Kitty - Dancer / Shadow - Netrunner
- Eddies
- 448
One Cat, Three sides.

Kitty - Dancer

Shadow - Netrunner

Kitty - On the street
Riku: "You let her have so much freedom… She will turn against you"
Master: "She knows her place, and you will stab me earlier as she will."
Riku: "Why do you trust her so much?"
Master: "Because I know her past, and hold her future in my hands"
Personal Case:
Original name: Natalia RamonAlias/Handle: NaRa, Alia.
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Born: Night City, 2037
Dead: Badlands, 2051
Name: ID-042175-Engram - Nikita Dragunov
- For Public life/Friends: "Kitty"
- For Fixers and Netrunners: "Shadow" (Netrunner)
- Not Public: "Little One" (Just "Master call her that way)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Japanese (Under the fully sculpted cat body)
Birthplace: Night City
Full humanoid cat-like body with snow leopard color and pattern and Grey eyes. She is flexible like a cat. 150 cm (4'92") tall, 200 cm (6'53") long tail, 55kg (121 lbs). Long hair (reach her waist), matching with the fur color (If she doesn't dye it).
Original Background 2037-2051
Family Ranking: Corporate ManagerParents: Died in an accident with her younger brother. (after she died)
Childhood Environment: On a Corporation Controlled Research Facility
New Background what she get after 2075
Family Ranking: Corporate TechnicianParents: Died in accident (2073)
Childhood Environment: Average Corpo life.
- As Kitty, before the public a Friendly and Outgoing person, a really party animal as a dancer, singer, guitarist. She likes the attention.
- As Shadow the Netrunner she is more serious, secretive, intellectual, and keeps the distance.
- As Little One, she was rebellious, but under the years she learned her place.
Riku: Her "chain sister" and she trusts her blindly. She is that person who is beside her physically and not just a voice on the other end of the call.Romance:
As a party animal, she is very open with this, but at the moment she didn't find anybody who could stay beside her more than one or two nights.Neutral:
"Master": Neither her friend nor her enemy. This person or ai is simply her Owner if she likes it or not, this doesn't matter. All of her rights are a gift from this person that she can lose anytime too.Enemies:
Arasaka: They made her first life a living hell.Role:
NetrunnerSpecial Skill: Interface - Allows them to connect to the Net, hack systems, control tech remotely, and bypass security.
She trained in an Arasaka controlled facility when she was young. After she was reborn she got new training too. She wrote most of the programs that she uses, but she uses some basic ones too for common tasks.
She prefers precise, silent, quick work with minimal damage and attention. Sneak in and out without anybody knowing she was there.
Shadow likes to work without personal contacts, so if she can, she works from a distance, using the security cameras or other networks. But of no other way she finds the way how can she go inside with the lowest profile possible.
Mainly Shadow gets clients from the Fixers, and if she has time accept it too..
Sometimes other Netrunners or group leaders are looking for her to join them temporarily for a gig or more. It depends on her whether she accepts this or not.
The rare times "Master" gives her gigs, there she has no right to say "No".
Everyday life
Cooking:Small thing but it comes handy if somebody doesn't want to burn down the kitchen or the half of the apartment.
She can make edible food if she doesn't want to order again.
Lock the seatbelt, check it twice, pull it tighter, and grab something.
She isn't a very good driver, because she has less experience with this.
She is a talented dancer, she moves comfortably on the stage, around the pole, on a table or in a cage, but just for fun the dancefloor or a simple floor is enough to start dancing just for fun.
She loves to sing and she has the voice too, enough for smaller performances.
Play on guitar:
Not a big level, but enough to get some money, but too little to join a band at the moment.
Combat skills:
Self Defense:She learned it because who knows when she will need it. And it comes handy in a bar too.
Small firearm (pistols):
Basic knowledge, she can use them, but doesn't like to use them. This is only the backup-backup-backup plan, it's messing up very very very badly. Her aiming skill is not too good.
Sneaking and Hiding:
A typical cat skill if you were born as a cat, but other ways you need to learn it too. She learned this, because it comes handy if she wants to avoid the fight and the too big attention.
Netrunner skills
Pro Programmer:Sometimes easier to use pre-wrote scripts and programs, but other times better if you can do it for yourself. She learned this and she kept this knowledge up-to-date.
