PRIVATE The Family You Choose...



@Red Bulloch

'The Parlour'...

Of course it was named that...

Remy didn't wanna judge her too hard for her branding. After all, she was a country belle, a sweet summer child in her own way, despite whatever she may think of herself. To Remy, Red would always be that troubled young lady that tried to blend in to the constant chaos that was Night City. He didn't fault her for that, lord knows he had spent his own time and effort in not looking like a tourist. But that was then, and this was now... and a grudge was a grudge. Her branding had made it look like she was caught in a stagnant image, though Remy was sure her customers were none the wiser. Only one that knew her as well as he had might pick up on it... but it was no matter. What mattered now... what always mattered... was the eddies.

He would swallow his pride and resentment for two seconds, at least for now. Biz was life... and life was biz. Personal vendettas had no place in it, so long as they didn't interfere with the flow of eddies. Yet, he couldn't help but to feel that lingering sting as he walked into The Parlour. If she had been anyone else... he probably would have had her killed. But Red was different, even with their troublesome history together.

He sauntered in, seeming to not have a single care in the world. Remy knew his limits, and he knew his advantages. He would never enter a room without knowing he could leave in one piece. Yet, even then, there was always that uncertainty with Red. Remy may have been her mentor, at one time... but times change, and their past left his mind clouded.

As he entered, he had to push past what paltry security was present. He could only assume that somehow Red had clued them in on his identity. But nonetheless, he felt that perhaps some of their old dynamic had lingered. After all, one doesn't get into any club in Night City without getting their very being checked by someone. You have to know someone, and this place was no different.

He swaggered up to the bar, his usual sly grin resting upon his face as he gazed at the bartender.

"Cher, tell Red that Remy seeks an audience."

The barkeep looked back at him with an unknowing, suspicious look, to which Remy would only respond to by doubling down.

"Trust me, cher. She'll know."

The bartender quickly took his drink order and promptly left the bar, and Remy stared into his glass hoping to whatever god may exist that he wouldn't have to leave this place shooting.​
Tag: @Remy LeBlanc
Location: The Parlour, Watson, NC

I knew it. Ever since I took over I knew it. It was a fact that some day this day would come. It would only be inevitable that one man from my past returns. It seemed like life has treated that Cajun well since we last parted ways. New suit. New car. New bodyguards. Same man by the looks of it though. All that would have to be decided now is if he came here for personal matters or biz. Either way, there was a solution and a plan. I did not spend years posing as a gang whore to not learn that a gal always needs a plan.

A small chime played in my ear, as one of the security techs called in.

"He's here, Madam Bulloch."
"Keep an eye on him, boys. Let him be as comfortable as the others."
"Yes, ma'am."
The call would end as I continued dealing with the seemingly endless stream of papers and forms for the city's ordinance. At least this building was covered by some level of insurance as of yesterday. Just a few more licenses to go. That was when one of the girls came up.
"Madam Bulloch, there's a man wanting to see you."
"Does he have dark hair combed to the side, a funny looking eye, and an accent like mine but more French sounding?"
"Yes, Madam?", she replied confused at how I knew. For how long she has worked here, that woman ought to know by now that the walls have many ears that I listen to.
"Where is he?"
"He's downstairs at the bar, Madam."
"Good. Give him a few drinks on me. I'll be down momentarily."
"Any drink particularly."
I then told her the last known "favorite" cocktail of Remy LeBlanc. I may keep him waiting, but perhaps this attention to detail could work in my favor.

A half-hour would pass as I finished signing the forms for one of the last license applications to the city council. It was all formality at this point. I knew I was going to get it approved. Those clerks just approve almost everything as long as it promises them tax eddies. Oh well, time to see my old friend. A small corridor went between the hallways of the offices and back rooms and the main hall. With a few one sided mirrors that looked like holo-posters of the public side, I could see the man I could call my brother in Night City. Aside from a new suit and a cleaner haircut, he looked just as I recalled. A sly smirk crossed my face imagining us years ago. Down a small, narrow flight of stairs, I came out from behind the bar. As far as many of the other patrons knew, I was just another bar gal. To them, there was merely extra serving.

