DIPLOMACY Said the Spider to the Fly...

The Fingers on Your Spine
Oh how the rain tap-tap-tapped across the windshield in the flickering streetlight, smearing the glass in a thick layer of the sky's very own viscera. Oh how beautiful that sound was, like a sad tune plucked on wet piano strings - the sky's last desperate cry as it peeled the morning mask from its own face.

That was what the thin man in the passenger seat thought, eyes closed and body swaying to a song in the storm that only he could hear. Slender appendages plucked at the air, red-steel tips peeling the darkness as they played the shadows like keys. Then the car accelerated. The storm battered harder the glass. The man writhed in time with the tempo. A serpentine hair escaped from his neatly pulled silver ponytail, then danced in spasmic pulses down his pale skin and over his red jaw as he threw his head from one side to the next. The storm shifted pace, faster now as the car turned another corner. Yes the crescendo now! The squelching of cruor, the raining of marrow, the last rattling gasp of the crowd! Pure, shaking exhilaration in its purest form - art at its most internalized peak!

Then it was gone. The moment passed. The sleek bodied Rayfield in charcoal black pulled to an easy stop outside some dead building on some dead street in this husk of a city. Still shuddering, the slender man lowered his hands and tucked them neatly into the pockets of his grey coat.

We...here..." the driver's slow words bubbled in his mouth, drool spilling over his teeth pouring onto the center console as he turned to face his passenger, "...Mr....Quaid..."

The passenger's eyes rolled open and his neck creaked as he looked to his chauffer. There was a smile already splitting Mr. Quaid's face from ear to ear, the same chrome smile that he always wore - one that started with black hinges just beside his ears, then ran in black and red steel below his nose, over where his organic chin once was and then down what used to be the front of his neck until it disappeared somewhere beneath his collar. He smiled whether it rained or shined. Whether in pain or in delight.

So it was his eyes that told the real story - and his eyes were oh-so-bright today. "
Oh, not for you - my sweet little thing..." Mr. Quaid's lips didn't move, but his neck came to life with a red glow as he spoke - a sweet, digitized voice playing through some unseen speaker, "...you can call me Rory, or Viper if you like. We are friends, aren't we?" a satisfied hmm escaped Viper as he reached out with a clawed hand and caressed the driver's face. The other man stared blankly back, cybereyes dull and glazed over as if with frosted glass - but even with his jaw slack and dribble still pouring over the center console - he managed to nuzzle his cheek into Viper's palm.

Y-y..ye..." the driver stumbled over his own words, eyes fluttering.

Shhh, shhh - just rest your eyes, sweet little puppet..." Viper cooed, bladed fingertips trailing the swollen stitches along the back of the driver's skull, "...I'll be back soon and then...we'll make you a star"

Leaving the driver to sleep against the door, Viper stepped out into the pouring rain and fetched a black briefcase from the back of the vehicle. He shut the door and looked up through a bladed hand past the rain and dying neon, searching the husk of a building they'd parked outside of for any signs of life. The windows were black or not there at all, either never built in the first place or having collapsed into the street some distant memory ago. A curious place, but one no one would suspect to find him and his Militech friend. Tucking himself into the lining of his jacket, Viper entered the building and looked for the nearest elevator.

Floor 123. That's where they'd be.

Minutes later the elevator doors parted with a hiss and Viper's dark, slender form swayed through the dim light and into the shadows of the room. Humming, he gazed out of the windows and out over the blinking lights of the city. The nearest building even resembling this one's height was half a city away, just as their contact preferred it. Without missing a beat of his tune, Viper approached the man sitting in the darkness - stopping in his tracks when a burly security officer stepped forward to block his path.

No doubt there would be some confusion. Harper had mentioned that he wouldn't be alone, but Harper himself was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was only the empty gold eyes of Viper staring down at Dmitri.

Hmm, well hello there. Hopefully you weren't waiting too long?"


Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid
Running with Knives

There was something about Night City when it was raining. The water conveyed the thought that its stench and squalor would wash away for the next day, and the neon lights added an energy that prompted many to partake in the night life. For men like Dmitri, the night often served as the most impactful time of his day. While everyone was busy snorting, drinking, and grinding throughout the city - men like Dmitri were doing things that others either found distasteful, or simply didn't have the ability to do themselves. Sometimes that meant snapping the neck of a netrunner who outlived his usefulness, or water-boarding a gonk-brained street thug until he gave up the information you wanted (or let's be honest, sometimes it was just for fun). And there were other times where that meant... meeting with the strangest of bedfellows.