System discovery/exploration/diagnostic:
She can ping the system and discover the connected devices on a smaller network. This helps her find other connection points or weak points that she can use for Lure or district others.
Breaking in/Hacking:
Attack the System and get control over it, silently and fast.
Control and bypass security systems:
Remote control cameras, or turn them off. Perfectly discover a place and mark the target and the "enemies".
She can make malfunction or weird behaviors in simple devices to distract peoples.
Information is the real value, get this or hide it an important thing.
Data Thief:
Get the information that she needs and minimize any chance somebody can trace her.
Turret bypass:
She must connect to the turret directly.
Neural LinkHL: -4
Connects directly to devices, weapons, or networks. Essential for hacking and smart weapons.
Kiroshi Optics (advanced)
HL: -3
Exotic cat eye edition, Gray Snow leopard eyes.
Bodysculpting - ExoticHL: (?)
Fully modified body into a Snow Leopard like humanoid.
Cat head, eyes, ears, body, tail, legs, paws with claws.
Mixed human and animal hands, with smaller claws.
Fur covered body
VC-LnBCS - "Virtual Collar" - Locator and Behavior Control System
Hidden autonomous device in her body. Not serial product.
She has no connection with this device and it is hidden from the scanners.
Highly secure data transfer.
Send location data to an unknown place.
remote control: power on, shutdown, reboot, permission control, upgrade.
remote behavior control.
Militech M-10AF Lexington - Power Pistol.CS-1Taipan - Silencer
Add-Vantage - Short Scope
Multifunctional "metal" Collar:It looks like a heavy duty metal collar, but the reality is more simpler and lighter. A hollow mostly plastic shell, light painted metal on the outside, comfortable padding on the inside. Inside the shell lay the electronics. Some smaller screens on the outside can show some data or picture or texts, but more like design elements as real function.
External data storage (common things like music, ebooks)
External ID device
Extra Shard slots and connection ports
Health monitor and step counter.
She wears mostly human or close human exotic clothes.She doesn't like jewelry in her cat ears or noses, but if she dance mostly she wear some simple ones around her ankles and close to the base of her tail.
She close always wears some kind of collar, mostly leather or metal or metal-like collars.
Her pistol, silencer and extra magazines hide one of her locked thigh bags.
History (Bio)
2037-2042 - Natalia Ramon, A young corpo's Life
Natalia Ramon, this was once my name, as I was born in my family. My parents worked for Arasaka, they believed in this corporation and trusted them in their hearts too.
This was a mistake, and I woke up too late. But I will tell you more about this later.
My life was simple, and easy, or more like much easier than the average citizen's life in Night City. This time I thought my parents loved me, and this was part of the truth, but I was just the second in their heart after Araska.
But this time, I didn't release what this means or will mean in my future. They chose me for a Corporation project as did many other children from the employees' families. My parents were so happy, and they said this will be a very good thing for me. I can learn much more, and one day I will be a big person in the company.
This was a lie, and the truth was nothing close to this.
2043-2050 - Unknown location, Badlands, Near Night City - The corporation young slaves.
I was just six, when they brought me and the other from our families and transported us to a facility far from Night City. We never knew where we were, but we soon found out why we were there.As they said we were talented in cyberspace, so we will be the new generation of their netrunners. So as they say they will teach us with professional people. In reality we were captured there and we were forced to learn, adapt with harsh punishment for any small mistakes. We had zero contact with the outside, more correctly we didn't see the outside world for years with our own eyes.Just our underground rooms and rooms with the chairs or ice tubs so we can stay more and more time connected and do our tasks. Hack systems, gather information. We had to release these tasks outside of the test environment and we had to hack into other companies' systems too. Or we had to do much darker tasks too. Some of us tried to lie to ourselves that they were just data, and nothing real, but few of us felt that we just killed people too. I did it many times over the years as they ordered this. Why did I? Simple. I saw the consequences if I didn't follow the order, as they simply killed before us who didn't follow the orders. If I thought back they were the brave ones, and we the cowards who just leaned down our heads.
I had a bad feeling and some of us started to make a secret plan, to find a way out from here, before we will stand before the barrel, and just watch as they pull the trigger.
2051 - The "Accident".
