Corporate Enforcer
- Eddies
- 254,375

Location: Megabuilding H3 - HeywoodTime:11:00 PM
Tags: @Anders Whitard
A Friendly Visit...
People like to hate on the city, but it still always found a way to make Dmitri take pause now and again. Something about the neon lights mixed with rain in the dead of night; although in truth, there never really was a 'dead' of night in Night City. While the maintenance roof access parapet he was standing behind was relatively isolated, the street level dozens of floors below him was characteristically alive with all manner of The City's usual denizens. Street walkers, drug addicts, teched-out thugs; complete with NCPD patrol cars turning a blind eye to half of the crimes taking place right under their noses - Heywood was known as the "biggest bedroom in Night City", yet there were plenty who still left the light on as they rummaged about...
Including Dmitri.
Granted, using the same analogy, Dmitri was the weird kid staring down while everyone else slept; but his 'voyeurism' was for a good cause tonight. The optical zoom of his Kiroshi Optics magnified to some of the cars passing by the Megabuilding he was roosted within, looking for one car in particular that belonged to a specific netrunner known as 'Takeshi Kurosaki'. Dmitri and Takeshi were... old pals to use the term loosely. More accurately, Takeshi was a netrunner with flexible morals that usually slanted wherever the eddies flowed from. Dmitri had taken advantage of that fact on a few occasions, and it went without saying that most freelance netrunners throughout the city did work for strange bedfellows throughout their respective careers. But Takeshi was different; although he was good at what he did, he broke the one rule that's been the end of many that came before him.
Don't feck with Militech if you know you can't get away with it.
Dmitri wasn't stupid - there were plenty of freelance netrunners who accepted contracts from Arasaka or other rival corps to try and attack Militech when they were vulnerable, but that was different; it was business. But Takeshi wasn't working for Arasaka when he poked his finger in the cookie jar, or more accurately; a corporate slush fund worth hundreds of millions of eddies. To make matters worse? Some specific people knew that Takeshi was an associate of Dmitri's, which meant that Takeshi broke another very deadly rule - don't feck with Dmitri.
He was going to learn a lesson from that fact very soon, whether he realized it or not. The idiot didn't even have the good sense of going into hiding, probably because he thought Militech themselves were too dumb to find the traces he left behind. He even kept driving his tuned Quadra Type-66, the sound of which began to hit Dmitri's ears even all the way up here as it rounded the corner. He entered the parking garage, which began Dmitri's internal timer for when Takeshi would likely enter his apartment - although he didn't have to guess, since he had placed a small reader next to the access card pad of Takeshi's apartment. As soon as he swiped his key, Dmitri would get an alert.
This afforded Dmitri the time to casually walk over to the other side of the balcony; the side of Takeshi's apartment window, as coincidence would have it. Dmitri had pre-installed an anchor point on the concrete wall of the structure, with a harness and rappel line fastened to it. Normally, Dmitri would have gone down to the front door and bypassed the lock of the apartment to enter without incident - but Takeshi was a paranoid little shit at the best of times, and warded the software of his access system from such security bypasses. So that left a very simple, very direct form of entry. Dmitri wasn't crazy about heights, but what else was a low level enforcer supposed to do?
He donned the harness, and sent out a small drone which hovered down the side of the building. Normally the privacy glass would prevent eavesdropping into individual units, but Militech had access to some pretty unique toys, and was open-handed with them for the use of their enforcers. He slowly guided the drone down the length of the building, scanning each unit - pausing at one in particular as a very... alluring tenant was changing her clothes - until he came to Takeshi's, which was about 8 floors below the balcony. After securing the rappel, Dmitri climbed the railing and stepped over the side.
His feet patted against the structure, with the line holding him upright as he walked along the side of the building as if he were casually strolling along the sidewalk. His heart was pounding in his chest given that he wasn't crazy about staring straight down toward the pavement, but his biologically induced panic was short-lived as he approached the window of Takeshi's unit. He pivoted around, allowing the rappel to twist around to the front of his body. He gripped the line, and peered into the unit. Takeshi had just walked into the bathroom, which meant the living area was empty, and thus ready for Dmitri's entrance...
He pulled out his pistol and shoved off from the glass, pushing off several feet away. He leveled the barrel of his gun and fired several shots into the glass, which weakened the structure enough for his feet to smash through. He landed on his back with a thud, but was quick to trigger the release of the rappel and rise to his feet. He could hear a commotion in the bathroom (as one would logically expect after hearing a window of a high-rise get decimated), with Takeshi bursting through the door just as Dmitri stood erect and leveled his pistol. "Would it kill you to answer your phone once and a while? I thought we were friends..."
