APPROVED GANG The Heirs of Dogtown; The Mongrels

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The Sons of Hansen


• Image Source: @GehennaUponUs with a credit to Midjourney


• Name of Gang: The Mongrels
• Territory: Dogtown, Night City. But they hold their firmest control over the Longshore Stacks. They also maintain a minor presence in the broader Pacifica region.
• Primary Activities: Smuggling, gunrunning and huscle-for-hire.

• Leadership Structure: Captain Dalton "The Mongrel" Pierce leads his pack with vicious efficiency. Although he delegates a great deal of day to day racketeering and administration to senior members who hold control. Pierce enjoys stringent loyalty of his lieutenants through lenient control and taking a minimal cut from his lieutenants.This and his propensity for holding parties, means he keeps a happy shop.

: The Mongrels have a complicated relationship with the militia which birthed them. Despite actively competing and undermining it, the Mongrels do adhere to a policy of non-aggression openly. And abide by a general principle of keeping order within Dogtown. As if one could call it order in Dogtown. But if an existential threat were to present itself to the Combat Zone, the Mongrels would answer the call and stand with Barghest.

Dogtown Citizenry: While most citizens would view the Mongrels as little more than Barghest under a different name, Captain Pierce wishes to cultivate a popular mandate with Dogtown's citizenry. He has strictly mandated a "Dont' fuck with the little guy" policy. And with his new Fixer, Benedict Cross, now offers Mongrels as potential service providers to them.

Rival BARGHEST Forces: Plenty of other Barghest warbands have their own agenda and now sit cozy in the Black Sapphire. The Mongrels hold a gentleman's agreement with them. An unspoken truce, as to not openly attack one another and avoid an all out shooting war. But behind the scenes, all sorts of skulduggery is afoot as each warband seeks to claim Kurt Hansen's legacy.

Scavs: Despite a previously amicable relationship under Kurt Hansen's reign, the Mongrels see the Scavs as nothing more than leaches. Ones who are not strong enough to operate in whole, and in a Darwinian sense, should be exterminated. There is also the fact that in attempting to foster good relations with the denizens of the Longshore Stacks, the Scavs and their conduct is antithetical to it.

Voodoo Boys: The Mongrels see the Voodoo Boys as freeloaders. For too long have the Haitian exiles sat in their spa, hacking the Net and hoarding Edds from their schemes. Bit more egregiously, sniped the lucrative air drops from beneath Barghest's nose. The Mongrels want to force the netrunners out of Dogtown. Or at the very least, bring them to heel.


Identity and Theme: The Mongrels are a subset of Barghest, and one of the better armed ones at that. With a core of their membership coming directly from Kurt Hansen's initial invasion force, they carry a little more military decorum than most other gangs in Dogtown. But that has slackened as the years since their break from Militech. Despite that, Captain Pierce in recent months has mandated a "don't fuck with the little guy" policy in an attempt to build some semblance of popularity amongst Dogtowns citizenry. This has been marginal, but at the very least the Mongrels are considered slightly better than most of their contempories. In terms of aesthetics, rather than the piercing neon green, the Mongrels prefer gold and muted orange. But plenty still rock the classic style.

• Motto or Creed: "Sons of Hansen".

Size and Reputation: The Mongrels are just over a battalion in size. To a Night City denizen, the Mongrels are just Barghest. But to those within there's a mixture of respect and fear. The other gangs formed from Barghest's festering corpse know to leave them well enough alone. While the average Dogtown citizen understands them to be at least marginally less brutal than the original militia. Firm, but fair. This attitude stems from the laws instituted by CAPT Pierce to mitigate members' impact on the local populace. For those who've worked with them either using the Mongrels as muscle or having purchased their products, they are a professional outfit who put an emphasis on repeat customers. Trying to go above and beyond for the customer.

• Signature Weaponry or Gear: Broadly speaking, the Mongrels have inherited most of their arsenal from Barghest. But to go through it more meticulously, here's the break down.


Origin: When Lieutenant Colonel Chester Bennett informed Dogtown of its beloved tyrant, Colonel Kurt Hansen's death the knives came out. Barghest began to slowly eat itself alive as old rivalries previously kept at bay by greed and Hansen's cult of personality returned to the fore. In the intervening weeks, any attempt at a peaceful transfer of power was either boycotted or ignored by influential personalities within the organisation. The Mongrels were one of the later groups to form. Coalescing around the powerful personality of Dalton "The Mongrel" Pierce. Pierce had a collective of loyal soldiers with whom he'd worked closely with for the eight years since the Arvin Accord. Their loyalty came from the way he ensured the money flowed, a shared military history, decent treatment under his tutelege and most of all the man's gregarious charisma.