After many years something happened. First they just started cleaning up, and removed things. This wasn't a new thing. Sometimes they removed the old things and brought new ones so we could work more efficiently or make sure they could cut down more or rest time so we could work much more. But this time was different and some of us found this out faster than others and began to prepare our plan so we can escape here. It was clear that they wanted something bad, because less and less company people were here. The higher ranks left us, and just sent orders from far, to maintain the illusion that everything is fine, and they just remanage this project.But this gave us more opportunity to escape from here. One day they cut off our connection to the network, so we know this is the time to make our step to our freedom. We just ran on the earlier mapped routes to reach the outside using the vent system. Nobody could stop us, or we believed this, and as we reached the surface we just ran as we could.
A loud bang and the blast of the detonation pushed and knocked me off from my legs and everything went dark for some moments. As I opened my eyes, I saw one of my friends, his eyes were open and filled with fear. I tried to touch him, but I just released my arm missing, I felt the pain suddenly. He didn't feel anything, he died already. As I looked back I released what happened. They blow up the place, to clear out any evidence of what they did here. I tried to wrap around my damaged upper arm, but I just saw my blood and I passed out.
I heard a voice from the far. "One survived… barely…"
And somebody answered. "Good bring it. We have to leave now…"
I didn't know who they were, and I heard nothing more. Just the cold darkness and emptiness.
Columbarium, North Oaks:
"Natalia Ramon (2037-2051), Our beloved child, who suddenly passed away as she served a better good. /Loving parents/"
2075 - ID: 042175 - The new beginning.
I don't know how many times later I woke up again. I was in a tank, floating in a liquid. I just felt dizzy, and I instinctively grabbed my injured half missing arm. Suddenly I was shocked. First I had my arm again, but it was different, and as I released I was completely different. But before I could look at myself more I felt sleepy suddenly and went black everything again.Later I woke up in bed. My head hurt badly. I sat up and looked at a big mirror as a cat looked back at me. I realized that this cat in the mirror is me. I stood up slowly, looked around and after walking to the mirror and looked at myself.
After I checked my fur, humanoid cat-like body, tail, head, fangs, and my claws, I looked around more in the room. There was food, drink, but no window, just a door, but it was locked as I checked.
Suddenly I got an incoming call.
/Call from Master/
Master: "I see you are awake. Perfect. I hope you are fine, and you can adapt to your new body and reality."
042175: "Who are you? And where am I?"
Master: "Maybe these are important questions from your side, but fully irrelevant at the moment."
042175: "Irrelevant? I don't think so. I want to answer NOW!"
Suddenly I felt a harsh shock in my body and I fell to the ground with a yelp. It was a short demonstration but it was enough to lay on the ground and whimper.
Master: "I am the reason you are alive, and get a new chance to live. I am your Master, aka Owner. I think perfectly enough that you know this much about me."
042175: "I am NOT your property! I am a living person! I have rights! Aaarrrgh…"
I felt the shock again as I lay on the ground.
Master: "Did you say, Living person? No, officially you died in an accident, so what kind of Rights do you speak about?"
042175: "LIAR!"
I prepared myself for the next shock, but nothing happened, just a screen showing up on the mirror that changed into a big display. I slowly stood up and watched the information. My eyes filled with tears and I started sobbing. I read the report there about the accident, the top secret report about the situation where they blew up the place to kill us. I watched the pictures about my grave, and watched the video too.
Master: "Natalia Ramon died there. They found your dead body too."
I fought with my tears. There were too many things suddenly. They just killed us. But If I died there how am I here?
042175: "Then, what am I?"
Master: "An engram in a newly built body."
042175: "…nooo…NO…NOOOOOO! No this is not possible! I don't trust you! Let me contact my parent and after that, let me fucking alone!"
Master: "Your parents died years ago in a car accident. Maelstrom attacked a Millitech convoy. They were innocent victims, the Trauma team arrived too late. Your parents and your younger brother died there."
042175: "WHAT?! I don't have a younger brother!"
Master: "You died about twenty-four years ago, Little One."
I smashed my fist with full power into the wall with a loud roar and after I looked at the mirror myself as I snarled and my ears went down. I just growling wildly as my tears wash my fur covered face.
042175: "Just… Let me… fucking… alone!"
/Call ended/
I walked to the bed and crashed there and I just cried. I don't know how long. The world inside me felt apart as somebody pulled out the ground from under my legs fully.
The next few days I just got messages with information and meals, but I didn't meet any other living person. Maybe this place was fully automatic. I learned about my new body, and the new techs.
