One Man Movement
- Eddies
- 16,610
The ride had been dreadfully quiet for all the urgency it'd been consumed with. Just an hour or so ago Vex had been dead, and now he was sitting in the passenger seat of Wilma's borrowed Thorton watching the streams of neon flow by through hazy eyes. It was still early enough in the morning for the city to be cast in a sheet of darkness, only to be illuminated by its endless hordes of light pollutants. It was all just visual noise as they zipped through the relatively empty streets. Even NC slept sometimes, though there were still plenty of folks milling about whatever business one might find at three in the morning. Nothing good, Vex was sure.
He'd kept his mouth shut since they'd left the clinic. There were questions he was sure Wilma was going to ask, and some of his own he needed to broach. He lacked the mental energy to engage with such complexities at the moment however, and so he just stared out the window.
He didn't know where they were going and hadn't bothered to ask. Anywhere was better than @Anders Whitard's clinic. The ripperdoc hadn't seemed a bad sort but to say Vex's whole experience there was traumatizing would be an understatement. He would have to consider the extensive bill he owed Anders later, after a day's sleep and a few dozen beers.
It was quiet in his head too. Nyx wasn't always talking but her presence was always felt, and now there was naught but an empty space where her persona usually made its home. He'd have to dig into his neuroport and see what the problem was once he'd regained his bearings, though he imagined Nyx was just taking a nap, for lack of a better term. Wouldn't be the first time.
They cut a quick line through the city. Wilma was a local, and while she drove with the grace of a moose in heat, she knew where she was going. Vex placed his faith in her just as he'd been doing since they'd locked eyes back on the train. If she wanted to fuck him over, the time for such had long since passed. After what felt like an eternity, the Thorton pulled into an alley in an area Vex vaguely recognized as Kabuki.
Wilma had led Vex across Watson to the Kabuki subdistrict. Below the semi-tunneled road that split Kabuki in two along its length, were the sewer tunnels and undercity ventilation systems. The stench of sewage warded off most people, save for a few hobos who had no place else to go. A dozen enormous ventilation fans lined the concrete walls. They provided airflow for cooling racks of servers that generated heat from the massive data centers above like the business buildings and the medcenter. Each fan measured five meters in diameter; the only efficient way to ventilate these tunnels was at such scale. It was also big enough for B.R.I.C.K. to fit through.
The one farthest in line had been out of commission ever since Wilma was a little kid. It was safe to say it had fallen victim to the city's neglect and it was staying that way. Wilma skipped over the small streams of city bog, propped herself up the fan's ledge, and slipped past its immobile blades.
For his part, Vex followed along at a strangely brisk pace. His mind was a mess of fog and unprocessed emotions, but his body was instilled with a vigor unlike anything he'd experienced before. It was like he was high, but deathly sober at the same time. His entire body ached, and yet he felt he had enough energy to run for days. It seemed that Anders had been true to his word when he spoke of the supremacy of the new synthetic heart pumping in Vex's chest.
He paused as she propped herself up on the edge of the fan, a hand lingering on the lip of it as he regarded her with newfound coherence. He'd not had a moment to actually look at her until now - she couldn't have looked more haggard. She was young, but her eyes told of experience well beyond her years, and a fierce, perhaps even obstinate wit. Her half-dried grime-encrusted clothes clung to her in such a way that reminded him of a very fluffy, very skinny cat after being forced through a bath against its will. She was pretty somewhere beneath all that shit too, though he imagined she might shoot him if he mentioned it.
He wondered absentmindedly just how terrible he looked and made a mental note to find a mirror as soon as possible.
After a moment's silence, his lips pressed into an exhausted smile. "Pretty sure I asked a couple dozen times, but, -" he grunted as he lifted himself up into the fan. "- never got your name, and I'd like it before I follow you into what is clearly an implant harvesting den."