Income Guide & Updates

Name: @Lilianna von Osthaus
Reason: Monthly income
Thread Title: N/A
Money Earned: Media Person (Novelist, 5k or 7k) and Scientific Director (Executive, 7k)*
Link to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs

* I don't want her to have extra Miller wealth (due to the double income), only if you feel it's appropriate, after all she's also Miller and Ingrid's first cousin
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Income Update - February

Reason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly income
Thread Title: N/AThread Title: N/AThread Title: N/AThread Title: N/A
Position: Acting DirectorPosition: Novelist, Scientific DirectorPosition: Corporate Operative, Special AgentPosition: MaxTac Squad Leader
Money Earned: 12.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000eb + 7.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000eb
Link to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
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Income Update
Name: @Lace
Reason: Montly Pay
Thread Title: N/A
Money Earned: 1,500 eb (Level 1-5 Fixer)
Link to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs

Income Update
Name: @Daiya
Reason: Monthly Income (What she doesn't get from gigs is made up for with the pittance of a Corpo inheritance)
Thread Title: N/A
Money Earned: 7,000 (Level 8 Solo)
Link to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @GehennaUponUs
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Income Update - March

Reason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly incomeReason: Monthly income
Thread Title: N/AThread Title: N/AThread Title: N/AThread Title: N/A
Position: Acting DirectorPosition: Novelist, Scientific DirectorPosition: Corporate Operative, Special AgentPosition: MaxTac Squad Leader
Money Earned: 12.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000eb + 7.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000ebMoney Earned: 7.000eb
Link to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/ALink to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: Staff Approved: Staff Approved: Staff Approved:
Name: @Luna Rothschild
Reason: Monthly pay
Thread Title: n/a
Money Earned: 12000
Link to Thread:
Staff Approved: @Nefadar

Name: @Xasha Callisto
Reason: Monthly pay
Thread Title: n/a
Money Earned: 7000
Link to Thread:
Staff Approved: @Nefadar

Name: @Angel
Reason: Monthly pay minus healthcare
Thread Title: n/a
Money Earned: 2000
Link to Thread:
Staff Approved: @Nefadar
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Income Update
Name: @Lace
Reason: Montly Pay
Thread Title: N/A
Money Earned: 1,500 eb (Level 1-5 Fixer)
Link to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @Nefadar

Income Update
Name: @Daiya
Reason: Monthly Pay
Thread Title: N/A
Money Earned: 7,000 (Level 8 Solo)
Link to Thread: N/A
Staff Approved: @Nefadar
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Name: @Omega
Reason: Monthly Income
Thread: N/A
Money Earned: 3,000ed Netrunner lvl 7
Subtract: Monthly Premium for Exec/Gold lvl Trauma Team Package Coverage - 500/1,000ed(Unsure what the rate used here is @GehennaUponUs Please Advise)

Net Income Addition: 2,500/2,000 ed Pending Trauma Team desuction

Staff: @GehennaUponUs
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