I spent more time before the mirror-like display and tried to access my own system.
"oh common, let me in, you piece of crap… I just want to set up my name… why do you not allow it for me… grrrrr…"
/Call to Master/
Master: "Yes little one? Have you calmed down already?"
042175: "Stop calling me like this… I have a name and I want to set it, and not this stupid number."
Master: "No, you don't have a name. But I can name you as I want, and when you deserve it."
042175: "What?! This is not fair! I want my own name!"
I felt a little shock in my body. It was just a little reminder, nothing more.
Master: "Did you say something?"
042175: "Nothing Master… So what do you want from me? There was a reason you brought me back, so tell me: Why am I alive again?"
Master: "Better. I thought this is clear already, I want somebody with your knowledge and personality. Yes I know your earlier life."
042175: "But I know nothing about the world outside, just what I read."
Master: "You will learn everything as you need, and as you start to trust and obey, I give you more freedom too. I promise this."
042175: "More, and not fully… So I am… what? Your slave?"
Master: "More like a bad pet with this behavior, but I hope you will learn your place and you will have much more, Little One."
/Call ended/
I sighed a lot and rolled my eyes, as the call ended. The next days, weeks, months were nothing more than just learning, training.
As time passed I understood my new life. If I played by the rules I could live a life with the illusion of freedom, and nobody needs to know I am just a property. Besides this I could show myself as an average girl who just lived her simple life. But when I need to, I can use my knowledge to make money in other ways too.
So I learned average things too, not just hacking. I found out that in my new body I can dance so easily and I can play on instruments too, like guitar. These may help me find a simple job too so I can hide between the other citizens. Better if nobody asks too much, how I get my money.
As I read more and more and practiced, I just found myself sitting on the bed and playing on a guitar and singing some old songs.
/Call from Master./
Master: "Here is the time, to you go out and live a life. But don't forget I will watch you Little One."
042175: "..."
Master: "Protocol rebirth… activated"
042175: "Wait.. what?"
/Call ended/
System Shutdown…
Firmware update…
ID: 042175… rename: Little One.
Additional public datas…
First name: Nikita
Last name: Dragunov
Nickname: Kitty, Shadow (Netrunner name), Little One (Master call her that way),
Born: Night City, 2057
Age: 18
Gender: Female
2057 - Low level Corporation family.
2063 - Corporation Elementary school
2071 - Corporation Highschool
2073 - Accident, parents died, Trauma Team saved her.
2075 - Full body reconstruction - Experimental Exotics Project (EEP)
Additional information…
Bank account…
Driving license…
Contact list update…
Permissions settings…
Live alone without full control…
Access to the public network…
Direct connection to Master and the subnetwork…
Ready for transportation…
Pick up point: Space station.
Target location: Japantown, Westbrook, Night City, Earth.
2076-2080 - The average Kitty and the Shadow in the Darkness
"Tomorrow is a Hope, Never a promise"System Power on…
System Self check…
Core system check and start…
System Booting…
Operation System Loading…
Subsystems activate…
Engram booting up…
System Ready…
Wake up protocol activated…
I woke up in a comfortable bed, and a message was waiting in the bed. A lot of noise hit my ears as I climbed out from the bed, and walked slowly to the window. I saw the part of the city again on the outside of the glass, and down there the people as they just walked. I walked back and lifted up the message and read it.
"Dear Nikita,
This will be a new experience for you, after you woke up again closed a year ago. As I mentioned, your new life is just waiting for you, full of opportunity and danger too. I will not tell you what you will do every day and night. But I expect that if I send you an order you obey and do it. I will not contact you as a person, but I will watch your steps, like others too. Do not disappoint me.
Ps.: Money on your account, it will be more than enough for you to start your life in Night City."
I rolled my eyes and explored my new home a little bit a little bit better. It is nice and comfortable. Not a wealthy apartman, but much warmer and friendlier than the basic corpo ones. As I opened the lockers I found more clothes to my size. Yes, Master definitely bought them for me. I grabbed a tanktop, and some comfortable panties, but I stopped for a moment as I saw something.
"Collars?" I mumbled under my nose, and took them out. They were just simple things without restrictions. I thought of one and grabbed a very loose leather one, and placed it around my neck loosely and grabbed some clothes too. I made my long hair, and walked to the door. It simply opened up, and I could walk away freely after a long time.
I enjoyed my day, and I know this was really a new beginning for me.
