Corporate Enforcer
- Eddies
- 254,375

Location: Charter HillTime: 3:00pm
Tags: @Lizvetta Isakova
House Call
Safety was where the money was, and Charter Hill was no exception. Minus the botched bank robbery that took place recently, this neighborhood was among the safest of Night City due to the large number of corporate executives who lived here. Both NCPD and each corporation's respective security divisions had a vested interest in ensuring that this district remained safe from the wanton violence that filled the streets of the other areas. That meant that most gangs had to operate on the downlow in this part of the city, lest they get the full heft of NCPD's hammer brought down on their heads. Crime still existed naturally, but at least it wasn't so brazen as Heywood or, god forbid - Pacifica.
That made Dmitri's plans all the more ripe for execution. Soon, Charter Hill would be his - or most of it at least.
There was the small wrinkle in the shape of the late Gregori Abramov's operation, which had established itself as a small bit equally effective information brokerage. Prior to his death, Gregori had the appearance of someone useful to Dmitri's own operation; eager to ingratiate himself amongst the resurgent Organitskaya in Night City. His untimely - and rather suspect - passing had put a damper on any potential collaboration, even moreso as his surviving widow had assumed control of his operation. Dmitri reflected on their brief encounter at Gregori's funeral as he watched the city pass by from the back seat of his car.
From the dry eyes, to the hawkish expression and sudden shift to alarm after his overtures; Lizveta struck Dmitri as a new and unwelcome problem to his ascent. While she did not say as much, Dmitri would not have been surprised had she attempted to position herself over Dmitri through some form of blackmail or leverage; perhaps in a play to seat herself at the top of the heap.
'Cute...' He thought to himself as he chuckled dryly. While Dmitri was far more Americanized in his view of women compared to those of his countrymen who remained within the motherland, there was a level of Russian chauvinism that could never be fully purged. A litany of sexist japes panned through his mind like a reel of film as he drew on his cigarette and expelled a cloud of smoke through the cracked window.
While such jokes soothed his ego, pragmatism won over as they drew closer to her apartment. While Gregori's death was ruled accidental, only a fool would believe that without any second thought. It was exceedingly probable that Lizveta had a hand in Gregori's death, which meant that she was resourceful and dangerous. Dmitri could not risk underestimating her; not if he wanted to succeed at drawing her in while preserving his own life.
That was partially why he was bringing dinner. He wasn't very keen on eating rat poison tonight.