Theme Music: Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
Location: Charter Hill
Time: 3:00pm
Tags: @Lizvetta Isakova
House Call
Dmitri’s car would eventually break away from the evening traffic of the city. While it had died down considerably from the after work rush, the city never did truly sleep. His...
Theme Music: In the 42nd Street - Absolute Valentine
Location: Heywood
Time: 7:00am
Tags: @Anders Whitard | @Vigilant
Dmitri listened quietly, occasionally puffing on his cigarette and expelling the smoke next to Anders as he sat on the edge of his desk. At the mention of ‘not...
Theme Music: Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
Location: Charter Hill
Time: 3:00pm
Tags: @Lizvetta Isakova
House Call
Safety was where the money was, and Charter Hill was no exception. Minus the botched bank robbery that took place recently, this neighborhood was among the safest of Night City...
Theme Music: In the 42nd Street - Absolute Valentine
Location: Heywood
Time: 7:00am
Tags: @Anders Whitard | @Vigilant
In the movies, this would be the moment where Dmitri’s trigger-finger would twitch slightly as the adrenaline pumped through his veins while his brain told him...
Theme Music: Streetwalker - Nightstop
Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
Tags: @Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives
And just like that, the transmission ended as the artificial shadows that surrounded the two men gave way to the dim light from the...
Theme Music: In the 42nd Street - Absolute Valentine
Location: Heywood
Time: 7:00am
Tags: @Anders Whitard | @Vigilant
Someone bumped into him for the fifth time this morning, but that came with the territory of taking the subway and moving through the streets on foot...
Theme Music: Something in the Way - Nirvana
Location: Watson -> Heywood, Night City Subway
Time: 7:30am
Someone Dropped the Leash
Dmitri rarely took the subway. Most of his business played out in the dead of night or the earliest hours of the morning—times...
Theme Music: In the 42nd Street - Absolute Valentine
Location: Megabuilding H10, Watson
Time: 7:00am
Tags: @Anders Whitard | @Vigilant
It was hazy at first, but Dmitri’s eyes blinked open as they were forced awake...
Theme Music: Streetwalker - Nightstop
Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
Tags: @Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives
For a moment, Dmitri worried that he had played his hand too strongly. While his remark of ‘other suitors’ was not merely a bluff...
Theme Music: Russian Funeral March
Location: Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Night City
Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova
God Can See, But Sometimes He Looks Away...
It was subtle, carefully masked even; but there all the same. His message landed like a metric ton of concrete blocks. Now, to stick...
Theme Music: Russian Funeral March
Location: Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Night City
Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova
God Can See, But Sometimes He Looks Away...
An easy, roguish grin creased the right side of Dmitri’s face. He wasn’t lying when he said he had met Grigori on a handful of...
Theme Music: Russian Funeral March
Location: Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Night City
Tags: @Lizaveta Isakova
God Can See, But Sometimes He Looks Away...
Alot had happened over the past few weeks for Dmitri; or the past few years really, with the preceding weeks serving as a culmination...
Theme Music: Streetwalker - Nightstop
Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
Tags: @Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives
Harper had the grace to listen to Dmitri’s proposition, or at least the introduction of it; so it was only fair for Dmitri to listen...