The time passed, days, weeks, months as I tried to find my place here. Yep I enjoyed my life too, and the more adult fans too, beside I tried work where I could, beside my other more secret life.
For most of the people, I was just a young adult Exotic girl, who tried to stand on her own feet. But on the other side I was a Ghost. I got a message with details of the gig, and after I sent a message where I left the thing that they wanted, they sent the eddies to the bank account, and after some more automated randomly generated transfer I got my money. Not too simple, but this gave me the opportunity to live the illusion of a normal life.
As the time passed, sometimes some gift waited for me in my apartment when I went back or I woke up. It was clear who sent them. These show me that this person can do anything around me, and with me too. My home security system always went off and the missing log data shows that I just did not sleep under these times. Master turned me off… He or she didn't want to give the opportunity to find out who he/she was.
I tried to find something as I lay in the bath tub filled with ice, but I could find absolutely nothing with the less information I had about the Master. The only starting points were the "Accident", my not too cheap body, the engram technology, but nothing. This person has money and power, besides the skill to hide from me, and maybe from the world too. The master can simply walk away beside me on the street too, and I couldn't recognize him or her.
Sometimes I had some smaller side gigs with random people and some of them looked for me with other gigs too. Mostly just like a backup netrunner, or some other smaller part of the task, but it helps get other gigs easier.
/call from T-Bug/
T-Bug: "Hey Shadow, what's up there? Are you chasing ghosts again, or just some eddies?"
Shadow: "Hey T-Bug. Yep something like that. But at the moment just chill in the ice. I had a long night… nothing big, just simple and boring… a kindergarten has a more difficult security system like the company has in this gig… and you?"
T-Bug: "I have a gig from Dex, I can do it alone, but I thought maybe you want to join in. Small team, good cash, not too hard gig. Are you interested in it?"
Shadow: "Ahh, maybe next time, I was too greedy or just counted the wrong time as I needed, and the old lady began to be a little bit impatient."
T-Bug: "Wakako again? One day she will be really angry at you, if you don't make her gigs very fast and clean. But okay, I'll let you work, and maybe next time."
Shadow: "Yep, I know this… see you next time!"
/Call ended/
I never heard about her again. But there was a big messy gig, so maybe something happened with her too, or just hiding somewhere. She wasn't the only one under the years who showed up and after disappeared. This will be my fate too If I mess up something badly. Just an average thing in Night City. As I worked in a bar, as a dancer I could hear a lot of rumors, or conversations. A lot of people forget that I am a living creature too and not just a Doll who forgets everything after the client leaves or stops the scenario, or a soulless object. Because I am a nice looking little Exotic, most people think I am just a play thing, nothing more and this helps in sometimes getting what I want or need for a gig if I couldn't get it from a distance. Mostly they are too drunk to remember who was with them, and I am not the only cat Exotic in the City. But most of the time I avoid personal contact when I make a netrunner gig. But sometimes I had to sneak in or crawl in on the vent system, so I can directly connect to the network. My small size and flexibility are very handy there.
Chain sister
/Training simulation activated/I just stood in a big virtual room, and I looked around.
Kitty: "skip intro, skip introduction, skip briefing, show me the options."
I walked to the terminal and looked for the list there.
Riku: "What do you like to practice today Kitty?"
Kitty: "Eeeer… Who are you, and how are you here?
Riku: "Ohh Master sent me, so I will check your training and help you if you need something extra."
I rolled my eyes and shaken my head.
Kitty: "Cool… So Master sent a babysitter after me… perfect… but thanks I am fine…"
I watched as she crossed her arms before her chest.
Riku: "I think you misunderstood me…"
I just look at her with a very boring face.
Kitty: "I don't think so… Simulation… ending…"
I just looked around a little bit confused as nothing happened.
Riku: "He wanted this and you can look at this as his direct order and not just a request. I hope you know the difference between those two."
I crossed my arms before my chest too with a little snarling.
Kitty: "Fine… so what?"
After multiple hours of hard training and testing the simulation finally ended and I just crashed into my bed. The next morning I felt like somebody who slept nothing.
I didn't enjoy that training, but it helped a lot. Besides the fact that I was soo brain dead as I just sat and watched as the machine made my coffee… or something like that.
Suddenly my locked apartment door just opened up and somebody walked in. I turned around and was ready to attack when.
