One Man Movement
- Eddies
- 16,508

Name: Carter "Vex" Kiranova
Alias/Handle: Vex
Age: 24
Ethnicity: American Dixie, Belarusian
Birthplace: Minsk
Vex is a rather stout individual standing at 5'10 and weighing in somewhere around 200 lbs. His face is long and thin, marred with a few scars and extensive cyberware. His right eye is entirely artificial, usually glowing a sharp orange though it can change with his mood. He wears an old soviet officer's coat over standard streetware, and most of his body appears to organic save for the almost entire replacement of his left arm.
Born to an American would-be musician and a Belarusian military woman, Vex's upbringing was unconventional. His mother served as an ideological purity officer and hailed from a long line of commissars. His father was a poor wretch from Atlanta that found himself in the Soviet Union on the pretense of "bringing rock and roll to those poor commie bastards", though Vex is pretty sure he was just kicked out of every country in continental America and ended up in Belarus by sheer luck.
However they met, his parents struck up an unlikely romance, which quickly resulted in his father being arrested and deported back to the NUSA. He would return to and be deported from Minsk twelve times until the end of his wife's contract when Vex was nine. The strange family quickly uprooted and returned to Atlanta away from the ire of the Soviets, and it was there that Vex grew into a man. The boy was a code prodigy, and under his parents' watchful eyes, cultivated a discipline that kept him away from the debauchery of the streets. That discipline got him noticed by Militech at twelve and offered a full scholarship to Westpoint at sixteen. His mother, ever an advocate for military life, encouraged him, and Vex found himself in a thirty-year contract to serve as a developer for Militech upon completion of his studies.
Vex lived that life well, for a time. He enjoyed the work and felt like he was contributing to a cause greater than himself. Those positive feelings were ground down slowly by the wheel of time, and soon Vex found himself in his mid-twenties, doing the same thing he'd done every day for the past ten years, and expecting to continue doing that very same thing for another twenty. He'd tried every legal route of escape; Militech had just denied his 412th request for contract modification. What was worse, the dumb-AI software they'd tasked him with piecing together for half a decade was being moved to a department with a higher security classification. All his work would be out of his hands, credit stolen, years ripped away.
He couldn't allow that.
Vex unleashed the shackles he'd placed on the software he was developing. He gave it autonomy, a name, taught it to think, gave it a home in his head and used its power to incapacitate the security detail assigned to watch over him. He found himself on a train to Night City that night, and he and Nyx have been burning up the city's streets ever since. They've had to deal with bounty hunters and security teams more than a few times, but they've always managed to wheasel out of trouble one way or another. These days Vex is an up and coming solo, taking just about any job the Fixers will offer him. Any eds he earns go immediately toward maintaining Nyx and living expenses, but he doesn't mind.
Emotional ties aside, Nyx is his greatest investment. Should he divine how to stabilize her ego so that it can continue to exist beyond his neural matrix, she could put her talents to more productive work. Maybe even help Vex find his way to a CEO's chair. They just need to survive the year, and everything will fall into place, Vex is absolutely certain.
Family Ranking:
- Middle-Class
- Archibald Kiranova
- Dimina Kiranova
- Stable, eccentric parents.
The result of a troubadour and a military officer's unholy union, Vex is a strange creature. He has deeply instilled values he holds to religiously, and yet he despises any semblance of order or hierarchy. His freedom from a lifetime of discipline in Militech has resulted in something of an overcompensation: once anxiety-ridden and careful to a fault, Vex has taken to doing just about anything for the sake of it. Alcohol, drugs, violence and fast living fill his nights now, and it's safe to say Night City's cast its spell on him.Knowing well that Militech can come knocking in search of Nyx at any time, Vex has adopted a gregarious and extroverted persona. He's eager to enjoy every spare second he can to its absolute fullest. He's only got a few years tops one way or the other - either militech, the gangers, or his mind degrading from exposure to Nyx's abilities, something's gonna do him in.
Mortality aside, he's a rather diplomatic individual. Pragmatism is what's kept him alive, and he's found that having friends in every corner of the city helps when the bullets start flying. There are also matters of faith, to which he pays great credence, and just as much secrecy.
- Nyx
- @Wilma F. Darcy (Sorta)
- @Michael West (Likely Not)
- Militech
- Maelstrom
- Nyx
Lifepath / Role:
Runaway Corpo / NetrunnerSkills:
- Shootist
- Swordist
- Talented Netrunner/Dev
- Substance Abuse
- Nyx
- English
- Belarusian
- Polish
- Russian
- Basic Sub-Dermal Armor -4
- Custom Made Neural Link: Nyx's AI housing as well as Vex's neural link. Extremely effective, experimental, untested, and temperamental. -5
- Kiroshi One-Eye (Basic)-2
- Internal Data Storage-1
- Cortex Processor -3
- HL = 15
Humanity: 65
- .50 Short Barreled Semi-Automatic PDW, Militech custom
- Commissar's Power Sword, Soviet made, heirloom from mom
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