"Enjoyed your drinks, dearie?", I said in tone that conveyed both flirtation and impish pestering. Whichever he saw more mattered little to me as long as I got Remy's attention. "It's very kind of you to visit. Did you bring a house-warming gift?", if he looked to see my face by now it would be looking at him with a playful smirk and a crimson shimmer in my irises.


@Red Bulloch

The dry slurp from his straw was enough of a signal for the bartender to approach, anticipating his next order. At least her employees have an eye for service, he would think to himself. You could get away without that in Night City. Most people considered themselves lucky if they got a drink at all, a moment to numb the nerves and calm their mind. But great service was a luxury, and Red had seemed to manage to maintain that ideal in her establishment. However, when the bartender opened her mouth, his perception would begin to shift.

"Care for another? This one's on the house."

Remy's eyes narrowed for a moment, though he managed to maintain his usual swagger and calm.

"Why how kind. Yes, cher, another would be nice."

A few moments later, another drink had found its way to his hand, but it was not the same. The Atomic Sunrise wasn't an incredibly common cocktail, mainly because many didn't possess the uniquely keen palate it took to appreciate its depth of flavor. Yet, there it was, staring right back at him as he gazed down into the glass.

Red... always the pleaser...

Perhaps an effort to dull his wits, or perhaps a move to lighten the mood with memories of better days.

A play, either way. And either way... he wasn't going to bite. No doubt there would be more drinks "on the house", but in this city... nothing is ever free. Not wanting to know what the price would be, he would limit his intake of the cocktails, patiently waiting for his old friend.

Soon enough, Remy could hear the unmistakable voice of Red as she danced her way to the bar, his gaze shooting her a look as she approached.

"You remembered," he quipped with a sly grin. Leaning back in his seat, he swished the drink around within his glass as he got a better look at her. Her appearance certainly held an air of someone above her roots, but beneath it he could see the same old Red.

"What cher, my dashing looks and charming personality aren't warming enough?"

It was said in jest, but the tension was clear, despite their mutually pleasant tone with each other. Remy motioned lazily around the bar with his hand as he continued.

"I heard about your progress with this establishment. Wanted to drop by and see for myself."

That wasn't the only reason, of course. Everything was a play in this city, and Remy would take his time before showing his hand.​
Tag: @Remy LeBlanc
Location: Main Bar Counter of the Parlour, Watson, NC

Face to face at last. How many years has it been? Possibly around 5 at this point. The Atomic Sunrise on his breath was still potent, but I have learned in my years not to wince. The worst to smell on a man's breath were those inhalers filled to the brim with drugs more potent than dorph. When you have to french-kiss a man who was fresh off those things, you certainly learn to hide any pain from breathing such things in. The strongest of cigars paled in comparison to those things. Remy's sunrise breath was nothing even compared to those cigars to me.

"Of course I remember, big bro.", I said with a sly smile in my voice and on my face. God, did I miss his banter ability. "Of course, dearie! I just couldn't be too careful. I have been getting many gifts in the mail lately. Mostly city ordinances. I was hoping you'd bring some fun." I would continue the sort of playful tone. In truth, it was clear both of us were waiting for the other to open up first. We both knew each other well enough to see this. However, our lives relied on such a dance to be done. At this point, we can't help ourselves. Pride, ego, and eddies are on the line.

My guest and brother-of-sorts gestured around the bar. Truly, a scene of organized chaos. A blend of music like that of a stringband and the synthesized music commonly found was playing in the background. Like the motifs of a stringband were being played with those common instruments. The ethereal band's tune flowed through the air as patrons thought they were only minding their business. Many sat at tables or bar stools with drinks, while others caroused with those who looked like friends on the outside. A loft around the floor had gambling tables where patrons spent time and eddies at blackjack, poker, and some other games of chance. Then the music would be quieter as the entrance to the back rooms would be seen, as a few patrons would be escorted back there for an exploration of deeper desires behind closed doors. However, all of this was being watched. Every movement and dirty deed. All of this was being fed to my personal terminal. Soon, a few will come here to seek out an amplified rumor mill.

