
Sudo is a male Netrunner in Night City. He is relatively new to the edgerunner scene. He acts as a remote hacker for the crews he runs with - infiltrating local networks while in a chair who knows how many blocks away. He is so reclusive and hesitant to appear in person that not even his own crew mates have met him in the flesh.

As a fanatic of classical Japanese anime, this sometimes brings great pain to his teammates when he wants to discuss an episode of obscure shows such as Gundam. The avatar that appears in calls in place of his own face has been influenced by such media.

Name: #nuh uh
Alias/Handle: Sudo

Age: Youthful voice
Ethnicity: American enough
Birthplace: Earth
Appearance: Shy


Family Ranking: Most likely not privileged, unless he's crazy
Parents: Exist(ed)
Childhood Environment: Somewhere with a Net connection


Tries hard to make friends and impressions. "Try" being the key word. He is technically competent as a Netrunner, but has a terminally online lifestyle and personality. In Gigs, he does try to make sure his teammates make it out alive to the best that he can from his chair or ice bath - whichever he is in.


#TODO: Make some friends.


Hopefully none, forever.

Lifepath / Role:

Netrunner, specializing in remotely accessing networks for Gigs. He normally relies on a teammate physically on site to jack into a terminal - allowing him to run his daemons to gain access to cause whatever chaos necessary to complete the job.


If he ever filled out a resume for legit work, it would include obviously his technical skills with the Net and cyberspace but also his trivia on Japan.


English (Native), Japanese (anime)


At least a Netrunner specialized Neural Link.


Not bothered by dying gangsters, would be sad if his fellow crew died.


No signs of Cyberpsychosis.

Gear & Style:

His avatar has a cool cyborg helmet.


Sudo keeps his mouth shut when it comes to his past and personal life.

But in Night City as a Netrunner, he began working as a freelancer for several Gigs. Against gangsters such as the Scavvers, he showed himself to be decent enough against their subnets and "ICE". Despite running several jobs already with a few Fixers, Sudo has declined to appear in person to any of them. This has unfortunately led to him losing out on a few Gigs due to some Fixers being adamant on meeting the people they hire.

Regardless, Sudo just keeps stacking eds with the jobs he does get.