- Eddies
- 1,059
- Treat all community members with respect. We have zero tolerance for harassment, hate speech, or any form of discrimination.
- Our official rating is R. Members must absolutely be 18 years or older due to mature themes of violence, blood, and suggestive content that can seem sexual in nature.
- Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information without explicit consent. This includes real names, locations, and other sensitive data.
- Only post content that is Safe For Work (SFW). Explicit content, such as pornography or real world graphic violence, is prohibited. In addition, the depiction or suggestion of child sexualization (under the age of 18) is strictly prohibited. Violators will be banned and reported.
- Discussions on political, social, or religious topics of the real world are discouraged to keep our focus on writing and ensure a comfortable space for all members.
- Avoid trolling, spamming, or other disrespectful behaviours that disrupt conversation flow.
- Please limit self-promotion of services and refrain from advertising offsite roleplay. This includes unsolicited advertising via direct messages.
- Autohitting, Godmodding, or any attempt to circumvent the Storyteller System, combat rolls, or Character Creation is expressly prohibited. Character Death is possible, if you seek it, it will come. If two parties wish to forgo dice rolls and pre-determine the climax of a conflict, that is acceptable.
- Impersonating other community members or staff and creating multiple writer accounts is prohibited.
- Report any rule violations to @GehennaUponUs. Do not take matters into your own hands.
By joining and participating in our website, you acknowledge and consent to all of the above rules.
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