"Riku?" I blinked as I watched the other exotic girl standing before me in real life.
"Nooo… the daughter of Santa Claus… who else?"
"Master never shows up."
"Yes, I know. But I am different." She put a fresh coffee into my hands and looked around.
"So, I am your old friend for the public. Otherwise my task is to make sure you live a little bit more healthy life…"
"I am fine thanks, and I am not a child, and I know what and how I can eat."
"Of course, and this is why half of your food wants to crawl away from me, or bite me. Don't be a silly girl, okay?"
"So you are really my babysit… ouch…" She just hit my head with a pillow.
"No, I am not your babysitter. I am similar to you…"
"So you are Master's…"
"Mostly yes. Except you know I am in my body and…"
"You didn't die a long time ago…"
"You are alive, Kitty, more as you think."
"I don't feel like this way."
"Just let me show you…"
That night Riu brought me to a night club, we danced, drank, and enjoyed ourselves. That night just went out of my control, but I just followed her lead, and enjoyed every moment.
What I didn't enjoy is the next morning. I woke up between multiple people, in a very hot situation. Long story short I found myself on the end of a strong metal chain, with a strong headache at the center of a big bed in the No Tell Motel. Riku slept on my side, and my body just hurt badly too.
"Riku… Riku… RIKU! Wake up!" I sat up and poked her.
"What?" She looked up. "Ohh good morning little Kitty, did you enjoy your first real adult cat night?"
"I kill you…" I snarled as I watched her stretch out her limbs.
"Ohh don't be so mad naughty kitty, you just loved playing with boys and girls too…"
"What did you drop into my drink?" I growled and crossed my arms before my chest and looked at her with narrowed eyes.
"Nothing, little Kitty" she rubs my face. "I just let you enjoy yourself the way you always wanted, but you never wanted to try it." I got up and walked to the bathroom, but she grabbed the chain and yanked me back.
"Come here, girl, I will remove this from you." I walked back and she removed the leash, and after looking deep into my eyes. "Do you feel alive now?"
"Maybe…" I walked to the bathroom and washed myself. "Why did you do this?"
"Because I know you didn't have a chance to live that part of your life. And I wanted to know if you are as wild as I imagine or a more innocent little girl."
"I can't name a point on my body that doesn't hurt at the moment…"
"I can't either, but it was a wild night too." She cleaned up herself too, and as we looked for our clothes we just chatted about the night.
Yes, Riku became part of my life more and more. She was really similar to me, and I felt that this was the reason the Master chose her to watch me, and helped me too. But I could live a "Party Animal" lifestyle too, and get some attention from people.
But this didn't mean my life was much easier. As a dancer or a singer, a guitarist, my life was a chaos and full disaster. On paper I earned a lot of money, but in reality they always found something to why they couldn't pay me fully, and I earned less and less. Okay, I had my netrunner life as Shadow, and I earned enough for the gigs, but I wanted a more normal and less riskier life too.
Ghosts of the haunting past
/Call from Master/
Little One: "Yes?" I just slowly rubbed my eyes and after watching my palm.
Master: "I heard some rumors that you had some kind of money problem."
Little One: "Rumors… of course… Did you check my bank account or Riku couldn't stay silent?"
Master: "That part doesn't really matter. The more important thing is, why do you try to hide this from me?"
I sighed a lot and as I rolled my eyes, I sat up on my bed. I slowly stood up and walked to the window. I watched the night lights of the city, and the people who enjoy the night time.
Little One: "Because I can handle this… alone… without anybody help…"
Master: "Can you?"
Little One: "Of course… I just need a little… eeeer… time… meeoouuch!"
I felt a little shock in my body. Nothing big, but enough to know the Master knows so I try lying.
Little One: "Okaaaay! My whole fucking life is a big fucking mess! Are you happy now?! Anything that I try to make goes wrong except if I make gigs and I am just a faceless Ghost in the system!"
I just watched my sad face in the window's reflection.
Little One: "You can begin the big Mountain speech, how big idiot I am… "
Master: "Just Unique."
Little One: "Only a thing… not a living creature…"
"You are alive, more like most of the people who live here." Riku slowly hugged me from behind.
Riku: "I will handle this Master. Don't worry about her."
Little One: "But…"
I turned around and looked into her eyes with my sad eyes.
"Aaaaaaw poor little Kitty has a bad mood, don't worry I will listen to you." She purred and petted me slowly.