"What do you think, my Southern brother?", I said feigning inflated pride, "I find running a place like this suits me more than working one." I would end my remark by pouring a small glass for myself. Half ginger beer and lime-X with a dark rum floater, a staple among Charleston elite. The clouds made at the top of the glass potentially looked like the clouds hanging over this meeting. The dance between us had to continue before either of us knew if these clouds would part or not. A sip of the sweet and sour fizzy drink would pass before I would prod. "What about you, though? I see you too have gotten new threads since we split. Surely that is a sign of good biz." I would take another sip with a devilish smirk on my lips.


@Red Bulloch

A smirk shot across his face as he took a sip of his beverage, his mind recalling the startup of his own club Nexus. A lot of paperwork indeed, especially in a town as corrupt as Night City. that is, unless one knew which palms to grease, and which backs to put a target on. Something he was sure Red understood as well, but Remy was unsure as to how far her own reach had grown since they last met. Hell, perhaps she was even trying to ensure the place was on the up and up, at least as far as the inspectors were concerned. She could have been lying too, of course, but Remy had taught her many of the tricks she knew. Enough to at least assess when she may be making an attempt at deceit with him. So far... everything seemed fine.

"Perhaps I do, cher... perhaps I do."

He gave the place another look over as she asked him for his opinion before turning back to her.

"Indeed it does. You weren't ever meant to stay on the streets, or in the sheets."

A brief pause would follow as he took another long sip of his drink. His comment was simple, but held a greater weight in regards to their history. Remy had never faulted Red for getting into the line of work she had. Lord knows, its hard enough to make enough eddies to get by in the city as is. Despite that, he had always believed she was meant for more, regardless of what the others in the old crew had to say about it.

"You may have heard of my new club, Nexus."

The place had picked up in business quite splendidly since he remodeled the old, dusty place. It took a lot of time, effort, and rebranding, but Remy wasn't anything if not ambitious. Once a forgettable, sleezy dumb with and even more forgettable name, he had finally turned it into something memorable.

"Biz is good."

He let out a sigh, leaning in to avoid being heard by others.

"You got a place we can talk freely? No offense, but I find that even in places with the most vetted clientele, the walls still may grow ears."​
Tag: @Remy LeBlanc
Location: Main Bar Counter of The Parlour, Watson, NC

It was hard to tell if any repour was there, of if this was us mutually wearing masks. While I have known him so well, the years of distance created a tension that hindered all upfront friendliness. Well, hindered such for now. He at least seemed to be enjoying the company. I, for one, very much enjoyed seeing a familiar face after all these years. The chance of him bringing some fun then got my head working. Perhaps he's looking to go further than just a brother? Perhaps this fun comes with some of his boys swooping in and shooting up the place in a very hostile takeover? To be truthful, anything was possible, and I loved it.

"I think so too, big brother. I think so too.", I would say satisfied on the outside. In truth, I enjoyed both. However, when you own the club, you are able to be more selective with who joined you in the sheets. Higher caliber men certainly came to a lady in my position. Either way, I truthfully enjoyed myself outside of the papers and forms. Everything else about the business of owning a night club was exactly what I had hoped for when coming all the way across the country to this neon city. "The sheets are fun, but a whore is like a beggar with such things.", I would then shoot a look through my shimmering red eyes, "Owning the club has its perks when it comes to the men you draw in." A little flirtation was nothing new, especially after such a long time.

I nodded in approval hearing business was good for him. To be truthful, I did not wish ill. However, if it came down to either him or continuing to rake in eddies, my decision will be anything but personal. Such a possibility was a very sad one though. No use fretting over it though. It hasn't happened, at least not yet. "That is heartwarming to hear business is good." I then took another sip of my drink. "Nexus is a fun name. What was the inspiration?", I looked to him with the flirtatious eyes and a playful smirk.

A question of privacy. A shame for him, none of these places are purely confidential when it comes to me hearing of it. All walls had ears in my establishment, which didn't bother me since those ears were mine. It could be a working girl eavesdropping ever so subtly, a loose-mouthed patron using the services of those girls, or simply a few bugs installed in the rooms. Either way, all information was fed to me. "There's one place, dearie. A little ironic, but", what I didn't tell him was that place was my personal apartment suite, "Care to follow just you and I? Like those days not so long ago?" My face wore an expression of allure. Eyes wide, a smirk on my lips, and an even complexion. It was quite the skill to have your eyes so open yet prevent so much peering into your soul.