Dmitri cracked a wry smile, which was returned by a look of panic in Takeshi's eyes. Dmitri's free hand began working on the clasps of the harness while the pistol remained firmly trained on Takeshi. "D-Dmitri! I-I Was j-j-just about to come and s-see you..."
"How nice of you." Dmitri said with a monotone, unsmiling.
"C-can I g-get you some w-w-water...?" Takeshi made to move to the kitchen, which was interrupted by a clicking sound from Dmitri's Lexington. Takeshi stopped cold in his tracks, with a pregnant pause filling the room.
"Have a seat. Let's catch up." While Dmitri's words may have seemed friendly, they sounded as menacing as the pistol trained at Takeshi's forehead. A bead of sweat rolled down the netrunner's brow as uncertainty flashed across his eyes - they couldn't help but flash to the kitchen then back at Dmitri, which told the enforcer that his 'friend' had more than just dishes and an empty refrigerator in there. Seeing that he was not really in a position to deny his guest, Takeshi took a seat on the couch behind him just as the harness dropped from off of Dmitri's form and onto the floor with a thud. It was only then that Dmitri strolled over to the kitchen, and began running his hand along the under-cabinets and cupboards to find what Takeshi may have wanted instead of the water he offered.
It took only a few moments to feel the frame of a Unity pistol taped to the underside of the sink. He ripped the pistol from its mount, and waved it at his friend. "Man, you got lead in the water. I wouldn't drink this if my life depended on it..." Takeshi gulped hard as Dmitri checked the safety and slid the pistol into his empty shoulder holster. He then grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and dragged it over to about 8 feet away from the couch, where he then spun it around and sat down.
He was about to say something when a loud noise could be heard on the other side of the door, along with a loud commotion. Dmitri's attention lapsed just briefly as he glanced at the door, which gave Takeshi the opening he needed.
He charged from the couch with a knife in his hand. Dmitri had only a moment to react as he fired a hasty shot, which struck Takeshi in his left shoulder. The blade slashed wildly, cutting a deep gash across the left side of Dmitri's face and damaging the Kiroshi implant. Pain radiated across Dmitri's face as his vision blurred, but his instincts kicked in as he fell backward, causing Takeshi to trip over the chair that was then thrust into his legs. Dmitri's Lexington flew from his grasp, but his free hand was too busy reaching out to block the stab Takeshi had aimed into his damaged eye. The two men struggled for a few moments, with the netrunner gasping as he tried to will the blade-tip into Dmitri's eye socket; while Dmitri's left hand held the knife at bay mere inches from his damaged implant. Dmitri's other hand struck out, smashing across the side of Takeshi's face with a hammer-blow. The netrunner scrambled off of Dmitri, with the knife flying from his grasp as well. Takeshi's 'fight or flight' instinct veered to the latter, as he quickly shuffled to his feet and made for the door. Dmitri was a bit more physically conditioned, so he got to his feet first and reached the frantic hacker just before he reached the handle.
His left arm wrapped around Takeshi's neck as his right arm cradled around the base of his cranium. As Takeshi fought against the hold, Dmitri used the seconds he had to spare and spun the netrunner's head around like a wind-up top. A loud crack filled the apartment as Takeshi's neck shattered, and his form grew limp in Dmitri's arms. Dmitri's reflexes remained tensed as he awaited for his adrenaline to ebb away. Eventually, he let go of Takeshi, and allowed his body to slump to the floor. He breathed greedily through his mouth, but eventually closed it and drew in several deep breaths through his nose; letting each out from his mouth. He could hear voices from the other side of the door, but they eventually died down. This part of Heywood was one where something was almost always going down, and most people kept to themselves for fear of getting wrapped up into something larger than themselves.
It was likely that no one noticed what had just happened here, which gave Dmitri the time he needed to finish what he came here for. He knew Takeshi wouldn't say anything had he been alive to endure interrogation - that wasn't Dmitri's specialty anyway. Instead, Dmitri came for the chip in Takeshi's brain. He hit the ejector release at the base of his ear, and pulled the chip out. Normally, the next step for Dmitri would be to call it a night and bring this chip to his superiors at Militech, but he had a few highly lucrative reasons to bring this to a friend of his first, who could alter some information while removing a few other pieces that could prove to be... highly profitable.
Plus, he had a bum eye implant now, so there were two reasons to make an after-hours call to a friend of his. Dmitri placed the chip into a small protective case, and reached for his phone. He hit one of the speed dial keys, and the line rang. When the line picked up, Dmitri's voice echoed softly: "I need to visit in 15. I'll make it worth your while dyadya."
Dmitri didn't use the Russian term for 'uncle' for just anyone, but in this case that also usually meant that he wanted something, and he felt the need to butter up the guy on the other line. He couldn't help it if 'dyadya' was the only ripperdoc in town he knew he could trust with something like this. He'd get over it.