Master: "Little One, what is your problem?"
Riku: "I will find out. See you later Master"
/Call ended/
"So tell me, what is this long face, little Kitty? Not the money I am sure about this."
"Nightmares, and bad memories."
"Ooookay… sooo… I know you had Nightmares a long time ago, but I wait until you start to speak about them, but I think there are more things. Please tell me, to I can help you"
I just tried to turn away, but she held my chin, and turned my head back.
"I had a gig some days ago, and I made it… but It brought back some old memories…"
"What happened?"
"I worked with others. The gig was simple, get the data quickly and silently. The others watched and followed the targets, and my task was to get the data. It wasn't a big thing, but one of the target friends arrived at the targets' apartment, and one of the gunslingers over reacted, and killed him before my eyes as I watched it on the security camera. I left the place, and placed the data on the dropping location. Nobody saw me, nobody knew I was there, but this brought back some old memories, and not good ones."
"Sorry Kitty, It's hard, but you know this is on the deck every time."
"I know, but I try to avoid it. There he didn't have to die. If the boy just sat on his ass silently, the man would just go away without any thought to the fact that we were there. I don't think the cops will think more like a simple robbery and it went wrong."
"You didn't pull the trigger, and this is not your fault. His death does not dry on your soul."
I looked away and pushed away her hands before I walked to the bed, crashed into and hugged my pillow. As I hugged that pillow, my ears just went lower and lower as tears filled my eyes and started sobbing and crying and hugged my tail too as I just lay there. Yes this time I didn't kill an innocent, but how many times have I done it just because somebody ordered it, and who knows when I will need to do it again. Okay I try to avoid that type of gigs, but anytime something can go wrong, or worse.
2081 - Japantown, Westbrook, Night City
"I am Still here…"I just sat on a bench not too far from the apartment building and watched the city and the sky as I thought about my public life. It was a little messy, and I just sigh a big.
"Nikita! Nikita!" I heard the voice of a young girl and I looked.
"Hey Siren, what's up girl?" I smiled as she showed me her data table. She played a game.
"I'm stuck again, can you help me?"
"Let's see… mmm… okay… I will help you… but only with a hint."
"Please make it for me this time, please Nikita, please."
"Nope, it just kills the fun. And you learn a lot, if you find out the mechanic and not just wait for others to make it for you."
"So, the Hint: Not always the straight line is the simpler way. Look around and find another way." I gave back the tablet to her, and looked at her confused face.
"Eeer.. okay…"
I just watched as she tried again and again. After she finally found the way, I just watched her happy smile. I remember the cold place where I was at her age, and a good thing is I could see a child, who enjoys her child life too.
The other day I just made some food for myself when one of my neighbors knocked on my door. We just chatted a little as I looked for some spices that she asked for.
"Nikita, I can't not see you are struggling a little under the last months. Is everything okay with you girl?"
"Oh… of course… close everything…" I sighed a big.
"You can tell me, if you like."
"Not a big deal, just that idiot didn't pay me correctly again… and I had to cut back everything to the minimum so I can pay my rent, and…" sighed.
"I can imagine that your body maintenance costs a lot. And I wanted to ask a long time ago to… err…"
"Why am I an Exotic?"
"Yes… why are you a cat? Sorry, but you don't look like somebody who is amazingly rich, soo.. why?"
"I had an accident when I was younger, and I had a low chance to survive, so I accepted a risky experimental operation. It was certain that I died there without it, and I had a big chance to die in the process, so I could lose nothing. Luckily I survived it, and now I am here with a close to normal life. Okay I had to relearn how I can live my life again."
I chatted with her a little. And this was my official background story behind my public ID, what I get from the Master. I knew I had to just ask him and pay everything after me, but I wanted to show him that I can stand on my own paws, without his money. Or I just wanted to feel the illusion of my freedom a little bit more real, and show myself more independent too.
Sometimes this was a simple task, other times not really. But this was similar with the boys too as I lived my night cat life. I didn't find the boy who became more of a one night adventure. Mostly I just laid alone on my bed and looked out the window.
Not a fun party.
