CONTEST Neuromancer Book Club

Certified Spaceman
As proposed on Discord, I thought I'd suggest an informal book club for reading Neuromancer together. I picked it up recently and am only on Chapter One, so I'd invite everyone to read along with me and then we can share thoughts as we go (or after as you prefer).

Here's a copy on if you don't have another source or a hardcopy. I won't suggest you spend money, but if your library has a copy or Libby access then please do patronize.

I've also made a thread on Discord for those who want to keep up there.
I'll start us off (copied over from Discord). I'd encourage people to use [spoiler][/spoiler] or [ispoiler][/ispoiler] for obvious spoilers, but format as you like.

Chapter One
-I'm impressed and humbled by how many of the Cyberpunk terms come right from the pages of this book. Night City is established here, biz and (hacking) decks. The backstory for Case is one I'd actually love to see a movie or show on, not an action hero, just a broken netrunner put at his lowest by ruined prospects. The incredible amount of plastic in use feels inspiring to mention more in my posts as well.
@Captain Jordan

Read the first chapter last night, its so immediate that you recognize the influence its had on the genre.

I absolutely love the writing style, the way it flows reminds me a bit of one of my favourite authors, Edward Abbey, though a little less fast-paced. Both authors were influenced by the Beat generation writers, so I wonder if it stems from that.

What I loved the most about those first 20 pages was that most of the vocabulary is completely invented, and yet when the characters speak it just flows so well. Its that style of writing, not sure exactly what the technique is called, where you can read over a sentence filled with jargon and invented cultural references and still feel as though it makes sense, because it makes sense to the characters and the universe. I adore it. very excited to read further. Will continue to post my thoughts here.