True Believer
- Eddies
- 403,660

(img: Midjourney)

The Red Chrome Legion is an organization in Night City that blurs the lines between booster gang, hate group, "punk" scene and neo-fascist revolutionaries. They appear in canon during the Time of the Red and prior in the early 2020s. The gang is currently believed to operate 2,000 laced members with another 500 members of various hate gangs who take direct orders from someone in the R.C.L ranks.

The Red Chrome Legion operates primarily in Night City and has little to no presence outside of it - save for some connections to NUSA border patrol for purposes of smuggling. The gang is currently aiming to expand after recent increases in their numbers due to growing Arasaka ressentiment in the city, but at current they hold areas that have been historically havens for hate gangs.
- Kennedy North - Charter Street - East Street: Known as Skin-Head Stretch to South Wastson locals, the apartments, bars and shops north of Creek Loop in Kabuki have seen a sharp rise of Red Chrome activity in recent years and as of 2081 serves as their main base of operations. The Red Room Club, the gang's official Headquarters, is located on the corner of Charter Street and Creek Loop and is often home to loud, obnoxious nights of drinking and rock shows. The hate gang has turned what was once a diverse strip of kabuki into a place where exotics, those of Asian descent or people who just hate fascists are terrified to go.
- Red Room Club can be accessed by anyone deemed "desirable" for door fee at night or for free during lecture days in the morning.
- Assaults by skin-head "Lacers" are common
- XBDs created by the gang's braindance editor "Viper" can be bought here
- Lacers are known to attempt to extort a "toll" from passersby
- Creek Loop & Sutter Street: Currently not under direct control of Red Chrome, the gang has been operating in the area - scrapping frequently with the likes of The Mox and Tyger Claws as they try to expand their territory. Your average citizen doesn't have to fear the constant, strangling presence of the gang here, but if you are unlucky you might end up at the wrong place at the wrong time.
- Robberies of rival gang protected shops
- "Stomps" (organized mob violence) against hated groups and rival gang hangouts
- Drive-by shootings of rival gang members
- North Kabuki & South East Watson: Meeting less resistance in these two sub-zones, Red Chrome Legion makes most of their cash by bootlegging, scamming and selling illegal wares to the residents of North Kabuki and South East Watson. The gang often rubs up against Maelstrom territory in the industrial zones, but historical ties between the gangs keep relations as amicable as they can be when one side is chock-full of psychos.
- Muscle & Health Supplement Scams
- Bootlegging of copyrighted media, beverages and other wares
- Corp-Transport Robberies
- XBDs created by the gang's braindance editor "Viper" can be bought here
- Illegal Arms Sales conducted in this area
- Assaults by skin-head "Lacers" are common
- College Street (Vista Del Rey): A relic of a time past, Red Chrome Legion still maintains a small presence in Vista Del Rey at The Chrome Cross Bar. This bar has a long history dating back to before the Time of the Red in the 2040s and is known to accept a wider range of hate groups and ideologies than is common at The Red Room Club. Much more run down, this area of Red Chrome territory is frequented by smaller hate groups who affiliate with or take orders from RCL proper. Here you will find not only RCL, but all the other craziness that exists within their sphere of influence - including Nazi posergangs, white power groups, Klansmen and all the other dredge that society can drum up.
Leadership Structure:

The Red Chrome Legion, unlike most booster gangs, has a strict hierarchy separated into three distinct "divisions" of the overall organization. A majority of the gang's members exist in the bottom two rungs of the hierarchy - which serve as the foundation for the three divisions, but aren't themselves separated into them.
Instead, the two bottom rungs serve as a general pool of manpower for all three divisions to pull from as needed. The divisions (From left to right on the pyramid) are "The Political Wing", "The Militant Wing", and "The Cultural Wing".
From the outside looking in, the only aspect that is obviously distinguishable would be the C.D.S at the top of the militant wing because of their heavier arms, equipment, military tactics and unique tattoos. The rest of the divisions would be meaningless to anyone outside the gang or not studying R.C.L, as they'd likely have trouble distinguishing most activity from the usual gangland fair.
At the end of the day, the Inner Circle (consisting primarily of @Harper Graham, @Evi "Dustoff" Ashford and @Cyrus "Risers" ) are those who make all directional decisions of the gang.
You can learn more about R.C.Ls ranks, structure and other info under our resources tab!
Alliances & Rivals:
- Allies
- Maelstrom: A fair weather pairing, Red Chrome Legion and Maelstrom have a long history dating back to the early 2000s. Several Red Chrome members joined Maelstrom in the gang's fledgling days and the two share common antagonisms against The Inquisition, Tyger Claws and other Combat Gangs. Red Chrome Legion also maintains a policy of allowing members on the verge of cyber-psychosis to leave the gang and join Maelstrom, which has kept lines of communication open for decades. The two gangs will often butt heads over territory or over simple insults, but they find themselves on common ground more often than not.
- Poser-Hate Groups / Neo-Nazi Groups: Red Chrome Legion is hardly the only hate-game in town, they are just the most organized and well funded - thus becoming somewhat of a twisted envy to other smaller groups that verge too wildly from the R.C.L line to be accepted into its ranks. Groups that pose as historical nazis, white power biker gangs, or just ole'-fashioned hate groups like the Klan find an ally in R.C.L. Often these gangs diverge from the R.C.L mainstream line - such as supporting American Nationalism, hating groups RCL does not or simply being "too unserious" - but such things do not stop R.C.L from welcoming them into their sphere with open arms.
- Enemies
- The Mox: Red Chrome Legion has made themselves a problem of The Mox for years now, ever since the hate-group took up residence in North Kabuki. Some of this rivalry boils down to the usual gangland fighting for capital and territory - but R.C.L's views on exotics, the nature of prostitution as a "corpartist exploitation tool" and their lax policy on joy-toy consent have put them at violent odds with the self-defense gang.
- The Tyger Claws: Red Chrome Legion sees the Tyger Claws as little more than "Japanese Cultural Poison" and view their continued existence as a direct affront to their own. Much of Red Chrome's racist propaganda features the Tyger Claws heavily and their seeking to eradicate the gang is more akin to an ideological necessity than a monetary - or even practical - goal.
- The Valentinos: Unlike the Tyger Claws, the Valentinos haven't found themselves an ideological enemy of Red Chrome Legion - though several of their sub-gangs and allies would love to disagree. Most of the R.C.L beef with the Valentinos comes from a place of monetary gang activity. This does not mean R.C.L has nothing to hate the group for, as ideologically the gang sees the Valentino insistence on their members following Hispanic cultural norms as a threat to what they imagine in their eventual rule. It is only a matter of more pressing enemies that they have not yet become an ideological target and, for now, the two gangs only clash over financials in parts of Vista Del Rey.