The veterans Pierce had collected together had spent a prosperous eight years guarding the EBM Petrochem's loading dock. They skimmed off the top, made sure cargo flowed in. But in equal made sure to kick up appropriately. This changed in early 2078, as other Barghest factions sought to squeeze Pierce from his position. In an act at the time considered weak, Pierce acquiesced in order to avoid bloodshed. And moved his supporters and men from EBM Petrochem to Terra Cognita for a time. The lack of Edds forced a change in locale, and by late April he needed a win. Loyal as they were aome questioned the decision to move from prosperous stadium without a fight. But Pierce sensed opportunity. The Longshore Stacks had been occupied by Scavs who had since become brazen in their conduct. Knowing he needed to score a win and a home for his warband, Pierce organised an attack on the Longshore Stacks as the scavs celebrated VE Day. This massacre cemented the Mongrels as a force to be reckoned with in Dogtown. They were not Barghest, but wild hounds. Mongrels.

Since finding a home, Pierce has slowly begun to dig in. The Mongrels have expanded their rackets and works and become a small, albeit veritable presence in Dogtown. They've established an ad hoc drug laboratory, gunsmith and now began to hire out their veterans as mercenaries. And in recent months have expanded further to establish fixer operations. While progress has been meticulous, it is now in 2081 that Captaain Pierce aims for the stars and sets in motion his plan to secure the big seat.

Day-to-Day Activities:
The Mongrels on the day to day run a few rackets that fill their coffers. These are effectively a continuation of Barghest era commerce. Raiding the air drops around Dogtown, running guns to a mix of customers. Some nomads, some being gangs and even to enterprising mercenaries. They also run protection rackets on the small-time traders in the Longshore Stacks as well as the odd scavengers and treasure hunters who seek wealth from the maze of bunkers around Dogtown. Increasingly the Mongrels have sought to expand and have opened a muscle-for-hire business. Offering their crack soldiers as upscale muscle for any Corp, Nomad band or gang wanting some extra firepower.

  • Gunrunning: With a mix of either intercepting air drops, scavenging or small time manufacture of firearms and explosives, the Mongrels sell arms. Either in bulk or more boutique orders for custom requests. Master Sergeant Dominic Craig makes an awful lot selling refurbished land mines and shells from the Unification War to a mix of guerillas and military history nuts.
  • Air Drops: The air drops continue with no beneficiaries. And while they will not contest these against other Barghest splinters, the Mongrels will continue to try and seize them. This is still an incredibly lucrative business for them.
  • Protection Racket: Lesser people would call it "extortion", but in Dogtown whoever has the bigger gun wins. But a good runner up is paying the man with the gun to make sure he doesn't shoot you. The Mongrels extend protection to any traders, treasure hunters or other unfortunates with coin.
  • Drug Production: Reusing "vacated" Scav labs, the Mongrels manufacture drugs and send them into Pacifica or to the EBM Petrochem stadium. Distilled by the brilliant "Doc" Cummins, she produces 86% pure synth coke and Speedheal in quantity but in recent months has also dedicated some of her output to manufacturing balms and air hypos.
  • Mercenary Work: Although in it's infancy, the Mongrels have a huscle-for-hire scheme. Ideal for smaller corps, gangs or nomads who want a little extra muscle on hand. Given the Mongrels are descended from Militech shock troops, the quality of their work is above your average gangoons.
  • Fixer: Run out of the Moth bar in the Longshore Stacks, Benedict Cross works as the groups fixer. Helping build connections within Night City proper. Benedict parlays a mixture of information, Eurodollars and violence in order to expand the Mongrels agenda. Usually found in the Moth bar, he has increasingly gone to Night City in order to further Captain Pierce's business interests.
Notable Incidents:
The VE Day Massacre: On the 133rd anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, the VE Day Massacre is the single bloodiest day in the Longshore Stacks' history. And the day the Mongrel gang was properly born. In 2078, with Barghest control waning and their popularity having slumped thanks to Leon Rinder's cyberpsychotic break, Scavs came to dominate the settlement. With less and less of an official Barghest presence, the scavs became emboldened. Openly kidnapping its citizenry and trafficking the cyber ware on the street. Murdering those who slighted them.

Needing to secure a win for his newly formed gang, on the night of May 8th, 2078 a force of soldiers under his command stormed the Stacks and began to wantonly kill any and all scavs. The Scavs, heavily inebriated and drugged out their minds, were easy prey. When all was said and done, seventy eight Scavs were dead with only six Mongrel casualties. This cemented Pierce's position as gang leader, and the victory provided him a tool to leverage support from the Stacks' citizenry. As well as giving his gang a base of operations to run their guns out of.

Recruitment: One can apply for the Mongrels but few are accepted. Prospects are required to submit to a physical assessment and if they pass, they must undergo a two months of gruelling training. This training is effectively expedited military style training. Firearms proficency. Sleep deprivation. And of course beatings. But when decided to be tough enough, a prospect is then graduated to become a low level mook. Helping administer the day to day rackets the Mongrels are into.


