The Rockerboy nan warned you about
- Eddies
- 736
The King of Cups

Wearing this
Objective: Not to embarrass himself

There had been one thing about trying to take a corpo-girl out that he hadn't expected - and that was the odd pressure he'd felt about how to show up and what to wear and how she might take it all. It was all so foreign a feeling to him that it might as well have been beamed down to him from the moon as well. He was a punk kid, plain and simple. He never gave a shit what the fashion was in the corpo world or how they'd look down at him but, this was different, it was different and it pissed him off. He was racked with indecision and by the three shirts he owned. Should he go out and buy something nicer? Would that even feel right? He hated how those corpo-rags looked and felt. One time he'd "happened" across a whole crate of corpo-fashion and ended up giving every single piece away because he couldn't find a single jacket or pair of pants that didn't strangle his bollocks or make him want to throw himself out the window like a bad stock market day.
From her texts she didn't seem all that uptight but still, he couldn't kill the nagging cop in his head. So, after spending the whole night prior unable to make a decision, he resorted to calling Trojan about it. It was an hour call where forty-five minutes of it was bickering back and forth about how - no this was a fine idea and no he wasn't thinking about selling out and yes he thought she was going to be a fine person. The last fifteen-minutes was Trojan telling him that he was "acting like a bitch" and that "she obviously wants a punk, not a punk bitch" and a few other phrases that all included some variation of "grow a pair" or "just put something on".
No sooner did he hang up with Trojan and finally decide on something did Luna send him another message - one asking if she should wear anything special. Oh GOD. Why did he have to choose for both of them now? Umm, what should he say?
"Anything you like!" he began the message, taking an obscene amount of time to figure out the rest, "We'll be out and about, so something comfortable?"
Why did he phrase that like a question? Fuck, it's too late now, already sent. He sighed, cursed at himself in the mirror, then shaped up and put on his clothes. His riding pants that he wore almost everywhere, complete with patches that'd probably get him shot by her corpo father. He almost thought better of wearing them but, glowing patches toting "down with corps" and "freedom before wage slavery" might be a good way to keep her from getting zeroed whilst they were out. Even if he put her dredge, Luna had the air of corp about her. He slipped on a grey shirt with a nano pattern printed on it then his black jacket with the tie-noose logo of his band glowing green on the back.
As soon as he was fitted, he turned and looked around his shipping container apartment - and quite literally a shipping container it was. One room, a bed that folded into the wall and the electrical wires hanging loose from straps tied to the walls and ceiling. Sure he had running water, a fridge, even a small TV was a fucking shipping container still. He was never going to make it in the front door of Luna's place and now...he wondered if she'd run as soon as she laid eyes on this. He sighed, but pushed the thought from his mind. He had a date to not miss.
He ran outside into the trash littered courtyard of Container Commons, the sorry excuse for an apartment complex sitting in the shadow of the new Megabuilding in Santo. He unlocked the seven chains around his bike and threw the twenty eddies to his neighbor for watching it all night - the guy worked the nightshift over at the Megabuilding Janitorial staff and watched the complex cars at night for a few eddies on his days off. It took two tries, but the motor of his bike kicked on and he was off, speeding towards the little corp mini-mall he'd been given the deets to.
He arrived at about 9:02, two minutes late, but he spared no time mounting the curb and coming to a coasting stop next to a table outside the complex. Summoning up Luna's contact on his internal agent, Cam shot her a quick message.
"I'm outside, ready when you are!"
@Luna Rothschild