Reddish-yellow flame flashed brightly as Dmitri tugged on the end of his cigarette, followed by smoke billowing from his mouth. He sat in a cheap, and mildly uncomfortable steel chair as he peered through the window looking out on the skyline. The pitter-patter of rain striking the window pane provided the perfect white noise for his mind to wander in silence. He never would have guessed that this opportunity would come to fruition. Seducing @Red Bulloch was one thing; a singular thing that he rather enjoyed despite how unlikely he thought it might have been. But meeting with the Red Chrome Legion? Had the prospect been suggested to Dmitri a few months ago, he'd have thought the person suggesting it wanted to see him flayed alive, or even worse.

To be clear, Dmitri knew himself well, and he knew he was far from a saint. But there was a difference between men like him, and men like that. Over the years, the RCL had made a name for themselves for not only a very particular brand of extremist ideology, but the resolve to see their goals realized. When your ideals included concepts like bigotry, and the total destruction of institutions that Dmitri himself represented, one could be forgiven for not wanting to deal with you. But Dmitri had heard whispers of the RCL planning something big, and after putting out a few lures, one of them sunk. Dmitri may have been the furthest thing away from a supporter of the RCL's goals; but if they could be pivoted in the direction of shoving a massive rod in Arasaka's asshole, well... Dmitri could play the part of a generous patron. It wasn't his money, after all.

He didn't have an unlimited supply of Militech's funding, but he had enough to do what he needed to. And if it benefited his... 'extracurricular activities?' Well that's what he'd call a bonus.

One more drag on the cigarette spelled its end after he shook the remaining ash from its tip, which caused him to press it into the ashtray resting atop the improvised table at his arm. The elevator light flashed as he reached for another, with the audible DING echoing through the mostly abandoned level as he lit his torch-lighter and ignited the fresh end hanging out of his mouth. He could hear the footfalls of the person exiting the elevator, as well as the shifting hulk of his security as he stepped in the "guest's" way. Dmitri was unaccustomed to having security at his side; most of the time he worked alone, or with his associate Jerry. But this time, he had actually informed his superiors within Militech about what he was planning, and they decided to give him some level of support in excess of what he normally operated with.

"And they say big corporations don't care about the health and safety of their employees..." He mused to himself ironically.

"Hmm, well hello there. Hopefully you weren't waiting too long?"

Dmitri finished lighting his cigarette, took a long pull, then pushed the smoke out through his nostrils before he peered over his shoulder. While he had never met Harper before, Dmitri had done enough homework to know what the man looked like, and this was not Harper. "Looks like I still am." Dmitri responded with a direct, though neutral tone. He stood up from his seat with a slow gait; as if he were getting up from the couch to get a glass of milk - and placed his right hand in his pocket while he nursed his cigarette with the other. "Where's Harper? Don't take this personally but uh... I didn't expect you to be the first one to get here."

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Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding


@Dmitri Antonov


The shadows breathed with a dim red light that shone through a gap in the center of Viper's neck. The light grew sharper, growing like a catching flame as a sing-song h̵u̷m̵ deepened in the back of the slim man's throat. "Ooooh..." the digitized voice trailed off into the darkness, golden eyes vanishing for a moment as they turned again toward the sea of glowing neon outside, "...I'm sure he's already watching, probably has been since long before I arrived." Viper closed the distance with the window until his own reflection shimmered back at him in the glass.

Cameras, people, microphones..." a creak as he turned back to Dmitri, his slitted pupils narrowed like blades, "...eyes. He has many ways that'd surprise even the likes of you, I'm sure. Always calculating, watching, taking his measure of men like you."

Every word the slender, silver haired man spoke was like its own tune, his voice cranked out in broken rhythm like an old music box you'd find in your grandmother's attic. If the box had a slimy, painted smile. "
He was very curious about you, Dmitri. Descending from on high, back into the dust and dirt your family came from - m̴̞̋͒m̴̢̲̣̐m̸̡̟͓̃̅̕m̷̫͉̓͑͗m̴̘͑͠͝ its such a touching tale, I almost cried hearing it" another slow, bone-cracking creak as Viper turned his gaze back to the city. Without another word he carefully set the briefcase on the ground without turn his attention away from his ghostly visage painted across the city. With a swift boot, he sent the briefcase spinning across the ground and slamming into the chair beside Dmitri.

Inside you'll find a what I like to call a DreamBox - a little toy I put together in my spare time" a crackling, satisfied laugh, "you might recognize it as something like a dataterminal you'd find almost anywhere in the city. I won't bore you with the details, my ȟ̴̢͓̕ạ̵̓̕n̴̳͘d̸͍͋̓s̴̨̲̉̑o̵̜̟̓̋ṁ̴̜̄ĕ̷͍̌ friend - but it will route your conversation through the data pools and give you some much needed privacy."

