UNDER REVIEW Tsubaki Medical



  • Logo Is a stock emblem on a mid-journey background



  • Corporate size: International Corporation with presence in North America and North East Asia
  • Name: Tsubaki Medical
  • Headquarters: Night City - Westbrook Business district
  • Operating Locations:
    • Asian HQ in Kyoto
    • Numerous medical facilities and offices around the world
    • Several notable facilities in Night City
    • Large facility on Lun that specialises in research and low-G therapies
  • Specializations:
    • Medical financing and insurance
    • Owns various hospitals and medical centres
    • Mobile trauma provider
    • Medical research
  • Parent Corporation: Owned by the Rothschild family
  • Subsidiaries:
    • Tsubaki Finance
    • Tsubaki Healthcare
    • Tsubaki Trauma
    • Tsubaki Innovations
    • Tsubaki Logistics
    • Kibun o yoku suru
    • Benevolence Care
    • Cali-med
    • Low Co Insuracare
    • Low cost health care 24/7
    • Medical claims direct
    • Medical4U
    • My Care Provider
    • True Hearts Medical
    • Compare Providers.net
    • Which? Healthcare provider
    • Umbrella Corporation


  • Corporate Philosophy: Tsubaki aims to be the leading provider of medical finance and cutting-edge healthcare for the masses.
  • Reputation:
    • Generally a well-received company, they own hospitals and do a lot to make people better. Their healthcare services are genuinely excellent, their research is well respected and their facilities are modern. They are not an openly malevolent company and do a lot of good and have a lot of good people working for them.


    • Like most American healthcare providers the private aims of the company are more about making shareholders rich than making the public healthy. There is much discussion about excess profits when many of its patients are pushed into bankruptcy by high medical bills, rejected insurance and long payment plans. To many, there still seems to be a high financial doorstep to obtaining services.
  • Key Figures:
    • Carter Rothschild CEO
    • Other Rothschild siblings as co-owners and board members
    • Luna Rothschild being groomed as the "pretty face" for several marketing campaigns
  • Technological Contributions:
    • Financial products
      • Various up front insurance provisions
      • After-service payment plans
      • Debt management
    • Personal Medical Cybernetics
    • Advanced Medical Facilities
    • Convenient medical AI services


  • History: Founded in 2025 By Rudolph Rothschild and Agatogo Hirohito as a purely medical financial provider it quickly grew in size and influence in the medical world, buying up other providers until in around 2040 it was considered a major player in the market. Due to personal issues Hirohito became less and less of an influence on the company and slowly sold most of his shares to the Rothschilds although he maintained a good relationship with them and is an important decision-maker in the Japanese arm of the company. In 2063 Rudolph Rothschild retired and ownership of the company passed on to his 6 children, with the Eldest, Ezra Rothschild being appointed CEO and controlling stakeholder. This appointment was short-lived as Ezra and his family were unfortunately killed in a plane crash in 2069 and his eldest brother, Carter Rothschild took control of his stake in the company and became CEO.

  • Business Model:
    Sick person with money + Tsubaki = Healthy person + Tsubaki with money

  • Notable Contracts or Deals: Tends to be a Consumer of smaller companies but has a good working relationship with a number of its peers as the system works best when all of the finance companies cartel their efforts. Having hospitals owned by the finance providers also helps to streamline things for the patients.
  • Rivalries: Of course, they have rivals as any business thrives on being better than its peers. A key rival and persistent thorn In the side are several state-funded medical care systems which, while providing health care to the less well-off, systematically misunderstand the needs of the industry and force providers into a rave to be the cheapest rather than the best, which stifles innovation by reducing profits.


  • Luna was born a year after her father was granted control and it is all she has known. She has appeared in several non-speaking promotional roles but over the last year is being groomed to take a speaking role and be the pretty face of the company on behalf of her father. Luna drinks every drop of the benevolent Tsubaki brand Kool-aid.


  • Potential Hooks:
    • Staff members
    • Patients
    • Anti-medicorp activists
    • Business partners/rivals
  • Future Aspirations: Expansion and market dominance
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Sorry for the long wait. We had to iron out a few WIP details for future judging.

Please see the updated template for corporations and add in your type and adjust based on the size of your corporation. Outside of that new add on to accurately represent the updated template, this is a solid submission. Please @ me or @Nefadar when you have made your edits.

Thank you!
@Luna Rothschild
@Luna Rothschild

Thank you, and one more thing, you wrote it is an International corporation, which means:
International Corporations: Function across multiple nations, employing 5,000-50,000 individuals. Their influence spans continents, driving innovation and controlling industries in various countries. They can oversee 3-6 subsidiaries.
I would like to ask you to also change the subsidiaries to reflect this.
that part I want to keep as it's unnecessarily restrictive. Real world equivalent companies, for example United Healthcare, a primarily US based international healthcare company has around 150 subsidiaries listed in a recent court caseand some companies have thousands. Of course if the restriction means it can't be approved in the codex then I will just to to profile post entry it instead.
@Luna Rothschild

Sorry for the late answer. I hear your concern and partly understandable, but the site is relative new and rules can change too (we changed the Annals many times on Medieval as well). So far it is the rule, later probably we'll review this rule, if the Night Market and the site will be more active, but in the mean time we are allow this small numbers of subsidiary. If the rules will change in the future, you'll have the opportunity to change the numbers and add new subsidiaries to your main company, but now I have to ask you to reduce them. It is an RP and not a RL.