"Bullets or broken bones?"
- Eddies
- 32,251

Name: Joseph Graham
Alias/Handle: "Grey"
Age: 29
Ethnicity: American
Birthplace: New York
Appearance: 6', toned, Joe favours dark tones and practicality over comfort. His body bears signs of past trauma; bullets and blades, mostly, with chemical burns marring his hands and forearms. The Cyberware he possesses is mostly internal, with very few signs of body modification to be seen. The perks of having a good Ripper.
Family Ranking: Gang family. Jo never really knew his biological parents.
Parents: Missing or dead. Makes little difference either way.
Childhood Environment: In the heart of a Combat Zone, fending off boostergangs and scavs, and sometimes even his neighbours when things got really desperate.
Personality and Motivations
Personality: Cynical, though, not without heart. Believes trust has to be earned 'cuz chances are they can't be.
Friends: Few and far between. Joseph has no-one waiting for him back home. Maybe Night City will be different?
Enemies: Anyone who tries to take what's his. Gangoons, Scavs... and those gonks over at Meatwagon.
Person He Values Most: Himself.
What He Values Most: His word, the only thing that matters in this biz.
Skill and Role
- Special Skill: Combat Sense - Enhanced reflexes and intuition in dangerous situations, allowing him to sense threats, react faster, and plan tactical moves.
- Handguns
- Shoulder Arms
- Martial Art - Judo
- Streetwise
- First Aid
- Perception
- Neural Link - Allows user to connect directly to devices, weapons or networks. Ideal for the use of Smart weapons. (-1HL)
- Kiroshi Optics Mk.1 - Provides user with low-light vision and zoom capabilities. (-2HL)
- Kerenzikov Reflex Booster - Enhances reflexes and reaction time. (-4HL)
Empathy and Humanity
Empathy - 3/4
Humanity - 33/40
Gear and Style
- Kang Tao G-58 Dian (Corp-issued)
- Arasaka Tamayura (Corp-issued)
- Nokota D5 Copperhead (Personal)
- Tsunami Nue (Personal)
Style: Substance over style; business before pleasure. Bombers, windbreakers, rain jackets and tees. Legwear usually consists of cargo pants, crawlers and Novawear. If it looks good, that's preem. If not, oh well. So long as there are enough pockets to hold spare magazines and stacks of eddies, he's happy.
The world is cold and cruel. Joseph learnt that early on in life, and it's a lesson he never forgot. Born in Queens County, New York, he was raised by those strong enough to survive life in the overpopulated boroughs of The Big Apple, now rotten to the core. Of course, survival came at a cost; his experiences as a youth changed him, moulding him into the man he is today.
Morality never meant much with an empty belly. If someone else had to die so he could live, well... tough shit.
At first, it was the gangs. New York was rife with them. Posers, chromers, boosters - loyalty and honour was considered the stuff of fairy tale, not life as Joe knew it. Betrayal was a common occurrence, and nearly as frequent as the gang wars that seemed to pop off at a moment's notice. Over turf, mostly, 'cuz everyone knows turf led to eddies and eddies... to a better life, away from the day-to-day violence and shitty scop-burgers.
Of course, the biggest dreamers were the first to snuff it. But that didn't stop others from trying.
Somewhat unexpectedly, Joe's big break came in the form of a Corp: Militech. Namely, their private security force. He knew their promises were bullshit, that the guns and the tanks were just how they lured in young, naïve kids like himself. Still, given the choice between three hot meals a day and relative safety in the ranks of a Megacorp over life in the city slums? It was a no-brainer.
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