Inside the briefcase, if Dmitri decided to open it, would be a minimalist set of wires and buttons and two sets of jack ports - a computer of some sort that was at once surprisingly high-tech and concerningly cobbled together. "
You can do whatever scans you like, but you must jack-in. Once you do, you won't notice much change - not until he makes contact" Viper was musing now, as if delighting in the mystery of it all, "it's the only way I'm afraid, unless you'd like me to take my leave."



Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid
Running with Knives

"Ooooh..." the digitized voice trailed off into the darkness, golden eyes vanishing for a moment as they turned again toward the sea of glowing neon outside, "...I'm sure he's already watching, probably has been since long before I arrived." Viper closed the distance with the window until his own reflection shimmered back at him in the glass.

Cameras, people, microphones..." a creak as he turned back to Dmitri, his slitted pupils narrowed like blades, "...eyes. He has many ways that'd surprise even the likes of you, I'm sure. Always calculating, watching, taking his measure of men like you."

"Lord Almighty, it sounds f*cking painful." The intrusive thought echoed in Dmitri's mind as Viper spoke. His voice sounded much like dragging rusty nails on steel paneling, combined with the rasp of a double throat cancer patient who smoked five packs a day; a comforting thought as he took yet another drag on his cigarette.

Intrusive thoughts notwithstanding, the Legion Lieutenant's words were not lost on Dmitri. He had picked this location specifically because of how isolated it was, choosing this abandoned megabuilding due to the low likelihood of bugging; unless of course the RCL was capable of bugging over 100 floors in a matter of days. Perhaps he was being observed by a high-powered scope? But the nearest building of equal elevation was a considerable distance away - so much so that Dmitri doubted any observer would be able to discern anything meaningful save for the obscured outline of a handful of figures through the glass window.

And there was of course the distinct possibility that Viper was being a dramatic asshole for shock value. Considering the level of body-horror the he inflicted upon himself, that seemed to be altogether the most likely scenario.

Every word the slender, silver haired man spoke was like its own tune, his voice cranked out in broken rhythm like an old music box you'd find in your grandmother's attic. If the box had a slimy, painted smile. "He was very curious about you, Dmitri. Descending from on high, back into the dust and dirt your family came from - m̴̞̋͒m̴̢̲̣̐m̸̡̟͓̃̅̕m̷̫͉̓͑͗m̴̘͑͠͝ its such a touching tale, I almost cried hearing it"

Dmitri continued listening quietly with a very neutral expression. Although his face didn't show it, there was more than a little chill of alarm that coursed through his veins at what Viper's words implied. If his grandfather could be believed, he had expended every last bit of his influence and clout to legally (and very illegally) change the identities of himself and his next of kin while simultaneously faking their own deaths. Death certificates were drafted, along with corresponding police reports and autopsies from the NC coroner's office that the entire family alive at that time had passed away in a 'tragic airlift crash'. Smoke billowed from Dmitri's mouth once again; this time neglecting to blow it away from his 'guest'. After a few moments' reflection, he again rested on Viper wanting to unsettle him. His grandfather was an expert at what he did, and what little evidence that may have remained after all these decades would be little more than supposition and conjecture; some desperate attempt to piece together a narrative, despite the truth such supposition may have held. "Touching." Dmitri's eyes remained locked with those of Viper's; unphased as his analytical mind dispelled whatever unease would have otherwise settled in.

"Yeah, I am a self made man. It wasn't easy, but - heh - here I am. I'd tell you more, but I wouldn't want to expose you to rust from the tears..." He chose his words carefully, neither denying nor confirming the cyborg's supposition; for either would cement whatever 'conspiracy theories' swam within his mind. It was then that Viper slid over the briefcase, which would have slammed into the chair had it not been for Dmitri's foot rising and falling at the right moment, pinning it to the floor.

"Inside you'll find a what I like to call a DreamBox - a little toy I put together in my spare time" a crackling, satisfied laugh, "you might recognize it as something like a dataterminal you'd find almost anywhere in the city. I won't bore you with the details, my ȟ̴̢͓̕ạ̵̓̕n̴̳͘d̸͍͋̓s̴̨̲̉̑o̵̜̟̓̋ṁ̴̜̄ĕ̷͍̌ friend - but it will route your conversation through the data pools and give you some much needed privacy."

Inside the briefcase, if Dmitri decided to open it, would be a minimalist set of wires and buttons and two sets of jack ports - a computer of some sort that was at once surprisingly high-tech and concerningly cobbled together. "
You can do whatever scans you like, but you must jack-in. Once you do, you won't notice much change - not until he makes contact" Viper was musing now, as if delighting in the mystery of it all, "it's the only way I'm afraid, unless you'd like me to take my leave."