@Red Bulloch

Red's words were so typical for her. Not that it was a disappointment, of course. If anything, it gave Remy some hope that a bit of the Red he knew was still there. Nevertheless, he opted to remain quiet during her quips, choosing to offer a sly smirk and nod when appropriate.

As she asked about the name of his club, Remy leaned back in his seat, taking a long swig of his cocktail. She knew how to caress a man's ego, and though Remy saw right through it, he couldn't help but to indulge her trappings, if only ever so slightly.

"Well, it is meant to be a meeting place. A causeway between individuals that wish to conduct biz and remain discreet about it. The name just came to me, really. It just felt.... right."

He couldn't help but to give her the slightest air of suspicion. So many years had passed... it was, at least to some extent, to understand her tone at this point. He was still more than capable of doing so, but time changed people...

Hopefully, enough of the Red he knew was still present.

He looked to her with a sly smirk, knowing that if things went South, he could at least get out in one piece.

"Lead the way, Red."​
Tag: @Remy LeBlanc

  • Starting at the Main Bar Room of The Parlour, Watson, NC
  • Edning at Red's Penthouse Apartment at The Parlour, Watson, NC

Remy's words were a sign that definitely some old ties can be bound once more. It was a sign, for certain. That was what mattered most. How it didn't matter how much time had passed. He still was the Remy I knew, just with a few promotions in his career. In a way, similar enough to me for something of worth to be made.

I smiled a bit as he described his Nexus to me. "Your dream come true, Remy my dear. Congratulations, are certainly in order." I would take one last sip of my glass with a smirk. "In a way, rebranding what my old boss had was a similar process."

He would gesture for me to lead the way, and I would nod. I would come out from behind the counter, and lead him to a small door to the back. The hallway would wind around the main room where a door to my office would be. I then would walk to an elevator further back. A keypad would show where I made sure to obscure it with my body from his view. A few punches on the keypad later, and the door beckoned open.

The ride up was only a few minutes. Tech in Nigh City surely knew how to please. From there, it was a small posh vestibule which would lead to a lavish apartment space. It was almost like a manor's interior with a large apartment floor plan. I smiled a bit revealing my living quarters to my old friend, practically brother. "Here we are, Remy my dear." I would say with a shimmer in the eye and a smile on my face, and a slight laugh in my voice. Now, let's see what he had in mind to discuss. He was now deep in my web. This was the most secure space of my establishment. Whatever he would try here, would not end well. If he was willing to work with me though, then everything would go nicely. Dare I say, it would go perfectly.


He raised his glass in a proverbial toast to her statement, downing it before throwing his full attention upon her words and actions. Remy wouldn't take full credit for Red's ability to navigate the game, but there would always be that part of him that considered himself to be her teacher, even if she had grown beyond the scope of that. As she led him into the more private confines of her business, his eyes would instinctively dart back and forth, taking note of any possible threat or exit. It wasn't that he didn't trust Red... well, maybe he didn't. But whether or not he could, this was Night City, and true chooms were a rare commodity indeed.

He would crack a smile, his eyes lingering on the room around him.

"You've moved up, cher. Good to know it wasn't just me."

She probably thought she had drawn him in. Lord knows it wouldn't have been the first time. But that was then, this was now. They had both changed, and whatever semblance of a relationship they may have had was, frankly, inconsequential at this point.

He took a seat, his eyes and sly grin never leaving her.

"Cher, I wish to offer a proverbial olive branch. Let us be honest, if we can permit to do so within your quarters..."

It was only a miniscule dig, or perhaps a test to ensure that she was in fact her own boss.

"Recent years have not been kind to our friendship, but I am sure that you and I are of the same mind... and that is that biz is biz."

He leaned back, folding his hands together as he looked to her with a rather analytical gaze.

"I see no reason for us to not collaborate though, cher. And if you are willing and open to hear an idea, you may find it beneficial for the both of us."​