The Red Chrome Legion has an aesthetic centered around neo-militarist clothing in red and black - with the gang generally sporting tactical clothing, leather combat jackets and their signature black combat boots with red ladder laced shoe laces. All members of the gang are also expected to only use cybernetics that are plated or colored in red or a combination of black and red.
Shaved heads and Light tattoos are common and many members have the R.C.L sigil somewhere on their body - oftentimes on the side of their skull. Roman motifs are also a common theme in their light tattoos, graffiti and clothing.
R.C.L uses several mottos that sum up their militant, neo-fascist attitudes.
- "Fight the Poison, Build the State, Obey the Leader" - Shortened to "The Three Oaths", "Nine Words" or simply "Fight, Build, Obey!", this line from one of Harper's first pamphlets is accepted as the official motto of the Red Chrome Legion - summarizing in an easily repeated blurb the neo-fascist ideals of the gang. It commands all members of R.C.L to use violence against "The Poison" (i.e corporations, exotics, people of Asian ancestry or any other enemies of R.C.L), do whatever they can to build a "legitimate" state with R.C.Ls leadership at its head and - of course - to always Obey Harper Graham.
- "Burn the Body" and "American Culture Once More (shortened to AMCOM)" - these two mottos originate from a speech made by Harper Graham, during which he called for R.C.L to "Burn the body of Corporatist Poisoned America" so that "American Culture could prosper Once More". These slogans exemplify R.C.Ls focus on corporate corruption of America and their belief in restoring some vague, R.C.L guided form of American Culture.
- "V <" and "V²" - These two mottos are, again, originated from a Harper speech - this one in which he said that "...against such an enemy [corporatism] no violence is too great". Both of these sets of symbols are a play on "no violence too great" and serves as a reminder that R.C.L members shouldn't hold back.
R.C.L'S reputation throughout Night City is one of violence and fear. Outside of Watson and Vista, their exploits might be largely unknown, but most denizens have heard either the terrible violence done by Harper's R.C.L or the Legion of old.
- Constitutional Arms M2038 Tactical - Used primarily by Lacers, these shotguns are easily acquired and require little training to handle. R.C.L will usually modify these guns with red on black paint, folding stocks and simple red-dot sights.
- Militech Crusher - Passed out to True Believers and Lacers who've proved themselves, R.C.L makes it a point to smuggle in the Crusher for use by the gang whenever possible. With most of their members being poorly trained - having more heart than brains - the Crusher is the perfect weapon to make standard in their ranks.
- Militech Lexington - An easily acquired pistol in Night City that sees mainline service with the NCPD, this pistol is no fuss and perfect for the primarily untrained grunts of Red Chrome.
- Nokota D5 Copperhead - Used primarily by the CDS, a small and elite force of R.C.L that contains mostly veterans, the Nokota is a reliable rifle easy to gather ammo for and replace.
- Thorton Mackinaw - Red Chrome Legion maintains a fleet of Thorton Mackinaws that they've stolen, bought or assembled from spare parts. These vehicles are painted in jet black with red accents - then painted further with Roman Helmets, Red Chrome Sigils or other graffiti. Loved by the R.C.L due to being cheap and perfectly designed to get members to spur of the moment calls to violence or used as explosive devices.

Background & Operation
With roots dating back to an early 2000s poser gang made up of edgy teenagers, R.C.L has long since stopped being a joke by a bunch of bored kids and become something far darker and much more serious than ever intended by its naive founders. Since its inception, R.C.L has gone through several iterations and restructurings as the organization's messaging changed to tap into the fears, angers and desperations of Night City's various eras.
Most recently the group was seized by Harper Graham, a mysterious figure with alleged ties to city officials, in 2078 after orchestrating the deaths of the old R.C.L leadership with the help of Cyrus "Risers" Mahon. Graham has since shifted R.C.L's focus towards violent retribution against "corporatist poison", something he claims has been spread by Japanese influence.
Notable Incidents:
- 2020s - 2030s: Massive gang wars between R.C.L, The Ironsights and The Inquisition throughout the combat zones.
- 2043: Hijacked a corporate cargo train carrying Militech Neuro-toxins.
- 2044: Massive recruitment drive of the homeless and desperate throughout the combat zones using food and shelter as a recruitment tool.
- 2045: Attacked and killed the survivors of the popular Forlorn Hope
- 2077 - 2078: Several car bombings, assassinations and mass violence conducted of Kabuki and Japantown
- 2079: Took over what is now "Skin Head Stretch" and opened The Red Room Club.
- 2080: Started a massive riot following one of their infamous "hate night shows" in which Kabuki was engulfed in targeted violence - ending in the arrest of Evi "Dust", the orchestrator of the show.
Red Chrome recruitment is a highly organized affair that is overseen by the group's "cultural wing" - who uses a mix of political propaganda, guerilla shows and donation of resources to prey on the desperate, lonely and angry. R.C.L is very much aware of the hardships of those in Night City and will often seek to recruit children from broken or abusive families, desperate homeless citizens, disenfranchised corporate veterans and those who are angry at the world and have nowhere to put their rage.
Generally speaking, anybody who does not belong to a "undesirable group" is welcome to join the R.C.L at any time as a "Prospect" - a level at which your main purpose is to swear your oath to The Legion and become indoctrinated into their beliefs. Once someone from a higher position in the group decides they are ready, prospects are required to murder someone from one of the R.C.Ls maintained hitlists - after which they will be given their red laces and considered full members.
Generally speaking, anybody who does not belong to a "undesirable group" is welcome to join the R.C.L at any time as a "Prospect" - a level at which your main purpose is to swear your oath to The Legion and become indoctrinated into their beliefs. Once someone from a higher position in the group decides they are ready, prospects are required to murder someone from one of the R.C.Ls maintained hitlists - after which they will be given their red laces and considered full members.