His eyes remained locked on Viper's until he finished explaining, after which they shifted down to the briefcase. Dmitri leisurely smushed his cigarette in the ashtray before bending down to lift the briefcase up and atop the same makeshift table. He opened it, revealing the construct inside. His head remained tilted downward even as his eyes shifted up once again. Yet another intrusive thought entered his mind, wondering what manner of virus or malware could be infecting this machine and ready to transfer into his own cyberdeck. Misgivings aside, the only thing Dmitri seemed convinced of was that showing any notable uncertainty or weakness in front of his man was a very bad idea. There was an obvious predatory air around him, enough so that Dmitri was glad he accepted the security Militech offered.

"There's no need for that." He offered a forced smile. "I suppose I should have expected nothing less than this little 'dog and pony show'. Please, have a seat while I chip in." Dmitri extended a hand to another metal chair opposite of his, on the other side of the table. He pursed his lips and arched his eyebrows thoughtfully as he added: He offered a forced smile. "You want a drink? Maybe a bracer for your...cold?"

A faint, sardonic smirk flashed across Dmitri's lips before he sat back down. He pulled out his connector cable from his wrist, and carefully plugged into one of the ports. He hit the activation button, and leaned back - saying a silent prayer that he wasn't about to endure a cacophony of hardcore braindances.

Although he could think of worst things to endure.





Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding


@Dmitri Antonov


Viper said nothing, not rising to Dmitri's insults as the other jacked into the peculiar black box lain before him - instead he simply h̵u̷m̵med and turned his attention back to the pattering of the rain. And so it was that the shadows remained still and the darkness kept its silence...a gentle click as Dmitri's link slid into place...then it was only his breathing to break up the static buzz of the storm against the glass.






Then he'd see it. The darkness crawling like insects over cracked stone walls. Shadows writhing like a colony of eight legged nightmares. Oozing. Skittering. Gnawing at the light as they swept over Viper and the reflection that stared emptily into Dmitri's eyes...then they came for his bodyguard. Then every corner of light until, in seconds, Dmitri would be left in a circle of safety - the steel chair he'd been sitting in and the one across from him.

You've certainly taken excessive means to speak with me, Mr. Kirilov" a voice from everywhere and nowhere all at once, echoing in the synapsis, "curious for a man whose family went to such great lengths to hide themselves in the first place."

Suddenly he was there. Not like a phantom or a hallucination - but like a man who suddenly blinked into existence, occupying the empty space of the chair across from Dmitri as if he'd been there all along. The man looked to be at least twenty-years Dmitri's senior with thin grey-black hair pulled back over a wide forehead and oversized cranium. His face was sharp at the cheekbones and wide at the chin with a strong, prominent nose - all features that screamed luck in the genetic lottery or expensive gene modification before birth. In many ways, the mysterious man was everything Viper was not. Broad where the lieutenant was slim, golden tan where the snake was pale and wizened where the serpent was youthful.

Harper brought a wide cigar to his lips, took a long drag, then brought the same hand down to rest atop his grey slacks. Yet another stark difference between him and Viper was his dress - a black shirt that looked soft and fine even to gaze upon and sharp-toed dress shoes buffed to such a shine that they'd probably reflect Dmitri's face if they'd actually been there. But that was just it. None of this was there. It was all a simple illusion, the bones of a live-streamed cross between a braindance and holocall that'd been injected into the feed as soon as Harper connected.

I wonder what your grandfather would say? Would he approve of you marching into Watson so far from morning? Plugging yourself into a strange machine? Risking what little legacy his dead bloodline has left?" clouds of smoke plumed out from between chrome teeth as Harper spoke - his dead, glossed over eyes alight with a simple red ring that encircled what otherwise appeared to be the gaze of a blind man, "what could possibly be so...dire for a man in your position?"

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Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives

Dmitri leaned back in the steel chair, letting the illusion of this dark creation ripple around him. The shadows slithered, the storm crackled in the background against the window pane, but none of it reached him. His breathing remained steady, purposeful—in... one, two, three... out. The cold composure of a man accustomed to moving through traps without flinching.

Even still, the experience of jacking into the machine was disorienting. It didn't feel the same as more traditional means of touching the net. It felt... needlessly unsettling, which was likely the point of all of this. For a split second, Dmitri wondered if he had made a mistake jacking into this unknown and untested machine. But he made a decision; one not born from desperation or recklessness, but cold calculation. Resolve began to rise in his consciousness as the darkness coalesced into a solid state, shifting from unsettling to merely defining the boundaries of him and Harper's private meeting.

"You've certainly taken excessive means to speak with me, Mr. Kirilov" a voice from everywhere and nowhere all at once, echoing in the synapsis, "curious for a man whose family went to such great lengths to hide themselves in the first place."

