STAFF Rumors & Gigs Board

Rumors & Gigs Board

Welcome to the Rumors & Gigs Board—a hub for whispers, opportunities, and high-stakes jobs straight out of the Afterlife. This thread is the place where players can breathe life into the streets of Night City by sharing rumors for worldbuilding or posting gigs to engage other players in exciting storylines.

How It Works


  • What Are Rumors?
    Rumors are unverified whispers, street gossip, or intriguing leads that players can use to add depth to the world. They're not tied to any single character and are meant to inspire collaborative storytelling.
  • How to Post a Rumor
    Use the following template to post your rumor:

    **Rumor:** [What's being whispered around Night City?]  
    **Source:** [Who's spreading this? A barfly, a street kid, a corpo exec?]  
    **Details:** [Any additional context or hints about whether it's true or false.]


  • What Are Gigs?
    Gigs are job postings that can be claimed by players. They can be fixer contracts, corporate missions, or personal vendettas. Gigs should specify the type of job, potential risks, and rewards.
  • How to Post a Gig
    Use this template to post your gig:

    **Gig Name:** [What's the job called?]  
    **Type of Gig:** [Heist, assassination, escort, infiltration, etc.]  
    **Client:** [Who's hiring?]  
    **Details:** [What's the job? Include location, objectives, and any critical intel.]  
    **Reward:** [What's being offered? Eddies, gear, favors?]  
    **Risks:** [What's at stake? Are there heavy guards, rival teams, or corpo surveillance?]  
    **Contact:** [Who should players ICly contact to claim the gig?]

Guidelines for Posting

  1. Keep It Open: Rumors and gigs should be open-ended to allow flexibility in how players engage with them.
  2. Respect the Lore: Tie your posts to the Night City setting and themes.
  3. Collaborate: Use the board to build stories with others. You can message players OOC to work out details.
  4. Claiming Gigs: If a player wants to take on a gig, they must post an IC reply in the thread or message the job creator to confirm.

Sample Rumor

Rumor: "Word on the street is that Arasaka's been seen moving something big through the Badlands. Could be tech, could be a weapon. No one's sure, but it's making the Wraiths nervous."
Source: A drunken Nomad spilling secrets at the Afterlife.
Details: The details are sketchy, but sightings of blacked-out SUVs and heavy drones suggest high stakes.

Sample Gig

Gig Name: "Hot Cargo in the Badlands"
Type of Gig: Cargo Recovery
Client: A nervous Nomad looking to make eddies fast.
Details: A convoy transporting high-value goods got hit just outside the city. Your job? Get the cargo back before scavengers or corpos take it.
Reward: 5,000 eddies and a favor with the Aldecaldos.
Risks: Heavy scavenger activity in the area, plus Militech drones sniffing around.
Contact: "Ping 'DesertRose' on the Afterlife network."

Start Weaving Stories

Got a rumor to spice up the city's undercurrent? Have a gig that could bring edgerunners together or throw them into chaos? Post it here, and let the stories unfold in the neon-drenched shadows of Night City.
Rumor: "Listen, I wouldn't go to Lizzie's bar for awhile. One of my old chooms is laced into The Legion and he'd been talking about some guerrilla show their putting on during the bar's exotics night next week. I don't know what those fucking nazis are up to, choom, but he was saying they are playing right down the street from the place"

Source: A young Solo talking people up about good drinking spots at the Afterlife

Details: No one in the R.C.L is talking to outsiders, but flyers are popping up around Watson about some Red Chrome show happening soon. The datapools are buzzing with more nazi nonsense than usual too.


Gig Name: "No Light After Midnight"

Type of Gig: "

A young choom with a shaved head and tatted with Red Chrome symbolism

Details: Someone high up in The Legion wants this job done very specifically. During a specific date, right before midnight, hit the substations powering south Watson. They don't care how it's done, just that lights go out at midnight.

Reward: 1,000 Eds a runner, a crate of stolen vendit firearms, a favor from Red Chrome Legion

Risks: Security is outsourced to Militech Officers and word is the Tyger Claws have a sweet deal with the head of security. The Claws steal parts from generators that are expensive, but would go unnoticed on a city ledger, and the militech goons get a slice of the eds.

Contact: Ping a burner number supplied by the source.
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Gig Name: Black Dog

Details: I've got a gig for a team that knows how to keep things quiet. A corpo bigwig's gone rogue—ditched Arasaka and wants to trade some hot tech for a new life. They're traveling light and discreet, guarded by a few private solos. No flashy corp-sec, no Militech interference—yet.

Your job? Relieve them of their cargo before the tech gets handed off. The client's keeping the details fuzzy, but they swear it's a quick in-and-out job. Low heat, high reward.

Gig Type: Small-Time Heist
Client: Anonymous Corporate Defector
Reward: 6,000 eddies per head and a slice of street cred if you play it smart.
Risks: This gig does involve a corporate defector, which means anything is possible from Arasaka to potentially interfere. It would also be not surprising if Militech's attention turns towards this blood in the water either. This team's members must keep their heads on a constant swivel.
Contact: @Red Bulloch as the fixer, while the client uses burner contact accounts (phone numbers, emails, etc.)

Fixer's Note: The doors of The Parlour give way to various avenues to come to know things. Such avenues can be travelled by those with talents that may be deemed fit to go through an audition.
Rumor: "That Kowalski kid? No Aug, no nuthin', went into the bank and took out the Cyberpsycho. Not MaxTac. Picture that. A Cyberpsycho getting bodied by a regular beat cop- no augs."
Source: Overhead between passing NCPD Officers on foot patrol by a local fixer.
Details: Public information on Officer Kowalski turns up four names in NCPD, but only one was present at the bank robbery. If it's true that an un-augmented Officer took out the Cyberpsycho... what else can he do?
Gig Name: Culling The Herd
Type of Gig: Infiltration and Sabotage
Client: The Mongrels on behalf of several concetned citizens and even more vengeful ones.
Details: The Terra Cognita Scavs have become increasingly brazen in recent months and abducted a number of Dogtowners for their primary modus operendi. My paymasters cannot abide this continued slaughter of innocents. But given the fortified nature of the complex, they cannot afford casualties from storming the Scav's Nova Stalingrad. Ergo, you will be the instrument of my masters rage. We understand the Scavs have installed a new water purifier in order to pump the derelict structure with air conditioning. Apparently this stops the rancid smell of defiled corpses getting too much, although I doubt the efficacy of this theory. In any case, the purifier will be your sole objective. Sabotage it with the chemicals I provide and that should take them down a notch. Given the time that it will take for these chemicals to take hold within the ducts, preference is given to a less confrontational approach. A bonus will be dispensed if this mission can be completed without alerting the Scavs to your infiltration before due course.
Reward: 8'000 Eurodollars (with a 2'000 Eurodollar bonus for completion without raising the alarm) and a favour from The Mongrels
Scavs gonna Scav so anticipate a hostile hive of Slav squatting invalids with no compunction to murder or provision of bodily harm. But that is just Night City 101. What is unusual is that there are more of the scum than usual skulking around the premesis. Reconnaissance indicates that they are preparing a shipment of cybernetics out to the Badlands so it appears to be "All hands on deck" as they perform this harvest. Be warned of extra patrols at the perimeter and increased presence within the building.
Contact: Ask for Benedict Cross at the Moth bar in Dogtown. You will need to meet beforehand to have mission essential materiel issued.