Leadership & Ranks
@Harper Graham is the leader of Red Chrome Legion. Little is known about the man or his origins, but it is an open secret that he has connections to the corporate world in his old life. Those in high ranking political or corporate positions might even be able to discover that this old life included a high ranking role in Nightcorp's Corporate Intelligence Division - but details are scarce.
The Inner Circle
@Cyrus "Risers" is the "Governor Militant" and leads the entire Militant Wing of R.C.L.
@Evi "Dustoff" Ashford is the Vox Populi and leads the entire Cultural Wing of R.C.L
@Rory "Viper" Quaid is the XBD Engineer for R.C.L and holds a place in the Inner Circle as one of Harper's close advisors
Dennis "Zombie" Quaid is a bodyguard to his brother, Viper, and holds an unknown position within The Inner Circle
"Dachau" is a full-body borg born in the early 2000s and went mad during R.C.Ls poser years after consuming too many "historical" nazi themed Braindances. He serves as a strategically used tank by The Legion.
@Evi "Dustoff" Ashford is the Vox Populi and leads the entire Cultural Wing of R.C.L
@Rory "Viper" Quaid is the XBD Engineer for R.C.L and holds a place in the Inner Circle as one of Harper's close advisors
Dennis "Zombie" Quaid is a bodyguard to his brother, Viper, and holds an unknown position within The Inner Circle
"Dachau" is a full-body borg born in the early 2000s and went mad during R.C.Ls poser years after consuming too many "historical" nazi themed Braindances. He serves as a strategically used tank by The Legion.
Zachary "Faust" is a high-ranking member of the Corpo Death Squad, R.C.Ls elite fighters.
"Trojan" (former) was once a netrunner and street commander for R.C.L before Harper's takeover and has since left the gang.
"Eights" is a netrunner for R.C.L
Jack "Northman" is a laced in member and the lead singer for the Hate Band "Krash"
Franklin "Eight Squared" is a laced member and guitarist for the Hate Band "Krash"
"Hex" is a laced member and bass player for the Hate Band "Krash"
"Stomper" is a laced member and drum player for the Hate Band "Krash"
Kara Vanderlin is the lead singer for the Hate Band "Double Tap"
"Trojan" (former) was once a netrunner and street commander for R.C.L before Harper's takeover and has since left the gang.
"Eights" is a netrunner for R.C.L
Jack "Northman" is a laced in member and the lead singer for the Hate Band "Krash"
Franklin "Eight Squared" is a laced member and guitarist for the Hate Band "Krash"
"Hex" is a laced member and bass player for the Hate Band "Krash"
"Stomper" is a laced member and drum player for the Hate Band "Krash"
Kara Vanderlin is the lead singer for the Hate Band "Double Tap"

Potential Hooks:
Revenge for a loved one / friend killed in an R.C.L attack
A Red Chrome recruitment drive
Visiting the Red Room Club (on purpose or maybe even by accident...)
A gun deal gone bad (or right?)
A Red Chrome "Stomp" (code for a violent street attack) happening in your hood?
Red Chrome's stated goal is to one day take over Night City and replace its corrupt democracy and corporatocracy with a strong-man dictator state...but Harper Graham has far more complex goals known only to him.
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