When Harper spoke his name - his real name - a smile flashed across Dmitri's features through the connection; a faint, controlled smile with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Although Harper's opening words were likely meant to, again, unsettle him; the effect was far from what they may have intended. Whether he realized it or not, Harper's lapdog had actually given Dmitri a bit of a preview of what he might expect; a whopping 5 minutes of preparation, but even still - it was better than being fully blindsided. While the setting was of the unusual variety, Dmitri was accustomed to high stress situations.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Harper; 'Dmitri Antonov' is my name and it will suffice. So far as I know, the Kirilov name is as cold and dead as the tombstones over the graves of the last of their kin. I would say the city is better for it, but... I think we both know better." The barb was subtle, in context, yet direct in its intention to redirect the conversation. "And let's not pretend this was a one-sided arrangement."

He settled into his 'chair' and interlaced his fingers across each other as both hands rested on his stomach. "You didn't create this circus just for my benefit, and I didn't walk into it on a whim. We both knew what was at stake when we set this up." He let the words settle, the weight of them filling the silence as he tilted his head slightly, his eyes locking onto Harper's.

"As far as what my grandfather thinks...It's cute that you think his approval concerns me. Sentimental even - but it's irrelevant." If Dmitri were being honest, dedushka would probably be yelling and cursing if he saw Dmitri talking to a man like Harper; yet he would also know that business was not always pretty or convenient. "Surely rumors about my family history aren't why you accepted this meeting. I'm sure as hell not here to address whatever rumors your contacts from your years in the corporate world may have put in your ear..." He paused again, letting the subtext of what he just said marinate. His smirk grew a little broader. 'I wonder what his 'SCREW THE CORPO DOGS' devotees would think about that...' Two could play the proverbial game of holding things above each other's heads. The obvious difference was, Dmitri had the guile to say it without saying it.

After another few moments, Dmitri's approach adopted a more diplomatic tone:
"From one professional to another, I respect what you've built with the Legion - and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed you guys either. The Tyger Claws are the big game in town at the moment, and word on the street is they're getting a little... 'nervous'. Rather than trying to intimidate and gain leverage on each other, let's talk about what we can do for each other."

Dmitri leaned back once again, his calm demeanor laced with a silent warning in one hand and an olive branch in the other: the man across from him might be dangerous, but Dmitri was the one with Militech behind him— with an opportunity for Harper and his Legion, along a far greater and darker personal agenda lurking in the shadows. The question was - did Harper have the vision to be a part of that, or was he going to be a liability?

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Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding


@Dmitri Antonov


Harper was quiet as Dmitri spoke, politely listening and taking deliberate puffs on his cigar while he did so. He didn't react hearing Dmitri mention his corporate ties, mostly because he wasn't shocked that a man in his position was capable of finding such a thing out. His work in the private sector might as well have been a lifetime away, but it was a history that left its mark - even if most of it was hidden behind redactions and reports where every third word was obscured with black ink. What also didn't surprise him was Dmitri himself. The man was calm, cold, and collected - the very shining example of corporate negotiations training and his subtle threat didn't go unnoticed.

It was almost nice to play the game again. So Harper played along, letting the silence hang like a cloud over the room as he pretended to consider his next words.

Do you know what is so powerful about extremism, Dmitri?" the words left his mouth alongside another plume of cigar smoke, "If you stack the cards right in the beginning, the world will just keep stacking them for you - forever, no batteries required. Even if you did manage to somehow find proof of my past, ran twenty-four-seven ads of me shaking hands with execs and sipping on one-million eddie bottles of French wine...it wouldn't do anything but make me more popular. Everything you or anyone else says about me or The Legion has been branded a lie before you even think it. Militech could never get that kind of marketing."

He took another puff, let the words hang, then continued, "
But you're right, we have so much to gain from one another. If I didn't think so, I would have ignored you or had you ambushed. But let's not pretend I prostrated myself in front of Militech Headquarters, begging the Chief Executive to descend from D.C and bless me with their presence. You put out your message and I decided to entertain what you had to say.

So, why don't we begin by hearing what exactly it is you want from my Legion

First rule of negotiation was that he who names his price first, always loses.

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Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives

"Do you know what is so powerful about extremism, Dmitri?" the words left his mouth alongside another plume of cigar smoke, "If you stack the cards right in the beginning, the world will just keep stacking them for you - forever, no batteries required. Even if you did manage to somehow find proof of my past, ran twenty-four-seven ads of me shaking hands with execs and sipping on one-million eddie bottles of French wine...it wouldn't do anything but make me more popular. Everything you or anyone else says about me or The Legion has been branded a lie before you even think it. Militech could never get that kind of marketing."

He took another puff, let the words hang, then continued, "
But you're right, we have so much to gain from one another. If I didn't think so, I would have ignored you or had you ambushed. But let's not pretend I prostrated myself in front of Militech Headquarters, begging the Chief Executive to descend from D.C and bless me with their presence. You put out your message and I decided to entertain what you had to say.

