her in when her parents died and showed her how to make it in the criminal underworld
- Sammy Preston, a member of the gang family she and Kramer were in, and a former romantic interest
- Cosmo, a cat
- The System™ (corporations, oligarchs, the establishment, etc.)
- The NCPD, usually, and private security
Lifepath / Role:
- Streetkid / Netrunner
- Hacking
- Handguns
- Parkour
- Stealth
- English (Native)
- Basic Kiroshi Optics
- Neural Link
67 ((7 x 10) - 3 from cyberware)Gear & Style:
- Weapons: a Unity pistol and a trio of throwing knives
- Gadgets: a stolen datapad, a lost (read: stolen) phone, a second-hand cyberdeck (also stolen)
- Outfit: WIthout many eddies coming in, Joss can't be particular about fashion. But when she's got the cash, it's over for you gonks.
Jocelyn barely knew her parents. She lived with them, of course, for the first six years of her life. Her father was a functionary with Arasaka in Night City, while her mother worked for a British shipping conglomerate in Night City. Her family paid the price for working with a bloodthirsty corporation and, following some kind of political snafu at Arasaka, her father was targeted for reprisal by a rival Arasaka division. Her parents were killed in a highway shooting. Jocelyn, an only child, was put into the foster system that was characterized by benign neglect. She spent more time on the streets than she did at school. Joss took an early and active interest in technology and finding ways to circumvent restrictions -- for instance, overriding a vending machine to get a bonus Nicola or turning off an inconveniently-placed camera so she could sneak out.At twelve, Joss met Kramer, when she was placed into the same foster house. To say Kramer was a bad influence was an understatement. He involved her in a myriad of petty crimes and made use of her technical abilities to get him out of scrapes, whether that was distracting the NCPD while Kramer pulled a scam or replacing the video footage of Kramer stealing from a convenience store with a loop of footage from earlier in the day. Kramer was three years older than she, and when she was fifteen Kramer became involved with 6th Street, and inevitably Jocelyn followed him into it. It was there that she met Sammy Preston. Impressionable as she was, she immediately fell in love with him, with his pickup truck and his cowboy hat and his stubbled jaw. Sammy and Kramer were fast friends, and Sammy begrudgingly tolerated Kramer's suddenly taciturn foster sister tagging along on their adventures.
The trio became more or less inseparable over the years. Kramer did six months in the clink for a convenience store robbery gone wrong. Joss's unrequited affection for Sammy continued until he got a nice Aldecaldo woman pregnant and left to join her nomad clan. It broke Jocelyn's little heart, but she threw herself into her work with Kramer and development of her hacker skills. Not long ago, just before her 20th birthday, Jocelyn left the gang over disagreements with their methods and targets. Stealing from corps and the wealthy that had their feet on the necks of the little guy was one thing, but shaking down ordinary people was beyond the pale for her. Kramer refused to leave the gang, so the two parted ways and Jocelyn found herself on her own for the first time. She paid her way with a job waiting tables by day and night, and doing odd netrunning jobs in off hours, but is always looking for a way to break into the world of Night City's lucrative gigs.