Sometimes as a dancer, my life is simple: I just dance on the stage, or around the pole, maybe on a table or in a cage close to the ceiling. The worst thing most of the time, the place is hot, and the air is very smoky. But beside this, nothing happened, a calm thing. Everything for the eyes, nothing for the hands. Simple things.But in this place, sometimes this is a more difficult thing. My shift started the same way as other times. I got the cage, so nothing too big. Except there I had to wear close to nothing, but nobody can touch me, so who cares about this? But later I got the message that one of the girls had a problem, and I needed to replace her in the VIP party. Those parties are always problematic, for a not Doll or Street meet girl. I didn't want it, but I got the promise to after this I got all of my eddies. So I accepted it. My task was simple. Sat in the Bar owner's lap or beside him, or lay there. Let them touch me. Don't need to think too nasty things, this is only a display role. In this situation, the Bar owner wants to show that he has nice Exotics in his bar, soo he can reach the more richer clients too, and beside this we are well "tamed" too. Five exotics worked in this bar, and I was one of them. So this is more like a business meeting than anything else.
We wore some wild tribe outfit, and all of us were on special chains. Simple things, if anything happen, the chains unlock and detach automatically and we can run to the panic room, or out. But they are strong, and look like normal chains, so we look like wild cats. And of course, the people pay more for wild creatures and we earn more tips too. Win-Win.
Except this time. That A-hole ""forgot"" told us to change the chains to normal ones, and under the party he went away, leaving us with his new business partners. Besides this he lets them do what they just want. After we found this out, we had to figure out how we could fix this problem before we became playthings.
The plan was simple. Let them order a lot of alcohol and watch them as they knock out themselves. Under this time one of us slowly lockpicked the chains on the wall, and after we ran into the panic room.
Of course we couldn't reach our A-hole boss. So we had to remove the collars and the chains, before we could walk home. This time we were lucky, but we knew: Next time, we will not be so lucky.
After I arrived home, I just took a shower and crashed into my bed. I want to speak to nobody, just sleep a little. I had a feeling that somebody was watching me, but I just closed my eyes and slept.
The next day started just like another day, I just slowly woke up in my big basket, as I hugged my big pillow. My eyes slowly turned to my closed window blinds, and gave them the command to open up. As I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I started to yawn a big and stretch out my limbs, and blink some.
/Message from "Liar boss" to Kitty/
"Hey my sexy lap warmer,
I hope you slept well and the clients were not too naughty with you last night. I know I promised to stay all night long, but I had business soo really sorry, but you know, time is money, and I had to get it.."
I slowly climb out from my basket and check my other messages and bank account too.
/Message from Kitty to "Liar boss"/
"No problem, I handle the situation.
Speaking about money… when do you like to pay me out the last three months?"
I started making my coffee and drinking it. I didn't wait for you to pay me… I knew him enough…
/Message from "Liar boss" to Kitty/
"Don't worry, little sexy, you will get it, maybe if you come to me and warm my bed a little beside me, we can figure out something. Maybe more enjoyable too, like some eddies… What do you think? Do you come here and purr a little?"
/Message from Kitty to "Liar boss"/
"I have other plans for today. Just send me it. Thanks."
I looked at my contact list, and I just sat down beside my guitar and started to play a slow song, as I was just thinking about it. I closed my eyes as my finger slowly played the melody and I just enjoyed this little calmness. I knew what would happen, so I had to wait for it to happen.
/Call from Master/
Little One: "Yes Master?"
Master: "I heard some rumors, about your actual boss and his paying habits."
Little One: "I just wonder how fast you will call me, and start this conversation again. I'm fine…"
Master: "How long do you want to play this little game, Little One? This isn't healthy."
Little One: "Yes I make mistakes. Yes They just take advantage of my situation because they see me as a naive innocent little sexy beast. Yes, I know this, but they don't know me, just the simple exotic girl. Maybe the next one will be better…"
Master: "You said this before the previous one too, and the other one too, Little One."
Little One: "Yes, I know Master…"
/Call ended/
Slowly place down the guitar beside me, and grab my clothes. I wear nothing extra, just some simple hoody, shorts, and go out walking a little.
/Message from Speedy to Kitty/
"Hey, I heard about last night, is everything ok? That idiot went too far this time. I don't know how you feel, but I saw a place on the side of Watson, maybe look around there. Ohh Yep, and heads up girl!"
OOC informations
Good question: who is this person, or AI?This person never refers to his/her gender, and never answers these types of questions.
Open for other GMs/Players
Cat exotic, netrunner.Master's other property.
We know less about the past.
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