So, why don't we begin by hearing what exactly it is you want from my Legion

Harper's demeanor did him credit, but Dmitri would be lying if he didn't admit some satisfaction from his veiled threat finding purchase. Every man had a chink in his armor. When they chose to overcompensate with strength, it usually meant you had found the gap. As they both stared at each other, it would seem they finally did so on relatively even footing; sidestepping the threats and attempts to gain the upper hand. Men like them were accustomed to the game, and in many ways it was a shame that the game had to be played; but play it they did. Not everyone was a shark like them, and sharks feasted to survive when the opportunities presented themselves, because everyone knew that famine eventually followed a feast. The two men finally realized who they really were. Such realizations often led to either very profitable or very bloody outcomes.

"What I want, is actually something you already want for yourselves." Dmitri smiled, opening the next phase of their dance. It was a commonly accepted trope that 'he who names his price first, always loses', but a proviso that many who mastered the business of negotiation also knew that if the price was already one someone was willing to pay, that tended to lull them into a false sense of security - particularly if that price was already more than fair for you. Why fleece to the point of pain when you got all the wool you needed?

Ok... maybe that was the Russian in him talking.

"Virtually everyone in the city with their ear to the ground knows that the Tyger Claws need to get taken down a peg. They've proven to be little more than a nuisance to us up until this point, but the... situation on the ground is changing." He kicked his right leg up and over his left, and interlaced his fingers atop his lap as he let out a soft sigh: "You want to punch them in the face? Let us give you a new pair of gloves. Of course, they'll be at a warehouse with a skeleton crew so that we can claim you guys 'stole' the stash. But you won't need to worry about anything more than a tongue lashing with the media and a compulsory police report. It's as simple as that... for Militech."

There was... something about the way he said that; an implied 'but' without it being stated. "There's some... friends of mine who are new in town, who will be doing something similar in Charter Hill. Don't interfere with them, and I'll make sure they don't interfere with you." A man like Harper could probably read in between the lines and see what Dmitri was asking. Even though Dmitri had denied his alternative identity, it was how the game was played - 'It's just business' was the common way of putting it. The former corporate spook probably knew what friends Dmitri was talking about.





Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding


@Dmitri Antonov


It struck Harper that this entire affair had a sweet smell to it - but not the sweetness of a freshly wrapped bouquet or pastries made with real bread. The smell of this deal hung thick in the air, a sweetness that smothered and unnerved you. This deal had the sweetness of a corpse. It was a pretty corpse, one that'd been taken to a morgue and filled with fluids to keep the flesh from sagging off its bones, but underneath the powdered skin and nice suit was something rotting. Unlike a corpse, however, it wasn't immediately obvious what was rotting.

There was no God to lay mystical stashes and golden deals at your feet. There were only devils and the curses they brought with them. Harper was one and so too, it seemed, was Dmitri. He knew what he was doing. He had friends, by his own admission, and it wouldn't be a stretch of logic to assume those same friends were somehow connected to his family and their less-reputable past. By attacking the Tyger Claws, he would be killing two birds with one stone. His Militech dog-handlers would turn a blind eye to anything that stomped harder on Arasaka's influence and in the process he could consume whatever was left behind in their destruction.

But all this just left Harper himself in a peculiar position. If Red Chrome highjacked some Militech gear from a warehouse, then Dmitri had leverage that Harper simply couldn't meet. The corp would have every justification to crack down on his Legion without a second's thought.

"That's an intriguing proposition" Harper mused, taking another puff on his cigar, "but frankly it sounds like you have much more to gain from this than I do. I have my Legion. It's established. Organized. Has good leadership. You want to build something from scratch and that means you'll do anything to claw your way to relevance. I risk everything I've built and you gain everything you need to build."

He leaned over to a table in real space, one unseen by Dmitri, and rolled the ash of his cigar along the lip of an ashtray until it broke cleanly from the rest of the stick. "
Which also means that I could choose to do nothing and watch you struggle, let your friends wear down the Tyger Claws until my Legion takes advantage of the chaos. Obviously you don't want that. If it was so simple for your friends to walk into Charter Hill you wouldn't be here talking to me, and I'm sure Militech's leash only has enough slack to let you disrupt Arasaka's business - you'd never get your superiors to agree to openly help whatever extralegal plans you have, not enough to stop me anyway."

He leaned back, dead eyes gazing into the abyss but still somehow seeing everything, "
so let's be frank. You have access to Militech technology and funds, but that only goes so far in helping build something greater, doesn't it? I can offer you so much more than a little distraction for The Claws. I can offer you what you really want. I can hand you freedom. True freedom.