Gang Leader: Captain Dalton Pierce is the unquestioned leader of the Mongrels. A Militech officer, Pierce followed Kurt Hansen into Pacifica and at the signing of the Alvin Accord stayed, bitter at the betrayal he felt. The moniker he would become most known for, "The Mongrel" was earned by his ferocity on the battlefield. While not necessarily the most tactful of leaders, Pierce maintains control through

• Notable Members:
Benedict "Benny Bucks" Cross: An Oxford educated litigator, Benedict joined Barghest out of desperation after exiling himself to Dogtown when he'd leaked his previous employers data to the Tyger Claws. Initially considered a whelp, he managed to ingratiate himself into the organisation as a negotiator and vetter of corporate goods. This made his cohorts a lot of money, and endeared himself to them. Since the Mongrels have begun arming themselves to make a move for domination of Dogtown he has become a fixer of sorts. Liasing with a mix of mercs, corps and other fixers to build connections and alliances outside of Pacifica so when the time comes the Mongrels have influence.

CPL Badrick Twigg: A Midnight Storm veteran, Twigg is the favoured fist of Pierce and Cross. Dumb as rocks, his lack of intellect and ambition is made up for by his ferocity on the battlefield. All the while his lack of empathy and scruples make him invaluable for "extracting" payment or intel from those stupid enough to cross the gang. Badrick is in a nutshell the perfect soldier. Loyal to a fault, and comfortahle enough to not want to climb the ladder.

Delilah "Doc" Cummins: A former Petrochem scientist who suffered a mental break and left her cushy job in the midst of it. She blew into Dogtown on a psychedelic bender, and has struggled for a job since. The good doctor managed to score a gig with the Mongrels, and uses her knowledge of the periodic table to craft high grade narcotics. But has recently pivoted to also manufacturing pharmaceuticals for the gangs use, but also for sale.

Master Sergeant Dominic "Scrapeye" Craig: A former Militech sapper, turned gunsmith Craig originally didn't so much manufacture guns as reactivating them. In the aftermath of the Alvin Accord and Barghest's defiance, Militech remotely deactivated most heavy ordinance. Scrapeye has conversely dedicated himself to manually rearming this mixture of artillery shells, cluster munitions and mines. While ordinarily successful, in 2075 a mine detonated in his hand, shredding it and embedding a metal plate in his right eye socket. Medically unable to remove it, the Master Sergeant plods along and with stocks of Midnight Storm weapons slowly running out he has pivoted to the manufacture of cheap, reliable weapons for the highest bidder.

Gang Hierarchy:
Captain Dalton Pierce is the undisputed "Alpha" of the Mongrels. His word is law and whenever a directive passes his lips it is immediately picked up by those beneath him to be interpreted by his name underlings. This lower cadre is dominated by a collective of typically former Militech NCO's of Sergeants and Warrant Officers. Although some outsiders like Benedict Cross and Delilah Cummins have gained the Captain's esteem, and work in the higher ranks.

Most of this second echelon work in either maintaining the Mongrels rackets, security or in specialist capacity like Benedict. Unlike most gangs, Dalton doesn't expect a large percentage of his underlings cut. Merely three to five percent of earnings dependent on how lucrative the con is. It is a deliberate strategy on Pierce's part which in turn keeps unrest minimal and fosters a loyalty. He understands to some degree that this means people will fudge numbers. But only ever occasionally makes examples out of them to remind the militia whose boss. Most senior members are either former Barghest or Militech veterans. And under the old regimen, Pierce was one of the few bosses of Dogtown who made sure his people got a fair shake.

At the very lowest are the muscle. Most are former combat vets, but increasingly blow ins are becoming normalised. Be it gangoons on the wrong end of a bounty or coups. Mercs wanting a stable and well paying position. Or Dogtown bums wanting a taste of authority. These recruits need to pass initiation and training. And if successful in completion, they typically aid in maintaining and administering the gangs rackets. Only those who've seen real firefights and action are given approval to perform the mercenary work. This is less out of a concern for newbies getting blown up, and more a want to deliver excellent service.


• Potential Hooks: The Mongrels are a presence in the closest thing Dogtown has to a civilian settlement. So they can be found there, extorting scavs and scheming. In Night City proper they can be found performing mercenary security work, typically at clubs. Or escorting the odd convoy for cash.

• Future Aspirations: Captain Pierce salivates at the chance to one day take up residence at the Black Sapphire. He sees himself and the elite core of veterans he's cultivated as the most pure of Hansen's heirs. And the most deserving of the title. The conquest of Dogtown is their aspriation. But in the medium term, Pierce seeks to establish his gang as Dogtown's premier mercenary force, and fixer.
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@Mongrel GM

Amazing work! I found only two very small issues.
  • The image is broken, the Discord now deletes the images' links. Because of this, I recommend to upload the image to a 3rd party site and link it from there.
  • About the image source, I know Logan made it, but I'd like to ask you to link the Midjourney to there as well, because he made the picture there.
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