"Right now your power is on loan. I'm willing to help you be a man who loans the power. A man that doesn't need to ask men like me for help - and I'm willing to do that because I don't give a damn how much you want. What I care about is what you can provide to me." again he let the words sit

What I offer is a continued partnership, built on mutual gain. Built on mutual understanding. My price will be high, but I promise you one thing - pay it and you'll never have to stoop to asking anyone for anything ever again. Not me. Not Militech. Not anyone."

"Your grandfather would be proud of the man you can become in this moment."

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Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives

Harper had the grace to listen to Dmitri's proposition, or at least the introduction of it; so it was only fair for Dmitri to listen quietly at Harper's response. He wasn't surprised at Harper's assessment of the situation, however flawed it was. Harper thought he understood Dmitri's position, framing it as precarious—a moment where one wrong move could cost him everything. The garnish of Dmitri's power being 'on loan' was cute, but Dmitri knew better.

While he had to admit that some of Harper's comments pricked at his pride, Dmitri was no amateur when it came to hiding his emotions and distilling those he chose to reveal. His face remained cool, with a faint smile that remained upon his lips throughout the majority of their meeting. Lesser men would feel the hit against their pride, and feel obligated to respond by puffing their chest out and smacking it a few times like a male gorilla in mating season. But that wasn't Dmitri.

He had a firm grasp on the objective reality of the situation. Harper was not privy to the different associates Dmitri had accrued over the years, and the events set in motion even now - all intended to converge upon the same goal. If the Red Chrome Legion didn't wish to play ball, then there were other groups who hated the Tyger Claws just as much who would be willing to work with Dmitri. He was the type of man that had contingencies built into his plans, wherein one or even two failures would be of the tactical variety; insignificant to the overall strategic goal. But the real question that presented itself was, how did he want to play this?

Only weak men insisted that they were strong, whereas true strength was as self evident as the barrel of a gun. Honestly, it was often an advantage if someone underestimated the strength of another's position, and Harper had committed that gravest of sins. He may have thought he was gaining leverage, but the truth was - he was beginning to show his hand. It would have been rude for Dmitri to interrupt him as he did so...

"Tempting." His faint grin broadened into a genuine smirk. It was time to play along: "Freedom is an attractive word, but you and I both know that true freedom is hard to come by - especially when you depend on someone else to give it to you." He was smiling, but his expression soon faded back to neutrality.

"What specifically are you proposing, then? I plan on meeting with a few other parties who might be interested in something a bit less... complicated, and who have a more accurate assessment of the situation as it stands." The implication was obvious - rather direct even. The RCL wasn't the only game in town, and they better not get too bold.

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Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding


@Dmitri Antonov


"Then run to those other parties" Harper said, shrugging his shoulders, "hire your gangoons and your mercs. It makes no difference to me. I'm here, listening to you, because you asked for this meeting. Not the other way around."

Another drag on his cigar and then a puff of smoke. "One of your associates, an underling, will sell a list of items to a small cybernetic research startup and their hired security firm out of Westbrook. They will fail to vet the companies properly, leading to those items ending up on the black market where they will disappear. Your associate will be punished in whatever way you see fit."

"That's my price. If it's not to your liking, well...best of luck" Harper had nothing to lose and nothing to gain that he couldn't get elsewhere. This deal cost him nothing, R.C.L wasn't going to let the Tyger Claws live one way or the other. The machinations of R.C.L went far beyond whatever Dmitri thought of them - just as Harper suspected the man's own machinations went beyond what he cared to know.

In the end, both men would survive this encounter. The only question was would they become strange bedfellows.



Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives

For a moment, Dmitri worried that he had played his hand too strongly. While his remark of 'other suitors' was not merely a bluff, he did not consider this meeting with Harper to be as unimportant as he implied. The two men metaphorically danced around each other with carefully chosen words, until Harper decided to finally throw out what he wanted in all of this - at least to some extent.

Dmitri made a show of pondering over the proposal, as if Harper's counter had struck a balance the previous one had failed to reach. They were similar enough, but Harper's version of the deal carried nuances that would require Dmitri to put a bit more skin in the game. Had the RCL taken Dmitri's initial proposal and raided the warehouses scattered around the Watson industrial sector, Dmitri would be as uninvolved as anyone else in Militech, and therefore would avoid any real suspicion. But Harper saw the obvious snare within the proposal, even though Dmitri had no intention of properly sinking that hook unless they had proven themselves overly problematic.

Which was likely, Dmitri was beginning to realize.

Instead, Harper's slant on the deal would require Dmitri to get his 'fingerprints' all over the exchange, at the very least by picking the right scapegoat. While he could mitigate his exposure over the tech selected, and even to a certain extent over the choice of scapegoat, he would need finesse to properly avoid any connection to the underhanded exchange.

Part of the equation may rest in picking someone so well connected, yet equally as incompetant, where no one could rightly blame him of any subterfuge while quickly wishing to just brush the breach under the rug. Hell, he could probably even frame one of his rivals in the process. A faint twitch at the crease of his lips resulted in a fractional smile.

"You have a deal. Give me the particulars and I'll make the arrangements."





Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding

@Dmitri Antonov


Another pause as Dmitri spoke. Not because Harper was playing some mind game or because he regretted making an offer that he wasn't sure the man would accept, but because he considering Antonov. He was a hard man to fully pin down. He was ambitious and had a chip on his shoulder and obviously knew enough to spar at the negotiating table - but he was also willing to put down the chips when it came to it. What he'd asked of Dmitri was no easy thing, he knew that, that's why he asked it. Truth be told he was a little surprised that the man was willing to part with the terms on the table. Did he have another play or did he simply want something to call his own that bad?

It was an interesting puzzle. One that Harper looked forward to piecing together and he was certain that he'd have the opportunity. One way or another, Dmitri didn't strike him as a man who went quietly into the night. No. They'd speak again. Harper could feel it.

No need to spoil supper" Harper mused, finally extinguishing his cigar into the unseen ashtray, then sent a silent message to Viper. One the right-hand would understand, then continued to Dmitri "we've struck the deal, so I'll let you go home happy. The particulars of the arrangement will make their way to your hand in the next few days."

As far as Harper was concerned, he'd seized the initiative in their arrangement. He didn't want to give it back so easily. He'd see to it that one day Dmitri would find a red data chip sitting on his table at lunch, or dropped at his feet leaving a bar. The passing of information was easy - but giving the impression that you could get that information to someone anywhere was difficult. If he'd learned anything during his time with Night Corp, it was that the illusion was half the battle.

You have made a wise choice, Dmitri."

Then abruptly, his ghostly visage disappeared. Ghostly, digital shadows peeled away - revealing again the scratched floors and cracked walls.

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Location: Watson, Abandoned Megabuilding
Time: 10:00pm
@Rory "Viper" Quaid | @Harper Graham
Running with Knives

And just like that, the transmission ended as the artificial shadows that surrounded the two men gave way to the dim light from the neon lights shining through the window. Dmitri could not dispel the inescapable feeling that he had made a deal with the devil; but then again, he wasn't a saint either. Men often feared involving themselves with the likes of the Red Chrome Legion, as it usually meant that metaphorical hooks had sunk themselves deep in the process.

The differences in this case were subtle, yet no less important to keep in mind. Dmitri had sought this meeting himself. While that in itself was not unique, most people did so out of desperation or idealistic naivete, or even worse; dependance. Dmitri's motives were driven by his own ambition, which in turn spawned a plot that would result in the entire landscape of Night City changing forever. Whether they realized it or not, the RCL was but a small piece in the puzzle; a cog that filled a purpose, but was in and of itself not crucial to the plan's success.

There was always the possibility of a double cross, or perhaps some attempt on the part of the RCL to compromise him for their own ends. While the risk was there, it was altogether minute to the point of irrelevance. Dmitri's cybernetic security systems had not detected any monitoring software in the link, otherwise it'd have flagged the connection immediately. But even if their meeting had been recorded, Dmitri's role in the Militech was insulated from much of the corporate politics that would have otherwise damaged him.

If he wasn't in bed with some of the criminal elements of Night City, then he was doing his job wrong. His superiors knew that, and as long as he didn't 'write a check he couldn't cash', (or more plainly, piss off the wrong people and get caught breaking too many laws), then no one really cared what he did. It was impossible to avoid getting dirty when tangling with pigs in the mud pit, and Night City was the muddiest pit of all.

In short, it was simply the cost of doing business to meet with men like Harper.

The only aspect of this deal that would require some doing, was to secure the tech Harper required in exchange for his allegiance. Unless the tech was truly of a sensitive nature that would compromise the entire company, Dmitri had enough pull and resources at his disposal to secure it without much fuss. And there was always the angle to be played of spoofing the software and cutting his losses if the ask was too big.

Harper wouldn't be stupid enough to demand something that big from Dmitri, because it would be all too easy for Dmitri to screw him over in the process.

No, at this stage of the game, trust was the key to success, as counter-intuitive as it was to trust anyone in this world.

Dmitri entered the elevator with his bodyguard and descended back down to the first level in silence. The doors eventually parted again at the street level, with the bodyguard opening an umbrella to protect his charge from the falling rain that separated them from the waiting vehicle. They closed the distance easily enough, with Dmitri swinging into the back seat just as he broke his stride.

The sound of another car door opening and closing followed as the bodyguard entered the vehicle, with the driver pulling away shortly thereafter.

A deal had been made, now for the next steps of his plan to unfold...

